[D3] Would you enjoy a power-restrictive theme?

When I was a kid, I had to walk to school. Later on, I got a bike and stopped walking to school. When I graduated, I got a beater car and started driving to work, I didn’t ride my bike to work. When I got a nice car, I stopped driving the beater car.

I already played the game when UE hit like a wet noodle.
I already played the game when Htooth hit like a wet noodle.
I already played the game when you couldn’t find enough gold to keep your gear repaired.
I already played the game where you needed to hit the lottery to gear your char.
I already played the game where doing Lionhearted on hc got your char on the solo leader board.

I would much rather have Seasonal Themes give me something I haven’t had yet. Does it have to involve power creep? No. But it needs to be something interesting AND fun.

Season of Nerfs is a hard pass for me.


No it’s because you’re literally not making sense. I have already replied to your question. I know plenty of people that play through an entire ladder up until when the next one starts. They don’t do it because of endless expgrind.

Play for the entire duration of the ladder. Better?

This is wrong. Endgame gear and maxed out stats does not necessarily mean that character will do end game clear.

What the f. does this even mean? The only one limiting your performance will be yourself and rng, if gear and stats are maxed.

Edit. Are you referring to GR 150 when talking about “highest difficulty”?

Hence why the OP is suggesting it. And it would be wise to find out, so that they can learn for D4.

Can you proof this? Am I supposed just believe you? Always a curiosity why someone would state something they wont/cant proof…

Maybe this is where the confusion is. No the GR cap (highest difficulty) is an undefined number in this example cause no one provided what the cap is for us yet. It would depend on how strong the end game gear is, blizzard would decide this number based on what end game gear can clear, cause its end game, cant get stronger, you capped, maxed out.

I have done this myself? I have already told you so? I have plenty of friends and clanmates that did the same. Why would I lie about how I play a game?

Then what is the problem? If you attain the best gear and stats in the game it will open up the possiblity for you to clear the highest content. But since you are competing with other players you will have to work to perfect your runs and you will have to fish like a madman to get those top tier rifts. In practise this would mean that you will almost always be able to improve your clear, even if only by a few seconds. So you will basically never “cap out” clearwise.

Regarding maxing out gear, the trick here is to obviously not make it easy to get the best endgame loot or reach the highest lvl. But it needs to be possible to achieve during a season, or else it will feel pointless to pursue. And the time frame for it must match their season length and not require you to play 15h/day because otherwise it will just be discouraging.

  1. Lots of my friends do this.
  2. Lots of the entire player base do this.

Whilst your personal attestation works for the first one, it isn’t sufficient to warrant the second one.


Brah… I’ve come to a conslusion your just trolling me now. Go find someone else to bully. Our discussion on this topic is done.

Meaning I can’t speak for the entire playerbase? Fair enough. But I am not making dramatic claims, only that the vast majority of those that start a new season quit a few weeks into into it, maybe a month tops. This is very typical for D3, and APRGS in general, although PoE tend to keep their player activity high for a bit longer from what I’ve noticed.

Yeah you’re right. Usually I have pretty good reading comprehension but I can’t for the life of me understand your posts.

Think this might be the worse idea I’ve seen posted on the forums. Yeech.

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Now you’re not just saying lots of them do something, now you’re saying the vast majority (i.e. way more than half) of them do something.

It’s fine, you can choose to be a stubborn goat and ignore the obvious but I shouldn’t have to convince people of what they already know.


Those spikes represent surge in activity with new a league (accompanied by either small patch, big patch or expansion). You’d have to be one ignorant person to believe the D3 concurrent playerbase curve would look much different, especially with regards to seasons.

Most of the D2 players stopped at Lv80+, and those who are still playing probably still hunting their gear, a trader or want to get Lv99.

The same goes for many D3 players that had stopped playing at P800~P1000, or completed the seasonal journal. The one that still playing D3 season because they want to level their paragon and smashing the GR150.

If you put a cap, especially a low cap such as P800, nothing really changed for those D3 players who always stopped playing at P800 or completed the seasonal journal. The only player that will get affected by these caps will be those who like to hit 5k paragon or clearing GR150 in every season.

I don’t mind if there is a cap for D3 Season, but P800 as the cap is too low and extremely reachable, some even reached in 1 or 2 days, and removing a legendary item or set item is just making the game boring because the true meat of the D3 is always about legendary powers.

But if I have to choose between P800 as the cap or removing legendary item/set item for a season, then I would prefer P800 as cap then.


This season, I completed Guardian in a little over 24 hours played, on day 3 of the season, with way less than 800 paragon. Do you really want a season theme where it’s so tiresome that people quit within the first week?

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That season would set the record for least players participating. The. Idea. Sucks.

You’ve been around long enough to know why, I shouldn’t have to spell this :poop: out 8 years later.


P800 cap would rock. Even better if it also was combined with Pandemonium killstreak buff.

It would only leave you with nothing to do after reaching 800 and getting ok gear.

Blizzard is trying to keep the D3 playerbase alive because it will be the backbone of their D4 customers. Driving them off with a botched season would be very counter productive.

Nothing to add to this.

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I already wrote I am open to bets from anyone that the participation in such Season would be quite good (better than the current one). If you don’t want to bet on that, but you are hating the OP idea in your posts I’d consider you are simply trolling.

A non-troll poster standing behind his words has to have nothing against betting.

I’d love to see a season with some type of challenge brought to the game, instead of ways to make the game easier to get dat GR# higher than you’d be able to otherwise.

Problem is, I’m pretty sure the bulk of the people want temporary buffs, so they can get to GR pushing much sooner or so they can push a higher GR than their skill is capable of sooner.

Personally I’d still like to see them do a season of no +x% damage bonuses on sets or legendary gear. Without those damage bonuses holding your hand on how to build a character, maybe we’ll see more unique builds pop up for a season instead of the same handful per class. The items would still have their legendary power of course, just not the huge damage bonuses.


There we go, some critical thinking. So the question then becomes which level to place the cap on where it will benefit the most.

We’ve been over this already. People don’t want to bet because it feels like a random irrelevant thing to do online. How are you going to enforce the bet? What’s the cost? Potentially being wrong? That can work without a bet.

But I agree with you that this seasonal theme would probably bring more players back than the current one. Though in my eyes a simple level cap with adjusted exp formula would be a better solution. Looking at it longterm then yeah, something needs to be done about this crazy power curve but D3 has strayed so far off course that it’s difficult to bring it back now.

There’s nothing stopping them from also adding interesting new mechanics along with the cap so that the gameplay feels fresh aswell.

In the case of this bet it’s pretty simple - the stake equals 1.5 x the amount of money that would cost the programmers to make such theme (since we have to pay them after the D3 team agrees to do such thing for a month). Then at the end of the month Matthew would confirm the result of the bet.

Everyone wins - D3 team tests new theme for free (sponsored by the bettors) and the bettors see whether they are right/wrong.

Don’t forget if such thing is decided it won’t be against the rules of the bet to stimulate the D3 player base with a prize money for the rank 1 LB spots. You see where I am going?

When you can play this way if you want to just by not equipping any legendaries or spending your paragon points, why would you expect anyone else would spend money to have this forced onto everyone?

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