its not relevant if its needed or not it is within our grasp so why shouldn’t we? if it makes live easier u cant blame the players; blame the makers.
D3 displays by default more than enough information. I don’t see any features in THUD that are necessary.
not necessary, but an addition to
Why use a vacuum cleaner instead of a broom…
that’s not true, is pretty relevant, and those “features” gives severals and good reasons that makes the game easier, pleasant and smoother, that’s why a lot of people use it, and is not a secret for anyone
in fact there is never enough information, but in the wrong hands information could be a pretty dangerous thing, i think u have never seen more information, and you are satisfied with the less information you have.
If D3 dispayed the location of elites on your map, completely reveal the whole map and allow us to have the map always ON (not just on a push of a button to see it…) than no one would use THUD or at least much less players than now.
I don’t know how THUD works, but if it reveals the whole map than it gives a HUGE advantage to all players that use it whether they run Rifts/GRs or Bounties…
THUD also makes pushing highier GRs much easier as it shows you the location of elites on the map, so you can just run from elite to elite without the worry that you end up in a dead end…
If the gameplay options in D3 allowed us to at least turn on or off if we want to have our map revealed all the time, allow the map to be be always on after hitting the “map” button (like in D2 LoD) or show us the location of elites, there wouldn’t be so many players using THUD…
OK, what info does THUD provide that is not by default available in D3 and “makes game easier, pleasant and smoother” and is not classified as cheating?
You can find videos on Youtube which demostrate how THUD works and what it shows. It shows enemies on the minimap, map exists on the minimap while they’re still offscreen, elite affixes onscreen while they’re still offscreen, etc. Basically shows a lot of info before one is supposed to see.
So far I’ve seen absolutely not a single feature in THUD which is needed in any form. So far all I’ve seen is excuses, excuses and even more excuses from those advocating cheats.
It’s cheating, period. Anyone arguing otherwise is incorrect. It provides information before players can legitimately get it-otherwise known as cheating.
what about cooldown countdown on your skills; stats and buffs of other players, easier viability on ancient and primal drops; amount of pools you and party members have, sticken stacks and many more information that you can know (Without hud) but otherwise have to writedown or check in menu or have to access some other weird way.
next time think about it when you in the middle of a rift ask ur buddy what’s his cooldown is on LoD, thats info that you would not have without discord.
Cooldown is graphically displayed by default, that is the intended way. Stats and buffs of other players which are not displayed by default are not meant to be seen. Stricken stacks are not supposed to be seen. The list goes on.
You are making excuses to advocate cheating.
But it is information that you have, and is provided by the game, you can also count in your head put your alarm on and you have the same result. well hope u get my point.
OK, where does the game by default provide information about Stricken stacks? Those are calculated for each enemy individually. Where are stacks displayed by default?
Hooray! you found one flaw in my point but, ok i agree maybe not that one specific. As I said that “yes THUD cheating” because of some of the information you get is. But not ALL information the THUD provides you is a cheat by default. I mean information that is already available to the player in the current UI should be better visable, or easier visable. The devs didnt wanted to give us that; thus THUD was created.
(And not being able to see stricken stacks is imo just bad game design. All buffs should be visible else you cant check if they work).
Yet 100% of it is unnecessary.
Point being is that even if you peel off every cheat feature, the remaining ones are already displayed clearly enough by default ingame. They are not needed. If one needs any of them, that player is a rubbish player.
Stop making excuses.
You remember that we didnt see primal drops two seasons ago? that was one of the things THUD already provided us and the developers took that idea and implemented it in the game. And i am pretty positive many other of such improvements will follow in the future. So yea its your opinion that the game is perfect as it is, and improvements on UI are not necessary; but im pretty confident in saying that the majority of the community agrees with me that the UI as it is isn’t perfect and can use some tweaks.
therefore I am not making excuses; i see where the game can be improved and i agree its up to the devs to implement those and decide what’s cheat or not (and not the players). But right now I can see why some people choose too use THUD as improvements are made slowly. And THUD is there already free within reach and not activly punished…
Not exactly right. Can you please enlighten us what is the difference between Monk passive Determination(Each enemy within 12 yards increases your damage by 4%, up to 20%) vs Relentless Assualt (you deal 20% more damage to enemies that are Blind, Frozen or Stunned ) ??
