D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Yep just look at overwatch I saw streams from IDDQD A_Seagull and some others where both parties do a draw, when someone has a cheater which is cool, but the hilarious thing about it is that those guys sometimes have silver/gold borders. Which means they are level 1000+ and not banned for permanent hacking. And yes D2R will be the same chitshow like the old one.

Personal loot is the future for loot games !


If instanced loot becomes a thing i might consider playing multyplayer.


Yeah otherwise we have the vanilla. unmodded. pickit. botting (real money sellers d2jsp frogs) and bug abusing game just in HD Wowee.

Edit: Will be a phenomenal first time exp for new D2 (Diablo in general) players. As I said I give it max 2-3 weeks and reddit/forums are a chitstorm filled with “ban bots/hackers” “#GiveUsPersoLoot”

Apparently the development team didn’t give in to those who wanted to completely destroy Diablo II’s signature gaming experience.
Congratulations to the development team for their resilience in the face of so much pressure to destroy the game.

What will be the next step for Diablo 2 haters? I’m looking forward to seeing it, but I think there will be a lot of complaints about not having a quick click.

I’m really looking forward to playing Diablo II Resurrect, but I won’t buy it until after release, you never know what Activision is capable of


So you think it’s ok we have the same old game with all the SAME problems

and that this should be the

for new d2 (diablo in general) players?

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That’s the whole package as developers envision it I guess. So far they haven’t give in any single clue about adding new features beyond what’s mentioned.
Either they have no plans on doing such thing as implied by their interviews or hesitating to bring up news. We will have d2jsp bots and we have to like it even if it’s 20 years later, I guess. Nobody can guarantee if the new system will be impervious to hacks, text-buffer overloads, bots, pickit or any other nuisance you can think of either.

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Well I can guarantee you NO. Look at Overwatch, there are so many accounts with silver/gold border (which means they are like lvl 1000+ which means they played like this for months/years without beeing banned) and blizzard is just incompetent.

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As D2 purists will tell you, D2 was the ultimate medieval experience and fighting for loot, even against cheaters, is key to how the game works.

You are thrown butt-naked into a desolate medieval world full of monsters, cheaters and backstabbers, you either adapt and click faster next time or keep wandering around with only basic armor and weapons.

Just like in the real world, nothing is given to you, nothing is guaranteed. If cheaters or scammers take advantage of you, nobody will help you, just like nobody would help you in the wilderness of Sanctuary. Live, learn, and be better next time. Its part of the thrill.

Just like in the real medieval world, nothing is explained to you. You don’t know how breakpoints or runewords work unless you find out yourself. Each mistake matters and is costly (or was, until the three free respecs).

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How about it’s an opt-in system. See you can opt-in to make your loot global, but no one else has to. Sounds fair right? If not, then maybe you know why people want personal loot.

'Yay something perfect for my class"
“Wtf, the druid grabbed it?”


After a certain point, I was playing my bnet characters alone because of this. I don’t need to play a game to experience how annoying real life can be.


I played thousands of hours of D2. For many of us old-timers we simply played solo to avoid all that nonsense where we earned all our gear based solo on our own effort and were not carried.

The idea that in a party where you are grouped to fight the minions of hell and the devil himself that the party is backstabbing each other and rampant cheating is simply idiotic in an aRPG based on the struggle of good versus an overwhelming evil.

Did Legolas backstab Gandalf and ninja loot that powerful sorcerer staff? Of course not, because it makes no intellectual sense to have crazy infighting and cheating going on in a party that is united to fight a horrible evil in the world.


I almost destroyed my mouse trying to like and relike your post. I mean that’s the whole F ing point to escape real life chit no? As if I want a pickit using scumlord in my game to remind me, that the rich scum of the earth IRL gets richer, while the rest is eating maybe a bread a day/week and beeing homeless and what not. Yeah totally wanna escape from IRL thrash into the game, just to get the same treatment there what a clown flagged this guy for trolling (not you lightstorm). :slight_smile:

And for this post yeah, like I said the forums&reddit will be a chitshow after a few days/weeks, cause nobody is thinking of the new players to this game/genre/title. All they see is well
 nothing, cause everybody is farming solo with their Sorc to farm for their Druid/Java/Paladin uber diablo gear. The only people who “group” are bots and if the player is awake, he uses pickit. I just feel sooooo bad for new players to experience that BS.

And hi Micro what up homie :slight_smile:

Not much. Just trying to educate.

One of the main reasons I stopped playing D2 and the main reason I will not buy D2R.

I have to say making a IRL comparison with Diablo and cheaters in the real world I had a good chuckle for a moment. I don’t even know if I want to do season 1 to myself for just wanting S2 with Persoloot beeing implied in whatever way be it optional or for everyone you feel me.

It will be interesting to see what happens longterm in D2R. From experience, I know that cheating still occurs on modern battlenet. As an example, D3 has very restricted trading and still people bot for items, keys, and xp. There is largely no financial incentive to cheat. In D2, it is very different with free trade and FFA loot that encourage botting, pickit users, cheaters, ninja looters, etc

D2R with have free trade and all that entails just like D2.

Bruh don’t even get me started D3 good example I mean you can LITERALLY BAN EVERYONE in top 100 grifts after let’s say mhh 2 weeks. Cause if you go to their profile and check their offline Paragon and if it’s like near/over 20k they are bots and yet not banned lol. Same with Overwatch people running around with silver/gold borders, which means they’re like lvl 1000+ cheating for months/years not banned like what?!