D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Except, once again those against personal loot deliberately or otherwise misconstrue what it means.

Personal loot does not mean loot for everyone. It simply means that the loot that does drop is assigned out, automatically and seamlessly, by the game, or by player rolls if they chose the Wow-system of loot allocation. Baal would still drop the same loot as he did before, both in quality or quantity, it just wouldn’t be hovered up by all the Pickit-For-D2R users.


How is this topic still up? It’s not going to happen. Done deal. What’s the most fascinating is that many of the people who keep complaining about D2 topics in D3 are posting suggestions in here. :upside_down_face:

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :point_up:

I mean all those cheating andies complaining about PL and that they wouldn’t earn a few bucks by giving them to RMT sites (if blizz would enable it), by multiboxing like 5+ 8 man groups and ruining the market/game again are just pathetic. I just hope for the chitstorm after 2 max 3 weeks with the biggest topics beeing “ban the cheating andies” and “#GiveUsPL”.

The concept of modding is not breaking the law. Taking a product, tweaking it slightly, and trying to pass it or the means to off as your own for profit certainly is, however. Otherwise, companies may go to great lengths to try and inhibit the consumer from modifying their wares, be it digital or physical, but once a sale has been made, it’s pretty much none of their business legally what the buyer does with the product assuming the prior condition isn’t being violated.

What otherwise remains a shame is how resistant the gaming industry actually is to modding or user generated content. They’re afraid that players will take their products and make better content than they did, be it new things or just fixing stuff. It threatens the microtransaction/DLC market because players would no longer be beholden to gated, minced content when alternatives could be produced. And instead of hiring the more successful modders/coders/artists, they’re more likely to try and scare them into submission by unleashing lawyers and hoping to shut them down more through intimidation and the fact your random joes can’t fight the AAA money if they want to erase you for even giving off the slightest whiff of talent.

Either way, Blizz is well within their rights to have their ToS and related rules for using their servers, and no legitimately-minded modder should be trying to cheat in that environment. Of course, security/encryption/web tech is better now than it was in D2’s time, with the only thing compromising online integrity is Blizzard’s lack of willingness to pursue it under the blanket assertion that mods of any form are bad and would automatically translate to an online apocalypse. It’s essentially the same slippery slope of inferring piracy is a guaranteed lost sale when you have one side that may do so to demo things to eventually buy, while others would’ve never touched the product at all for various valid reasons.

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I can understand why companies dont like user created content for a few reasons

  1. it might be better than the base game itself, which hurts their image if a bunch of unpaid fans made a better game.
  2. the mods might suck. in fact, most of them do, and game companies are not eager for overly ambitious people completely fail at making a proper mod. would ruin the reputation of the game.
  3. they want to be able to constantly update or maintain the game, which makes mod support impossible.
  4. certain DRM measures prevent modding anyway.

It would pump out items at a much higher rate than normal which is how it changes the economy.

Stop trying to reinvent a 20 year old game. If shared loot is that important, play Diablo 3.

i hope theres a mandatory patch that forces ploot on everyone. and then make all the outdated games just plain not connect to the server. or crash entirely.

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No it doesnt. It is insane free advertisement for them. Any game dev should, and hopefully would, love to see their game explode in popularity, thanks to a player mod.

More or less all the most popular game genres in the world have been created through modding.
Battle royale, MOBA, Counterstrike shooters.

They can keep patching the game all they want. Not their problem if a mod breaks due to a patch. And of course, people can just choose not to install the patch.

No it would not.
The droprate would not change. At all. Not even a little bit.

and everyone would get all the gear they want (wow/d3), get bored of the game (wow/d3), it would become casual (wow/d3), no one would group together (wow/d3), socialize (wow/d3), play the game together after a couple weeks of free gear (wow/d3). what do you not get about this system being awful?

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The gear is not any more free than with Shared loot. Nor would people get all the gear they want, anymore than before.

