D3 classes from least favorite to most favorite

why isn’t barb first then?.. Still working on that poverty bench, bro?

In order, my favourite classes are…

  1. Barb
  2. Barb
  3. Barb
  4. Barb
  5. Barb
  6. Barb
  7. Barb

That very much depends on which Voodoo you’re talking about.
This one is very much from Africa…


I’m more or less okay with every class and I try to not play the same in following Seasons just to keep things a bit more interesting.

But if I really have to pick then my fav ones are:

Monk/DH/Wiz and then the rest, least fav is probably Necro cause I don’t really like any of the builds currently.
Not a fan of land of the dead reliant builds nor the skeleton spamming.

Yeah, I know, I just always though of the Diablo 3 Witch Doctor being more inspired by ancient South American cultures.

Tough call this one but I got there in the end.

1: Demon Hunter - Only been a fan the last year or so but I’ve generally levelled one every season since then.

2: Witch Doctor - My former favourite, mostly thanks to being a fan of BDD’s twitch streaming. I probably know this class better than the rest but I’ve never progressed with it like I have with a DH or Barb.

3: Barbarian - First class I got GR 100 with. I’m a very casual player. There’s something reassuring about taking a barb out for a spin with a whirlwind build. Don’t need to think too much and it’s great for grinding materials without endless keys bashing.

4: Necromancer - Love the Inarrius bone-armour builds and corpse explosion. I used to play the class a lot more than I do now, though.

5: Wizard - Probably because it was my first character but I was resoundingly bad at playing it back in 2012. I’ve not really played it much for years but keep meaning to give it another go and try stuff I’ve never even looked at.

6: Crusader - Seems a solid enough class but I just can’t seem to get on with it whenever I’ve tried to play long sessions.

7: Monk - Can’t get on with this one at all. Just doesn’t resonate with me. Easily my least favoured class.

  1. Barbarian

  2. Crusader

  3. Necromancer

  4. Witch Doctor

  5. Monk

  6. Demon Hunter

  7. Wizard

1 being my most favorite and 7 being my least favorite…


Their very nomenclature, “witch doctor”, refers to a kind of healer from some African cultures. As for the rituals, there are several similarities with “quimbanda” and “umbanda”, both of them adapted from African mythology by diasporic afro-descendants in America and Europe.

But I can see a bit of American indigenous references in the archetype too. After all, “Quetzalcoatl” is hard to miss… :slight_smile:

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Witch Doctor - favorite
under GR70 gem leveling - Arachyr Locust speed build with In-Geom (spreads so fast and just wipes the entire screen by just running by the trash)
solo push - Mundu SB
group - Mundu SB (no AD stacking so no lag)
T16 speed build - Mundu SB (stack all speed skills, manitou just kills stuff as you run by)
Helltooth Pet - love the play style (terrible on keep maps)
Arachyr Bats - love the play style but laggy in groups because of AD
Zuni and LoD darts - are okay
Jade - okay play style
really miss Sacrifice builds

LoD Meteors and Tal Meteor - love the play style (needs major damage buff)
DMO Arcane Orb - another great playstyle (needs damage buff)
the dependency on Deathwish is a bit annoying
not a fan of Vyr Archon and losing your stacks and toughness when you die

I love all the sets and all the playstyles
Hammderdin is my favorite
Condemn 2nd favorite
Valor Heaven’s Furty
Sweep least favorite

Demon Hunter
GoD HA - great play style for solo pushing
GoD Bolas - love it for T16 farming
LoD Rapid Fire is fan because it’s just tanky tanky tanky
Marauder Cluster arrow is another fun playstyle
not a big fan if Shadow Impale
don’t really like UE that much for T16 or solo push

Lashing Tail kick is one of my favorite builds
Wave of Light build is okay but the RG takes forever
not a big fan Raiment generator
Uliana EP is an okay build
haven’t tried the new set yet

WWRend and HoTA are the two play styles I like best
WWRend speed build for T16 and low level gem leveling
didn’t really like Leapquake or Raekor charge
zBarb is okay for a bit but not my favorite to play

Necromancer - least favorite
don’t like the dependency on Land of the Dead
like the new LoD scythe build
most of the sets feel really slow during T16 speeds

Haha! I misread the instructions, and posted them in reverse.

Before COVID, I could do the 100lb dumbbells for 6-8 reps, and deadlift 425. Now, probably less.

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Entirely subjective, but for me…
Barb and Wd are by far my favorites. Due to wd being squishy I favor barb by a narrow margin.

Necro, monk,and dhunter are the second on the list. I still like them a lot, some builds more than others and I will play them ever so often.

