Console QoL Changes

You must not have played long enough, or are playing end game to really get the bigger picture on what is wrong with the game on consoles.


As I’ve said before if you’re blasting GR 60s sure the game works fine, but do a 4 man push or even a solo 120 and tell me how fine it is with the NG mechanic.


Lol i think the exception for the 120 might be a Vyrs/Chantando… cleared a 120 with it with little effort and like 5 augments between lvl 100-110.

Im not a wizard player but i can say… i like that f***ing Vyrs set!!!


Ppppffftttt like you have ever done a GR60…:rofl:

I’ve cleared higher than your puny Monk. :joy:


Not next season according to Nevalistis! Nerf bat coming to Vyr’s Chantodo!!! #cheatbuild :rofl:

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I hope they don’t just so I can refer to this thread and be like :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Good. Chant dmg should be reduced to 3000%. That is probably what will happen.

Not sure if at been mentioned but the ability to turn off the controller vibration would be awesome. My controller battery life sucks as it is.

On xbox 1. You can turn off controller vibration through console settings/devices/controller

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