[D4] character specific system for the hunter/rogue

It’s okay only if it fits the designed fantasy of the class.

You could say it however many times you want, but you’re failing to realize is that some folks aren’t asking for classes to be designed as either hybrid based or pure based; instead their asking for classes to be designed to have the potential to be either one, as in a max level sorceress could have the potential depending on her weapons, skills, and talents to be either a pure lighting caster sorceress or a melee ice sorceress.

Also, even if melee sorcerers become a thing in Diablo 4, not every single player playing as a sorceress is going to be a melee one; same would go for a caster and melee barbarian and whatnot.

I perfectly well realize you want MEME META builds. That won’t happen intentionally (by design) however since it’s bad design in a game with class fantasy.

I suggest you re-read the last blog post of the D4 team to better understand this.

Well you realized wrong, as I don’t care for meta builds. The only time I play meta is when the game balance happens to rotate to the build that I’m actually playing, besides that I don’t play meta by choice and instead prefer to play builds that I like regardless if they’re meta or not. I already had said earlier in this thread that a weapon wielding sorceress with magic could be weaker than a pure magic casting sorceress (which would be expected due to the split in skill point distribution).

His post does not adhere to your attribute philosophy.
Nowhere does it say: “Barbs only use str”, nor “sorc only use int”. Quite the opposite actually.
And thus it also is not following Blizzards attribute philosophy. Though lets be real, they dont have a philosophy. The attribute system shown in the blog was just thrown randomly together. That is the only reasonable explanation.

Except for every decent CRPG ever?


It isn’t necessarily splitting its points more than any other sorc build.
Spending 20 points in Enchant Weapon or 20 points in Meteor is not something that should make you weaker.
Now, if you want to both swing a sword, and cast a meteor, then yeah, you should be weaker at both. But hopefully not weaker overall, due to the added flexibility you get from using both skills (if anything, any build focusing on a single skill should be penalized for such a narrow focus).
Which is of course not any different from a build that combines Meteor and Icy Touch or whatever close-ranged spell.

Yeah that’s pretty much what I mean.

The with magic part was supposed to describe a sorceress who’s attacking with a weapon while at the same time is casting attack spells. She would had to had split her points in between her attack spells and enchant buffs, which would lead her to being weaker than a sorceress who spent all of her points on either attack spells or enchant buffs. However, as a trade-off she would be more versatile than the sorceress who focused only on either magic for attacking or melee combat. Similar to Diablo 2, where if you go dual or tri elemental, you’d be weaker than a sorceress who focused on a single element; however you’d be able to fight more enemies (albeit less efficiently) than the single element sorceress due to immunities.

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well, but we can already see that they wouldnt want us to do that if we dont have global attributes and a sorc cant even spec into STR to gain melee damage
every character just gains “skill damage” because thats all we care about in modern age gaming
cool skills, completely detached from any meaningful stat system, blinking all over the map

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If a class is designed as an INT/STR you should be able to do that. Maybe they have a better fitting class than the Sorcerer in that place?

I know. The resident time traveller just shouldn’t be engaged.

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well, that was an attemt to create unique offensive stats for each attribute for the classes
i would actually prefer just the regular global stats on each character being the same

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