D4 Custom Controller for extra buttons

FF11 and FF 14 work perfectly well with modifiers giving players access to 20+ buttons. Your premise is faulty from the very start.

No. I think six skills is perfect amount.

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I actually agree that 6 skill slots is too few. The only way I could see 6 skill slots as being reasonable is if there’s less than 20 active skills a character could learn and gain from their skill tree (which would be a disappointment imo).

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No thanks. I’m glad the era of pc games having 20+ keybinds is dying. I don’t wanna play piano when I’m playing a game.

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This has nothing to do with consoles. It’s because humans only have 5 finger on each hand! You can’t even press all 6 buttons at once. That’s why the PC version is being nerfed! It’s because of all you 5 fingered plebs!

and it is player choice, you can choose to play or you can choose not to play

Why think small, why not make it so that you need a keyboard and a 15 button mouse and use every single button and key to play and have real choice and run completely over the top of console players with their restrictive controller

We got that type of PvP in D3 first one to hit wins
and it’s a sad state of affairs where you have to have more skills in a PvP fight than the gut you fighting, I wouldnt call that a win I would call that a poor excuse of a player because you need more skills then everyone else just to win and basically cheating with all your extra skills over everyone else

Jay Wilson explained it many times. It has nothing to do with that.

I literally have explained in the OP that Blizz don’t want to do this because they think their players are too dumb to use a MODIFIER BUTTON. I clearly show that I understand extra buttons can be put on a pad without increasing the buttons. Using a MODIFIER is my point which you so conveniently ignore to post your negative comment.

LOL I love these blatent troll comments.

I asked for 8 buttons.

Same as POE and Lost Ark. Why is Diablo acting like ARPG players can only handle 6 buttons when the two other most popular ARPGS on the market did not go this route. This is going BACKWARDS.

LOL. All this shows is that you would get out skilled by someone using 8 skills. This is the point. It’s about skill. Pvp should be about skill.

Bllizz prove time and time again that they will lie about anything. I don’t trust this at all it’s just an excuse to not make pc players mad.

Sadly I don’t think they are lying here. 6 buttons comes from Blizzards terrible design choices and not console players having trouble using more buttons.
Same is true for most of D3’s issues.

Fair enough Shadout. I know you want 8 buttons just like I do.

But I do think Blizzard would stoop to this level to defend their own actions even within the company against other devs that feel this way. Or there are no good gamers left at Blizz and it’s full of casuals that are going to ruin the game for the rest of us… This is hardly player choice.

Being a dev doesn’t mean you’re a good gamer. In fact in my experience devs aren’t hardcore and don’t understand the plight of a hardcore gamer. It’s honestly such a small thing to ask to just have 8 skills, 6 is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM for an rpg to be fun. We’ve been playing Diablo for decades, how do they think 6 skills is enough…

Fable 1 on xbox original had more abilities for Diablos sake! Fable games used modifier buttons!

Player choice would be saying, it’s fine to play the game with 6 skills, but we included the “choice” to use 8 for those ARPG players that are used to this from Lost Ark and POE and prefer a modern gaming experience up to par with a higher skill pve and pvp experience.

Instead of nerfing the entire player base down to something only low skill casual players will be happy with.

All this does is make casual players happy that everyone else has to play at their level. If it were the other way round, casual players could happily still use 6 skills. This decision is so 1 sided and not forward thinking at all for such a huge game. POE AND LOST ARK BLIZZ LOOK AT THESE GAMES NO OTHER SERIOUS DEVS THINK IT’S A GOOD IDEA TO ONLY HAVE 6 SKILLS WHY DO YOU!? Blizz please ask yourselves seriously, are you doing this cause you think it’s a good idea or are you yourselves just not good enough to use 8 buttons and therefore want everyone else nerfed down to your level. 6 skills would still be available if you include the ability to use 8! How is this not the much better decisions for such an important game. OR is it that you want console players to be able to press everything using 1 button so cross platform pvp is more fair. Because this reason is clearly just nerfing pc players because of console and is not right.

It’s a huge oversight and has been mentioned on the forums and by multiple big influencers MANY times, just like the issues with high damage numbers, only to be ignored by Blizz without so much as an acknowledgement.

No, you prove you just don’t listen.

They even said the players mostly used lmb, rmb and 1-4 when playing D2. That was the reason.

Now, that’s just funny right there!

D2 you just make 1 or 2 abilities really op and spam it over and over… D2 combat actually kinda sucks it’s just the repositioning and having to respect mobs that is fun.

It is bad game design and archaic to base D4 game design off of this.

No modern ARPGs make 1 or 2 abilities overpowered anymore the only reason people used less buttons is because the talent tree made it the only thing that had good damage and made you feel powerful.

We want variety and skill in our class as a choice currently it’s not a choice only low skill spam builds are available. How is this player choice? I don’t want to be spamming the same buttons over and over for thousands of hours.

It doesn’t matter. He observed people in the Blizzard offices playing D2 endleslly clicking those 6 buttons and decided to make the game based around 6 skills instead of 2 skills and 4 potion buttons.

D4 devs feel 6 is the sweet spot for whatever their reasoning. It has nothing to do controller limitations as you originally suggested.

That’s the worst reasoning I’ve ever heard.

Jay Wilson needs to be fired.


Whoever saw people playing D2 with 4 potion buttons and 2 spam buttons and thought that was good logic to apply to D4. That’s who needs to be fired! Reeeeeeeeeee!!!

It is still a bad reason. Having 8 buttons, or 80 (not that it should) would still allow those who wanted to mostly use lmb, rmb and 1-4 to do just that.

Blizzard just thinks its too hard for players to Map 16 hotkeys or for example to press W to swap weapons to get BO/BC buff from CTA and get Heart of the Oak summon spell from HOTO.
They think everyone is just only capable to cast the spells from the hotbar and not be able to think how to expand builds/skills via itemization or other sources.
Thats just the current Blizzard, they prefer to limit the game to 6 skills because otherwise the game is too “complex” for the new average player.

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