Can you please also enlighten us why wiz passive power hungry/audacity is multiplicative damage despite tool tip writes “additional damage” ? How Glass canon tool tip increase all damages by 17% additive damage?
Not all info is displayed clearly by default game, especially those required to value actual return % of various stats. These are crucial in optimizing builds to perform at the highest level, yet the default UI does not show it. These are widely accepted by ALL player base. In your theory, all players that ask for guidance are rubbish players since most of the advance mechanic are tested with aid of d3planner or thud.
Can you also please enlighten us what is the ICD for stricken/obsidian of zodiac and how players found it in the first place?
Its common knowledge current UI of d3 is incomplete and tool tips are misleading. No we do not need map hack for GG players. All players are associate with it in some sense by following streamer/d3planner/icy veins/d3fans guides.
thank you for explaining it more detailed. ^^
It’s worth adding to, that it’s also illegal for blizzard to read the memory of other applications (and indeed the applications running on the host system) - this is the sole reason anti-hacking measures are such a complex affair.
I’ve been in computer forensics for years, and can tell you hands down that this, just like hacking, is an endless, tiring game of cat and mouse. Hackers will search for as many bugs or methods they can utilise as possible, so when the ‘in-use’ exploit or methodology is patched and/or no longer deemed viable, they will roll-out a new method to acheive the same thing, then aquire another backup method. The game continues. This is a popular approach used in console hacking as the methods for getting any level of access to the system are finite.
Blizzard could dedicate 6 months of hard graft to fix an exploit or develop an anti-cheat system, only to have it shattered in under 24 hours - that is the penultimate reality of the situation.
Looking at the issue from this perspective, they took a good approach by taking bot developers to court (and winning), to act as a deterrent, although this of course won’t work in many cases. Actively pursuing and banning players on top of filing law suits against bot creators would act as both a deterrant and give the creators a lot of work to do. Its staying on top of it which will become tedious and expensive.
Wow. Thanks for the “explanation.” That video simply conveys what Blizzard wants the public to believe their stance is on the matter, while in fact they are simply reinforcing what the TOS say. They have to. They have no other choice.
The official line is just as Meteorblade says:
Exactly. And in all the years TurboHUD has been available, and despite the fact that it is obviously in violation of the TOS, and notwithstanding any tools that Blizzard has or actions that they may take to detect and ban users of the add-on, not a single person in the company has ever received an instruction from anyone else to send this guy an email and tell him to stop development of the program.
So Blizzard has its black and white hard line on the topic within the TOS, which everyone loves to quote, they have their public relations stance on it, which they convey in the video that MicroRNA so magnanimously posted, and then and then they have the utterly simple act of sending an email to the developer of TurboHUD, which anyone in the company could do, but which Blizzard still have not done.
There is the source of your “gray area,” and the source of the continuing argument and speculation on the status and fate of this add-on.
And although this topic has been beat to death over the years, and it’s fairly obvious that Blizzard isn’t going to send an email, the insecure continue to complain about it.
Also, it seems as if this topic has degenerated into a “battle of the trolls,” so I won’t be revisiting it, except to correct typos, which I did once.
also illegal for blizzard to read the memory of other applications
Absolutely, hacking and against EULA. Its just clown like some players heavily against thud yet embraces d3planner which fundamentally is the same.
Blizzard has remained mute, though the MVPs, and even some CM’s, have aligned themselves with the first type of player described here. But blizzard has never opined.
Here is what you wrote. My link/video clearly demonstrates that Blizzard/ developers have “opined.”