[D3] Would you enjoy a power-restrictive theme?

If such is the case, are they playing because they enjoy seasons, or are they playing because they get shinies?

I imagine if such a theme happened, a ladder would still exist after all to compete for ranks on.

Gr 25 was never difficult. When greater rifts were introduced, T6 was already a farming tier. A gr25 back then would compare to 90 nowadays.

D3 is about using the legendary power to change your character playstyle. Capping to yellow items or removing it just make the entire game boring.

For example:

My Lv30 Wizard with no gear can use disintegrate spell.

MyLv70 Wizard with full yellow items can use disintegrate spell except this time, it hits harder.

The end.

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Then keep the legendary powers on the items but remove all +xxxxx% damage bonuses on all equipment. Then you can still change your playstyle while keeping the concept intact.

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Blizzard said that they won’t do the number squish for D3. So I doubt that they will remove xxx% damage from D3 for a temporary event.

Best idea to reduce the playerbase and potentially kill the game.

This seems okay, things being reduced to make the game more difficult is okay with me, but restricting something to a certain limit/cap is a big no-no for me.

One of my ideas was losing a paragon level every time you die. lol

Season of Death? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am open to bets (from anyone, Matthew too if he reads this) that a Season with caps will be more played than the current one.

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Anything that makes our endgame easier is the reason why people continue playing seasons. Season 19 is a perfect example of that.

3 End Game Goals:

  • Paragon Climbing
  • Better Gear
  • Augments

Season 19 made paragon climbing signifcantly easier. Why play non-season when a season P1300 character can run GR120 faster than a P3000 non-season character? Why do end game in non-seasons if you can do it faster and easier with the seasonal buffs.

Some seasonal ideas for each:

Paragon Climbing - anything that give us at +10 or higher GR boost.

Season 19 gave us a huge GR boost allowing solo players to clear GR150. You could speed run 140+ for paragon climbing. This new season with any 3 items in the Kanai’s isn’t going to be much a GR boost.

Better Gear - anything that makes getting gear easier

  • triple the bloodshard drop
  • reduce cost of upgrade rare items
  • reduce cost of reforging
  • increase rate drop for legendaries and primals
  • double bounty mats from caches or more double caches (again)

Augments - anything that makes augment easier

  • double the upgrade chances
  • increase the percentages of success of +9GRs for 100% (100% chance to level a gem to 90 if you run GR99) to +1GR for 100%
  • augments are +10 higher than the gem you’re using - so a level 100 gem would give you a level 110 augment

I’m curious, why would you continue to play the game when the game has caps? Like for example if you reached the cap for legendary gems and no more main stats can be gained. You cant get stonger cause you reached the cap. There is no more “the more you play the stronger you get”. What reason(s) do YOU have to play througout rest of the season? Once you hit that wall where no progression can be gained anymore what will you be doing?

I think most players would just stop playing and wait till next season, but perhaps you can provide some info why someone would continue to play a game once no progression can be made.


Then explain why people still play D2 ladders?

To push GRs. And finally it might actually be worth doing it.

Besides, 95% of those that run season drop out after a couple of weeks. And they still have endless of paragons to farm. So clearly that is not an effective incentive. Actually it only works for zombies. The OP also mentioned slower progression, meaning it will take you longer to reach certain goals. If it takes 2 months roughly to find the gear and get closer to the cap then you will see that players will be keen to play for those 2 months and reach that goal. But if the goalpost is infinite then they cba. As of now, most players quit when gear progression is almost done and you start chasing that +5 and tiny % upgrades.

I think you just need to make the game harder. Yes reducing some OP and balancing builds gets you part of the distance. But please bring on more elites, more demon packs, more variance with elites abilities. I realize this from a hardcore perspective is like walking over a cliff, but it would make everything more challenging, and entertaining.

Who and for how long? Do you actually know anyone who started playing from a ladder reset that continues playing it now? Or you just read it somewhere that there are and assume that there are? You just see names on the ladder and think they are real players and/or long time players?

I thought this would be obvious but once you reached cap the game should let you do the GR cap. Why would a game have something unachievable? If you put a cap on your own strength it should match the difficulty cap so that your able to do that. So reaching cap MEANS reaching cap, you finished, you’ve done it all, your done with the game. There is no higher GR to climb cause you reached the cap.

This I agreed with. Making the game more difficult, but I dont agree adding more caps to certain aspects of the game.

The entire D2 playerbase that participated in ladder back in the days? Nowadays there are less players and most won’t follow through an entire season. Games old, but the concept of a cap worked perfectly then, and it can now. Examples are PoE which keep players hooked for longer than D3 does during seasonal resets. PoE has caps.

No, reaching lvl cap/gear cap does not automagically mean you reach the max potential of your character. That part takes effort and a heck ton of fishing. The fishing process has its own problems but that part doesn’t go away with a cap. And I can promise you that there will be many more interested in pushing if they don’t have to grind exp for the entirety of a season. The way the game is now, many players don’t even attempt to push because it simply feels pointless.

Progression should eventually reach a point where it is no longer possible to improve the character, even for a zombie/botter. At that point those players need to take one real good look in the mirror and ask themselves “was it worth it?” and then move on with their lives instead of begging for some more progression like some junkies.

Seems like a thread full of posts by people who either didn’t play or don’t remember D3 at launch. I’ve had my fill of doing no damage and dying so often you can’t afford to repair your gear. Hard pass.


You just contradicted yourself, says no then says you can but it takes fishing. When did I say automatically? lol?

Some would agree to that, some would not, that is purely opinion based its not should be or should not be. Unfortunately for those looking for that, D3 is not it.

Why do you reply with this? Do you even understand what I wrote? I myself participated in ladders in D2 and kept going untill the next reset. I have never once completed a full ladder in D3 even though there is endless expgrind here. Clearly ENDLESS progression is not the main reason for continuing playing a ladder or not.

Where is the contradiction? You are talking about a scenario where you reach your cap and can’t progress any further. I am telling you that the only cap you can realistically aim to reach is the gear one (and exp if they implement it), after that the possibilities of pushing are almost endless since you are competing against other players. Every minute/second will count in improving your clear. The hypothetical scenario of where you reach the theoretically highest GR for your character will rarely if ever occur.

Sure, but the fact is the majority of the players quit seasons well before they reach any sort of cap. Therefore, we can absolutely say that grinding exp like a hamster is not something most players care about doing. There are ofc exceptions to this, but I am convinced there are plenty more that do not enjoy it and would prefer the loothunt being the main grind of the game.

There’s no contradiction. You can’t reach the cap (max GR) on all classes during one Season with such theme. And if we include set LBs it gets even more interesting.

But yeah… For those that want to grind the +5 main stat there is no help.

It can seem that way to you cause you try to stray further away from the point with adding in unecessary information lol. Trying to be “correct” in an opinion based discussion.

Doesnt make any sense. Completed a ladder?

You didnt understand. If you have end game gear and maxed out your stats. That character would be doing end game clears. Why would a game limit you at a certain strength and not allow it to clear the highest difficulty?

This is an endless argument tbh. More players joining in and playing longer in the case of “mindless repetitive grinding with caps vs mindless repetitive grinding with endless progression”, we wont know unless blizzrd actually does it and we see it for ourselves.