D3 turns 10 next week

Because development costs money? That aside, who are these “We” you talk about? It’s not like the D3 community has a single focused will on how the game should be.

Pointless response. :roll_eyes:

Not when they already developed it. The suggestion is turning on previous season benefits, which would cost them nothing as they already put the work into making them. As for focus… They certainly know by now which ones we loved (s24 and 25) and which we hated (s26).

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You keep using “we” as your opinion is universal. Sure, the vocal minority that spends time on the forums might be largely in your corner, but that’s a tiny fraction of the player base.

If you played the game you would notice the big drop in players early on in the season, and if you talked to the people before they quit… not a single one would say “OMG these droprates rock, this season is the best evah”


It’s the 10th anniversary, so how about 3 of them turned on for 10 days?


Yes, myself and all the people I know who hated S26 and loved S24 and 25. We. It’s not hard to understand it.

Actually it is. We unless specified can encompass the entire frikkin world, and you never specified.

Well, I specified it for you, so feel free to relax, the “entire frikkin world” won’t end if those of us who liked something got it.

Neither would it end if you didn’t.

Indeed. But it would bring some of us back where as otherwise it would not.

Which as I started saying, no one cares about.

Which is not true as there are plenty of us who do in fact care about it.

Other thread gets derailed.

Yeah, but you don’t really matter in this regard, as none of us lowly players does.

Maybe we’ll get a Feat of Strength to add to our Achievements.

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Yup I think this plus a tmog armour, 10 year pet and wings.

Go big n bold, it’s 10 years.


It’s amazing how quickly 10yrs has flown by. Still feels like yesterday that my bro and I got hooked on the D3 open beta. I thought… “Finally! An ARPG that doesn’t make me feel like hoarding stat and skill points because I don’t know what gear/skills I will be using next!”. Not only that but D3 encourages me to try different skills too.

Of course, now we have FOTM skills/runes and everything has been min/maxed but at the time… for that first year of play for me at least… this was the ARPG that ticked almost all the boxes (always online internet was an issue then for me… especially since AU had no server).

My guess is this too. Similar to the D2 anniversary with the Baal wings. Of course, one does wonder what they will do… maybe Diablo’s spikes and tail?

I’d take double bounties. Double petrified screams would also be nice but that would still be too low IMHO and my current challenge is finding enough good ancient items to aug so double bounties would be better.

Auction House returns!

Critical Mass passive returns!


They are going to make players happy by running all the Seasonal Themes for the duration of this season. The problem is, they are going to do it COE style, where 1 Theme is active for 5 seconds, then the next Theme for 5 seconds, and so on and so forth.


They will release Inferno difficulty, so I can use Revenge with my barb wielding a shield and a rare sword.

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