Crusader set suggestion for patch 2.7

Speaking of Shield Bash:

I recently was in the creative zone again and did a bunch of redesign concepts for certain skills and skill tooltips and one of them was Shield Bash:

I am not saying or demanding that it should be implemented, I just thought it would be neat if the skill would work like that, like if Shield Bash would deal additional damage based on your shields armor and increasing the overall damage of Shield Bash based on your current Block Chance.

The Skill Level and Skill-specific Flat Damage based on Skill Level is irrelevant for this discussion in the context of D3’s current state, so it can be ignored.

Just having some fun with tossing around ideas/concepts.


Don’t forget the old idea of tying the Phalanx Shield Charge Rune to benefit from Rolands or shield bash buffs from other gear. It could be a really cool hybrid build that would be really unique with quasi minions doing a summoned attack.

Other phalanx abilities like stampede or bowmen could add thorns damage for invoker etc.

Nice one, sometime I think that they had forgotten about the skill, because it had been left unchanged for a few patch. I even think that they ignored this skill because they want to leave pet for witch doctor or necromancer.

Shield bash fixes please.
Drakon’s lesson needs to be switched to increased damage on first 3 mobs hit, NOT if it only hits 3. Mobs get bunched up far too much for it’s current effect to be useful.
Piro and Final Witness need to be combined. While you can aim Glare, you’ll mess it up more often than not in the chaos of moving out of crap. Considering how much some other legendaries give I don’t think it’s unreasonable to combine the effects. This would free up the weapon cube slot for a furnace or something else far more useful.
Flail of the Ascended glare fix, make it so the damage done is based on %weapon damage x5 shield bash usage. Same mechanic just change where the damage source comes from. Now you can buff the other SB runes and have some choice.


Ideas for some updated Crusader Legendaries:

Akarat’s Awakening
Always rolls +11% Block chance
Every successful block has a 25% chance to reduce all cooldowns by 1 second and Consecration increases the damage of all allies by 80-100%.

(Combo with Hallowed Bulwark)
Blocked attacks heal you and your allies for 35% of the amount blocked and Iron Skin also increases your Block Amount by 50-60%.

Hallowed Bulwark
Double the duration of Provoke and reduce all physical damage you take by 40%.

Elberi Charo
Reduce the cooldown of Heaven’s Fury by 50% and increase its damage over time by 300-400%.

Sublime Conviction
Increase the damage of your generators by 400-500% and they deal an additional 300% damage to stunned targets.

Hellskull Shield
Gain 80-100% increased damage while wielding a two-handed weapon and Condemn gains the rune Reciprocate.

The Final Witness
Shield Glare now hits all enemies around you and all your resource costs are reduced by 30-35%.

Inviolable Faith
Casting Consecration also casts Consecration beneath all of your allies and your attacks will slay enemies with less than 10-15% health

Johanna’s Band
After casting Shield Glare, Iron Skin, Consecration or Judgement, gain 50-60% damage reduction for 8 seconds.
Flavor text: While the ring appears to be quite ordinary, the inscription on the outer band reads, “We never stand alone.”

Vigilante Belt
Steed Charge becomes a channeled ability, no longer has a cooldown and deals an additional 1250-1500% damage.

Justinian’s Mercy
Bombardment deals 200-300% extra damage and has its cooldown reduced by 50%.

Blessed Hammer - Dominion Rune
The Hammer no longer flies in a circle, but goes straight out and returns to your location, dealing 750% weapon damage as Lightning.


Lacuni Prowlers
Iron Skin gains the effect of Flash and has it’s cooldown reduced by 45-55%.

How about reverting a set that will allow all 3 followers, and increasing follower damage by 1000 times character base damage. Followers gain effect from gems , attack speed , CC and CD from character stats?. So, all crusader need to do is buff/block/tank…

They buffed Bombardment quite a bit and Norvald’s got some McLovin’, spot on with your suggestion Xel.

Really disappointed they didn’t buff Fist, even though Norvald’s will help a bit. The new set will be interesting, I actually have an idea for Steed charge set jotted down but figured just 1 item would make it work with buffs to bombardment, which they did…