That’s interesting… I played a lot of WC3 but didn’t own a PC for Reforged but still cool that they support it.
I’d hope that by the time a D3 remaster comes out, it’ll include support for higher frame rates as well. I greatly appreciate sharper textures, ambient occlusion, ray tracing… but frame rates. Sticking to console… 60 frame cap is kind of sad for a game this fast paced.
Yeah, Warcraft just today had a special Warcraft Direct for its 30 year anniversary.
WoW got stuff announced, and also Warcraft 3 Reforged.
Grubby talks a bit here on a video he uploaded today about the new graphics options that will be added, in which you can adjust if you wanna use Classic graphics, Classic HD graphics, or the Reforged graphics:
^^ time stamp 21:35 minutes
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Blizz absolutely isn’t working on this and unfortunately I don’t think they ever will for the same reasons that Blizz management killed off the game after the dev team finally fixed so many of the problems and the fans were starting to really enjoy it.
Personally I would love to see D3 get that treatment, but if it did happen it wouldn’t happen for many more years. Realistically D3 was nearly 10 years old before D2 was remastered. D4 has only been out 2 years…
Nice. It really is cool that they did that. I have little to no faith in Blizzard but I give credit where it’s due.
They’ve made more off Candy Crush than all of the Diablo games combined…
I have a plant that annoys the frek out of me but after everything i just can’t get rid of it.