D2R Reality Check: Why This Remaster Is Being Made

yes she was Blizzard Executive Vice President of Development when Jay Allen Brack was President of Blizzard Entertainment.

Well thatā€™s good news I suppose. Still, I donā€™t understand why their are two, If she has leadership experience then why not just make her the new President of Blizzard?

She was head at VV. When VV became under Blizzard then she was named Blizzard Executive Vice President of Development. When Brack left, she and Mike Ybarro are now co-heads of Blizzard.

Edit: 9/16

D2 acronym forum knows.

For PR reasons so it doesnā€™t look like Bobby put in a person he hand picked from outside of blizzard to be the president of blizzard entertainment because she hasnā€™t even been with blizzard for a year and was hired by Bobby, now she is just co-lead with a blizzard veteran (even though heā€™s only been with the company about 2 years).

yes this is what i have been saying for my last 5 or 6 posts.

I knew Jen Oneal came from VV. Thatā€™s why I have been suspicious about the whole change in leadership since Jay Allen Brackā€™s departure. I just didnā€™t know that after, the merger, she was handed a higher ups job in Blizzard just right under Brack himself. That I find to be rather intriguing.

she went from being a producer at Activision in 2003 to Sr. Executive Producer of VV a little over 2 years after Activision bought VV to studio head of VV to blizzard vice president to head of blizzard. If you ask me itā€™s interesting how people from Activision make there way to the heads of all the companies they swallow up.

Yeah, that is all more than just pure coincidence. Itā€™s becoming apparent that Activision is adopting EAā€™s tactics and thatā€™s what worries me.

Itā€™s fairly obvious that D2R will come out, stay exactly the same as it was in open beta. The PC will have a few server side optimizations for latency, some minor QoL bug fixes and be promptly put into maintenance mode.

All the serious effort will be towards lobbies and chat for consoles post launch. Once they roll out that update consoles will also be put into maintenance mode.

Welcome to reality. Welcome to D2R.


letā€™s be real here, the only reasons why they are remastering this is:

a) they have run out of ideas
b) they want to milk an old IP by using as little money as possible for max profit.

i mean they are charging almost enough for a full game after all.

so donā€™t kid yourselves that they are doing this for the ā€˜fansā€™: itā€™s a pure money grab and nothing else.

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Both can be true, welcome to capitalism.

The remaster is being made simply because it is one of the last great games of Blizzardā€™s past that needed remastered. They did Starcraft, WC3 (to failure), provided an arcade collection, and now we get D2R. Diablo 1, no matter how beloved of a game to start a franchise, is not a game really worth remastering to any major fashion; GoG were given the rights, they updated the game to work on modern platforms, gave it an HD filter, added the non canon expansion, and itā€™s done.

Will D2R get some updates? I believe so. They have hyped this release, and unlike the other remasters (outside of the arcade collection), this is being put to consoles as well. They have surveyed features for the game not once, not twice, but three times since reveal. They have engaged the community through Twitter, Reddit, Instagram. They have not really engaged the official forums, but who can blame them, this is a pretty toxic place to be honest.

They have listened to feedback post Alpha, listened to feedback from all community sectors, and have updated the launch version of the game accordingly. They probably meant for more features to launch with, but redoing a good deal of artwork based on community feedback I would assume took more time than they thought (including the character models, even if they didnā€™t change them back to the original young versions).

Blizzard supports games post launch. Diablo 3 has still been receiving updates, despite the hardcore D2 crowd thinking the game is a garbage bin firepit and has a dead community. While they are probably not going to massively change the game, they will add new features unless they change their mind due to a toxic community, and most communities outside of this forum and jsp are very receiving to updates.

Now, I may be wrong. But all signs have pointed to some updates.

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Sorry youā€™re not convinced weā€™re getting ladder. How jaded you must be from your life.

Umm actually they are doing it because they love me and they knew it would make all my dreams come true.


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No it was for me! /signed no changes to loot.

Every post is so dramatic lol. Like this one making a huge assumption. What if the reason is they just want to sell a bunch of games and only having to skin it.

Just be happy its coming out. Ignore anyone asking for huge changes. Replying to their post just bumps it.

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Yeah right, just like how Blizzard did remaster on Starcraft 1 brood war for upcoming Starcraft 3, 4, and 5 series.

I think itā€™s much simpler than that. Many players love the D2 and have been longing for better graphics and Blizzard thinks thereā€™s enough players to make this game profitable.

Both the Starcraft and Diablo 1/2 are master piece of their genre. They set precedent in pc gaming industry. Blizzard, please do not ruin this game by going off the rails from the original.

I think that was likely also because they want to move players to the Blizzard launcher from BNET 1.0 and retire those servers.

As others have mentioned this is just my speculation on why theyā€™re making these remasters. But, they are a public company after all. They donā€™t make and sell games out of the goodness of their hearts. There has to be some source of revenue that keeps the dividends coming for the shareholders.

Could be some large elaborate business theory like youā€™re saying. Could be old d2 servers and legacy bnet bring due for an update for modern systems.
StarCraft, warcraft 3, and now this. I think itā€™s mostly updating one of their classic popular games to run better on modern and future systems

I donā€™t think thereā€™s any specific reason why they made Diablo 2 remaster as even before Starcraft remaster official announcement there were those job postings from like 5 years ago where they say they plan to ā€œbring back to glory Starcraft, Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2ā€ so Iā€™d say they decided to remaster all three at once. Also cool detail that they got released in the same order.

Yep, itā€™s not another poe killer. Just a remaster for old fans. Starcraft and Warcraft 3 also didnā€™t get any new content just careful polishing to not make people angry about changing original feel.

I dont think we can say there was anything careful about what happened to Warcraft 3 :no_mouth: