The old patch notes URL no longer works.
I also tried appending “game/patch-notes/” to the D3 home page URL and that does not work either.
Is there a new web address to the patch notes?
The old patch notes URL no longer works.
I also tried appending “game/patch-notes/” to the D3 home page URL and that does not work either.
Is there a new web address to the patch notes?
It’s in the launcher, at least i only found it there. If that’s what you’re looking for.
Thank you. However, I wanted to be able to look up all of the patch notes going all the way back to vanilla D3. We use to be able to view them all on the website but the URL no longer works.
Perusoe put together this thread for precisely the reason you mention…
I was also thinking about where all those informations went.
Perusoe’s thread needs to be in the sticky area of the general forum.
It does, unfortunately I doubt that’ll happen.