If anything, Distributed loot might make more people group together.

look at wow. you group for gear with total strangers, get your item, and leave. sometimes people don’t even participate. it sucks.

it absolutely is. you are rolling on your own guaranteed table instead of a group/public. Do you understand how that works?

I have so much to complain about how they’re ignorant to the exposure they can get when they allow some customization. They’re not ignorant though, I mean, we’re talking about veterans in the industry. Sadly either by the fear of losing control, not appealing to all age groups or having to look always capable, they will not apply fan customization model.

I have huge doubts of its practicality but if they can integrate a modding shop to Diablo 4 for collaboration of fans, that’d be great. Perhaps PC wouldn’t allow such thing with its online DRM but consoles would be always up to that challenge. They should evaluate this.

Apparently you don’t understand that the drops remain the same, the game is the ine allocating the loot, not whomever can click the fastest or has a cheat.

This is such a disingenuous, bad father position the anti PL players have taken despite hundreds of post across various threads explaining this.

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Instanced loot doesn’t come with 9999% magic find, 5000% loot quantity as a single package. Drop rates won’t change and party size only affect the quantity of items you may loot in Diablo 2. Magic find and drop rates are separate systems from instanced or personal loot.

If you can not separate the instance system from the item quantity, you’ll always make arguments in bad faith and they all can be ignored easily.
Diablo 3 doesn’t have trading, so loot drops are simply abundant and it has nothing to do with its instanced loot system. If you wanna see the real examples, look at Path of Exile and Grim Dawn; both have trading and instanced loot systems. It has nothing to do with their age either; Diablo 2 had shared loot because of memory limitations 20 years ago. This is not a standard anymore, and it’s natural that system randomly allocate a good item to a random party member where limitations apply.

This small discussion wouldn’t have impact on the game after this hour anyway. It will most likely release with shared loot. In case they want to try and stop auto-loot hackers, let them try it.
Perhaps they know something we don’t but I highly doubt it’s about “the feeling of the game” when modern examples are out there; nor it could be about “economy of the game” when D2 market was ridden with dupes for 20 years.

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Like in Diablo 2?

Anyway, no, plenty of people create communities around doing content in WoW etc. Mostly because the content requires coordinated groups (which Diablo should never do!)

Loot Distribution wont solve the issue of leechers. But Shared loot didnt solve that either. So not exactly a con against either.

No, you are not rolling on your own “guaranteed” table.

Here is a scenario:

You kill Baal in a group of 8 players.

With Shared Loot, Baal drop 5 items, which all can loot,

With Loot Distribution, Baal drop the exact same 5 items. Each of them are then auto-rolled on by the players. The loot is still shared, in a technical sense. Just not Free-for-all lootable.

(which is why both Shared Loot and Personal Loot, that has become the most used names in these discussions, are really badly picked names, but hard to change that now)


Since you seem to have an answer for everything. First of all comparing D2 with WoW I mean that alone tells me how high you can count I give you a comparison D2 with PL D2 without PL.
D2 with PL : Everyone wants to go into the next game and check what they might want to pick up and re drop or trade a sorc item for a pala vice versa etc.
D2 without PL: Everyone stops attacking and they gather around the boss/rares and stop using skills trying to at least get something, but sadly no one did cause the pickit user/bot has it. Do you see the difference? Or do you have a somewhat thinking beeing in your life explaining it to you?

And this I mean like Shadout said what guarenteed loot table??? You get almost/nothing if you group thanks to the cheating andies and those who just afk there doing nothing but breaking their mouse clicking air, till something to loot appears. How the game currently and when it came out (2 decades ago) is supposed to be played is, don’t group for anything but trist/tomb/chaos/baal exp runs, play solo all day or be a streamer with a full working 8 man group supporting him.

They can keep patching the game all they want. Not their problem if a mod breaks due to a patch. And of course, people can just choose not to install the patch.

i dont think you understand. many, many, games make it mandatory to install the latest patch, and you dont have the choice to refuse it.

That is literally impossible to do in a offline game. As in, a moddable game. As it should be. No company should force any installs on my computer, against my will. That would be extremely unethical.