D3 classes from least favorite to most favorite


  1. Wizard (not it its current iteration (though)

  2. Witch Doctor (it is fun to blow everything up (thx Barber) and/or have your pets do thy bidding

  3. Necromancer (well, it’s the third INT class and it is fast and lazy. Unless using a meta build)

  4. Demon Hunter (it is fast so so fast)

  5. Monk (the 2nd DEX class. Like the Bell monk, but otherwise not my cup of tea)

  6. Crusader (maybe played two or three hours)

  7. Barb (have I even tried one? 8 years since release. Never liked it in D2 which probably is the main reason why)

Played since Vanilla (on/off). Am I missing out?

  1. Demon Hunter
  2. Monk
  3. Necromancer
  4. Barbarian
  5. Witch Doctor
  6. Crusader
  7. Wizard

least to most:

monk/demon-hunter/barbarian. can´t decide there.

From not likely to play to more likely to play:


But to be honest they got realy boreing lately.

Oh, this is fun. Never seen this thread before. Looking at everyone’s interesting answers makes me want to join. Here are my opinions in alphabetical order…

Barbarian: Nothing is more Diablo-esque than a Barbarian whirling around in a spinning dance of death. Group games without a whirly-barb always feel like they’re missing something. They actually have other viable builds too - just yesterday I saw one leaping around causing earthquakes everywhere.
Current Barbarians on Roster: 1 (always at least 1 for farming)
My Grade: A

Crusader: Slow, plodding, horrible attack animations, and voice actors who sound like they’re asleep. Next!
Current Crusaders on roster: 0 (despite my best efforts to enjoy one)
My Grade: D

Demon Hunter: I LOVE this class. The DH sets have more ingenuity and fun built into them than any other class. But why do all but one of them hit as hard as a paper napkin?
Current Demon Hunters on roster: 1 (the one that doesn’t hit like a paper napkin)
My Grade: B

Monk: DH players like to complain how their class is treated, but Monk players are the real red-headed step-child of Diablo 3. Only Tempest Rush is viable, but as spin-to-win goes… give me a whirly-barb or GoD (they’re less squishy).
Current Monks on roster: 0 (give Uliana’s some damage reduction and this number will rise)
My Grade: D

Necromancer: Wait, wait… let me get this straight… the Necromancer is Diablo’s summoner class, without a viable summoning build in D3? I’m sorry, what did you say about skeletal mages that only last a couple seconds? Mmm, no thanks. Hard pass. I like the voice actors, but you can keep your 2 min cooldowns.
Current Necromancers on roster: 0 (not likely to go up any time soon after Rathma 2.7)
My Grade: F

Witch Doctor: These guys get my respect for having the only pet builds in the game which are any fun. But why does the male version have to twitch so much? He either looks ready to fall over dead, or like he’s jacked-up on coke.
Current Witch Doctors on roster: 0 (but if I did, she’d be female)
Final Grade: C

Wizard: Probably the best powers in the game, though most of them are pretty dusty due to the constant need for channeling in all builds. I’d make a joke about their lack of mobility, but then Firebirds 2.7 showed up.
Current Wizards on Roster: 3 (Typhons Frost, Energy Twister, Firebirds)
My Grade: A

Worst to Best:

  • Crusader - Coolest looking Class no doubt, but my god abysmally slow to play, most builds are walking simulators outside of Bombardment, but that’s 1 build option out of all their sets

  • Witch Doctor - Used to be great when Pet Builds were viable, was super fun to play, loads of cool spell effects, had an awesome chicken speed build, was so unique. Then blizzard shot it dead. It’s god awful now. It needs the love Wizard got this season.

  • Barbarian - You always hear WW Barb, but truthfully the WW on WW Barb is god awful to play when you have to spin, stop, cast, spin, stop, cast, spin, stop, cast. It’s a bit annoying, it’s not true spin to win, and worst of all it’s alternative build was the worst build of all time with Furious Charge. The Barb to me needs a complete rework - Or make Spin to Win WW actually be what it used to be.

  • Wizard (s23) - Finally back to having a movement build. Teleporting around like the old Archon days, casting spells, shooting lasers. It’s awesome now, admittedly a Bit on the OP side when you have nearly unbreakable shields. But this feels like a sweet spot - needs an alternative second good build, make Archon do something viable again.

  • Demon Hunter - The TRUE whirlwind Barbarian of Diablo 3 - straight Spin to Win…no gimmicks…you spin…you win. More Barb than the actual Barb in the game. It truthfully needs a bit of love on its other builds, but its so enjoyable to just Spin and collect loot. Admittedly it really shouldn’t be Barb 2.0, but it is, and I love it.

  • Monk - Lightning Fast, Spin to Win, Righteous Fire swirling, God of Casual Play…There’s nothing not to love. It has some awesome build diversity. It’s got the most viable secondary builds, All of them are smooth and fast to play…The monk is just top tier.

I have never bought the Necro expansion…the Necro never looked fun to me unfortunately enough to buy it. It definitely seems like it has a lot of builds, and diversity, and it’s been good for a long while, but for me until there’s an awesome Army of the Damned Summoner build/set that is viable…I refuse. Though corpse explosion does look awesome, I just don’t want to play Bone Spear, it looks dull. So this is arguably probably the true last place for me.

Most FUN to play at T15, even if it’s only one build of the class:

1- monk
2- wizard
3- barbarian

4- demon hunter
5- crusader
6- witch doctor

7- necromancer

I’ve moved to the Barb almost completely because I hate stopping. Stopping to use abiilities feels artificial to me and an ingrained time sink. But with WW you just grip it and rip it!

Necromancer (just haven’t and don’t go to buy at all)
Witch doctor (played with him my first season, but now don’t want to back to him)
Demon hunter (still not bad after nerf GoD even, and UE is not bad, high efficiency)
Wizard (Just like desintegrate, favourite spell used in all Diablo-like games)

8 months… What a necromancer.

i’m not judging by performance. instead by fluency and style.


  • WD, preferably female, just so different of the rest
  • female DH (but not male!), dark and classy
  • Crusader, both female and male. stronk!
  • Monk. male fits better, for me bc of strange female voice
  • Wizard. female is like a annoying teeny girl and male is a complete wuss.
  • female Barb. looks like a horse!

Playstyle wise:

  • DH, when ok geared. effortless power and speed. sets are actually combined to some sort of point. not neccessarily performance, but they “click”.
  • Monk. like those fast attacks vs large AoE kill transitions.
  • Barb. again, not neccessarily performance, but set gear and added powers make gameplay logical. Like Leapquake build, well thought out.
  • Crusader. Did not feel at home, felt clunky instead.
  • Necromancer. maybe it’s mechanics that didn’t click to me
  • WD. dead last, by far. either stupid AI pets or cluncy mechanics.

Try a CC Frost hydra build, the only Wizard build that is really fun. :cold_face: