D3 literally better than D4. IT'S A FACT

i’m always right. except for one time. the lord works in mysterious ways.

i hate to not say i told you so.

Solo self found with multibox robot support. sounds a lot like DIABLO 4 SEASON 3.

Name one thing Bravata has ever been wrong about. There is none.




You serious?

Just the other day he claimed WD is 20 GRs behind other classes. The evidence disproves that claim.

There are numerous other examples.


Exhibit A…


I was just thinking about that legendary case!


Just one? :frowning_face::rofl:


He can’t even tell the difference between fact and opinion.
What game is better than others is a matter of personal preference.
Granted, I am of the same opinion in this case but it still isn’t a fact.
There are enough people preferring d4 over d3.

So the title of this very thread is wrong.


To tell the truth, I’ve decided to delay entry in D4 Season 3, which I’ve also done with several D3 seasons if I don’t skip them entirely, like the first soulstone season. I believe I only dabbled that season in that I did the Journey to Guardian and quit.

Anyway, point is, a snapshot of a single season is pretty bad when judging the overall health or popularity of a game.

For instance, Season 2 was pretty good in Diablo 4 and that Level cap nonsense of D3 was just stupid, so I played D4 and not D3 but you didn’t see many folks (correct me if I’m wrong) bashing Diablo 3 over it.

I agree with the OP, because Diablo 4 is at the half way to be a great game. Why? Because, in the part they wanted to make it similar to D2, is much better D2. And in the part they wanted to be similar to D3, is much better D3. I love the entire Diablo saga, but Diablo 4 doesn’t generate the hype that Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 did.

i was literally right and Jesseth’s was number 1 on the leaderboard until they nerfed it. the only argument being made against me was that the 2nd-10th players weren’t using jessith’s so i was somehow wrong. all of them would have conformed to the most powerful setup they were losing to eventually.


i am always right, and it pains you.

how many of you literally argued with me about D4 when i told you it was bad? How can you look me directly in the eyes right now and still doubt anything i say? Have you even apologized to me for the things you told me when you thought i was wrong about D4? well, have you?

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Jesseth’s hasn’t been nerfed. Ever.

Yes, Jesseth’s was on the boards. It didn’t lose its placements due to any nerf, it simply was inferior choice, plain and simple.

Donald is that you? :clown_face:



D4 definitely got a ton of issues, but it is still so much better than D3.

Saddest part about D4 however is, it seems to be on the same trajectory as D3, where it gets worse and worse post-release.


Bravatas messages are slightly too coherent for that. Even if they are equally wrong.


literally #1

except #1 on the boards lol :thinking:

Then why didn’t it stay there? Because it was the inferior choice.

why is it so hard for you guys to admit you were wrong? it’s a serious character flaw. I LITERALLY TOLD YOU GUYS THAT JESSETH’S WOULD BE THE BEST BY FAR.

a week later when ptr opened and it was playable, Jesseth’s shot up to literally #1. It was the best. At the time of that thread and argument, Jesseth’s was #1. PTR has changes and nerfs and buffs and alterations, so of course the argument would no longer be applicaple after any changes.

i was right. learn to live with it.

On topic, have we ever seen a bigger disaster than D4 season 3? I mean season 1 is close, but it was at least new game. Either way, D4 has the be the biggest triple A flop of all time.

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ET for the Atari.

CDPR literally got sued because of how bad Cyberflunk was on launch.

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Keep telling yourself that. The evidence disproves your claim and no one believes you.