Third on my list are my 2 least favorite: crusader and wizard, which I found boring compared to the others with the exception of 1-2 builds (Capt. America, Hydras)

  • Demon Hunter. I hate the class theme. I hate the builds. I hate the play style (hit and run). I hate the people that play that style. I hate that I am forced to play a DH every season (I hate that Shadow impale is my ‘go to’ for solo 70 1st day in season).

  • Crusader. I don’t play it. No reason other than not enough stash space.

  • Necromancer. I almost exclusively played Necro in D2. Now it’s my go to for weird builds only. I just don’t like ‘this’ necro. Honestly, I’ve not thought about why.

  • Monk. Was my exclusive class in early vanilla. Didn’t ‘gear up’ well. Left it as soon as a good weapon dropped (for another class: Barb).

  • Barbarian. Was my noob class for D2 and exclusive team class for early D3. “Hulk smash puny mobs” kind of cool play style. Mostly see it as a support class.

  • Wizard. I have and always been and shall be a wizard at heart. I just play other classes because the nerf is strong with this one. I have made really cool builds for wizard only to see them nerfed to hell because of cheaters. I miss you wizard, you are my build crafters dream.

  • Witch Doctor. Specifically Carnevil Darts. If they ever turn Darts into an ‘area of effect’ skill (like DH multishot) WD will drop to 2nd to last on my list. I like the play style of Darts. I like that I can choose where the damage lands. Sometimes I literally say, “Oh you want some” while playing. I like that.

Edit: I didn’t follow the directions I did them In best to worst order.

If the classes/skills were balanced in a way that which all main skills were viable my list would be
The Potential Fun List
Witch Doctor
Demon Hunter

As things currently stand, having to build for the purpose of completing seasonal journey and playing in the higher GR’s
The Practical List
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Two thumbs way up for all those players out there that know that the BARBARIAN is number one and will always be number one. D4 will not be any different either.

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Those are respectable numbers man! Gotta get back at it though, I lost 100+lbs on all my lifts during covid

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It’s been hard. My friend has a vacation house I went to with a full-service gym with a Smith Press. I put up 245 on the bench, 2 reps, but Smith is sorta cheating. Deadlift down to 365 at most.

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From least to most favorite:


Note: I didn’t list Barb, DH, and WD because I haven’t played enough of them to say whether they’re favorites or not.

Least to favourite, as per instructions:

Full on only class in its own tier: Crusader.
I just don’t get this class. I quite like the look, I like the idea of flails and a shield viable class and the two handed idea. I was quite excited to try them. But I just don’t have fun with them. I have really tried a few times but every time I find myself getting bored a little bit after getting a full set.

B tier (I think?): Monk and WD. They are in the tier of I have never played one character of them for really long cause I got bored but I am also looking forward to playing the two of them next season cause I think giving them another shot will be fun. So not that I don’t like them, just need to get to know them.

Really have fun tier: Obviously the rest. I don’t enjoy Wizard as much anymore but I have had many fun times with them.

Have enjoyed DH from the very start way back in 2012, I am a big fan of range DPS classes.

I am not usually a big fan of tanky melee brawler guy but all of my big milestones have been with Barbarian, and I think that says something. The very first time I played the game was with a Barb the day the game came out. My first adventure mode character, also the first time I actually started understanding the game and character with proper affix allocation, first character I had a proper season with by doing speed farming and eventually GR 100 and then decent pushing. I really like them.

Necromancer is in a strange place, at the moment I feel like it is my favourite of all time but then again I have actually not played all that much so can’t compare. So I shall place it in “mystery tier somewhere between B and best”. Also I love necromancer and death based theme so that helps.

I have to agree. I do like the idea as well of a Holy Warrior in plate mail using a Flail and a Shield going around bashing demons to death. However, the game play doesn’t suit that image at all.

You have the Cap’n Murica build and you don’t hit with your main hand, you throw a shield. You have the Thorns build and that is all shield bash all day long. Yeah there is Sweep Attack, but that requires the Roland set and there isn’t a good shield to transmog with the set. Matter of fact, there really isn’t that many flails that are worth transmogging either. There is the Shot Gun build (both old and new) and again, no attack with the main hand.

The Crusader seems more like a spell caster in plait armor with a flail and a shield. Yes, as you said, you can go the route of the 2-handed weapon and a shield, but that doesn’t scream Crusader at all. Maybe a Knight (non-holy or unholy if you will) or some kind of Warrior, but not Crusader. Also, could go full on 2-handed weapon, but that doesn’t follow any builds and it would look just down right silly.

D2 (WoW, D&D, etc.) Paladin he is not.