D3 classes from least favorite to most favorite

EDIT: Or rank them in any way, doesn’t matter, and I just saw my typo, switched Monk and Barbarian, ooops.
I was wondering what do most people consider their favorite class in D3, so why not start this topic. Here’s mine:

  • Demon Hunter (yawn, boring)

  • Necromancer (only cause I feel that it’s the 2nd Necromancer class in game)

  • Monk (nice and all, but never been a fan)

  • Barbarian (it’s nice)

  • Witch doctor (it’s good)

  • Crusader (it’s really good)

  • Wizard (it’s awesome)

Best = Monk (love it).
Worst = Witch doctor (what a waste of time).

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Best=DH, 2nd best=WD, worst=wiz.

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I lift, so:

Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

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  1. Monk
  2. Witch Doctor
  3. Wizard
    all others trash.

#1 Barb
Wizard/necro worst.

I simply make a Tier List

A Tier

  • Barbarian
  • Demon Hunter
  • Wizard

B Tier

  • Monk
  • Necromancer

C Tier

  • Crusader (if Shield Bash would be more viable and if he could be faster, it could be A Tier as well)

D Tier

  • Witch Doctor (it had massive potential, but 1. none of the sets strike to me and 2. Firebats, the coolest WD skill, does not have a rune that resembles the original skill and 3. the LoD builds are kinda meh)

I dislike NONE of the classes, but especially for the Crusader and the WD, there are some things that are almost deal breakers for me, that also have to do with the itemization being designed around sets and a lack of good LoD builds that I would enjoy, and a few other factors.

All of these classes have B Tier potential for me.

Maybe it is because they all feel too similar at this point, that I dont really have very strong feelings one way or the other (except for the Necro!). I have enjoyed all the classes to some degree.

A ranked list, best to worst, over time (some of it from vanilla, some of it now, so a bit hard to compare directly):

Demon Hunter - I like the overall design and skill set. A fast glass cannon.
WD - Have really enjoyed it as a pet class. Not much interest in the non-pet builds however.
Wizard - spell casters tend to be my favorites in games. Wizard in D3 is a bit disappointing. Still, it is the main spell caster of the game, cant really dislike it.
Monk - fast and fun
Crusader - It is decent, very much the tanky class, and I enjoy that part of it. It just seems to have a tendency of its most boring builds also being its best.
Barb - kinda meh overall
Necromancer - ugh, so disappointing, since Necro is probably my favorite in D2. Some weak skill design, boring and limited viable builds, and Land of the Dead, drags it far far down.

Since everyone decided to ignore the order and make their own lists with their own order, here’s mine:

Demon Hunter rules!

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  1. Necromancer, very disappointing. I guess I expected too much.
  2. Witch Doctor. Pets are okay, but overall its boring af.
  3. Wizard. D2 Sorceress IT IS NOT!
  4. Crusader. D2 Paladin IT IS NOT!
  5. Demon Hunter. I liked old M6 and Nats, rest are poop.
  6. Monk. Very solid. Only class I had any luck with in HC early D3.
  7. Barbarian. Shocking huh? Only the most fun, both D2 and D3.

Edit: Should have been from MOST favorite to LEAST favorite. I don’t like seeing the Barbarian sitting at the bottom of the list. BARBARIANS are number 1! Not number 7. GRRRRR. RAWR!

You need to play more LoD builds, even if they are inefficient.
Inefficient, but fun!
Just give it a try sooner or later…

In S21 I was picking between GoD DH and Corpse explosion Necro. So Necro might be up next.

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Crusader / Monk
Demon Hunter

When I play RPGs, usually I play mages the least. That and I abhor undead things.

I’m listing the classes from the ones I’m having the most fun with to the ones I’m finding less fun.

  1. Barbarian (Whirlwind is my favorite skill, so it finally getting a chance to shine makes me happy. Definitely most played class.)
  2. Demon Hunter (Finding so many skills that are fun to play with.)
  3. Witch Doctor (Firebats made me fall in love with this class.)
  4. Monk (Some nice skills, but doesn’t quite click with me.)
  5. Crusader (Same as monk. Something doesn’t quite click with me.)
  6. Wizard (I want to love this class, but…)
  7. Necromancer (From day one I have felt like this class misses something. Doesn’t at all click with me. Least played class.)

For some reason I have never quite clicked with the necromancer and wizard classes - even though I normally like to play mages. Witch Doctor is the only caster class in this game I find fun to play, sadly. But in my heart, my whirlwind rend girls will always be my favorite characters.

Favorite: DH, Wizard

Least Favorite: Monk

Least to most.

Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor


Female monk

Hate the most

Male monk

I am serious.


Only classes I’ve never really gelled with are the Necro and Wizard.

But would have to say Monk, DH and WD are my favorites… in that order.

From best to worst:

  1. Demon Hunter: skills that wipe 2 screens at once. Amazing lore.
  2. Wizard: nice skill effects. Amazing lore, heavily related to the history of the demon hunters.
  3. Witch Doctor: has many pets and pays homage to the mythology of ancient indigenous cultures of sub-Saharan Africa.
  4. Monk: nice moves!
  5. Necromancer: best looks in the game. Not so good as the D2 necro.
  6. Barbarian: the most overrated class in the entire franchise.
  7. Crusader: their worst traits are the fanaticism and the blind faith. Also, their skills are just plain boring.

Your order is basically the same as mine, except that I have made a Tier List instead of a ranking from 1 to 7.

You mean “pays homage to the mythology of ancient indigenous cultures of South America”, right?