Console QoL Changes

In regards to the recent blog post, I think hands down, everyone say it with me. NG fixed/deleted/nuked from orbit.

Ok, that’s the big one, but I have also thought they could put in color coordination on the minimap to match P1-4 (not sure why that wasn’t implemented).

Auto mats pickup would be amazing, at least it has the current radius to pickup mats, so its not too bad, but auto loot. Rising Cream, cup of coffee man!

Timer for Greed puzzle rings down to 10 secs. Everyone typically does them together, so everyone grabs loots and leaves within 6 secs or so.

Another big one. PPLLLLEEEAAAASSEEEE allow crafting multiple items such gems/items for upgrading or combining.

Make upgrading gems go quicker after a GR is cleared. The slow skadooosh sound is annoying (isn’t that from Kung Fu Panda) and standing next to Urshi makes me nervous. You know having 90% fail two times in a row is always nice. I swear, her and Kadala are the actual final bosses the game. Admit it.

Anyway, these are the QoL changes I would make that would help the game play on console tremendously better.


Definitely would like to see NG go away

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Fix extracting Kania’s Cube bug where items that have been extracted have an option to be extracted again but fail

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Multiple gem crafting

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • After Cow Level has been completed close the portal

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • After any Uber boss event has both bosses killed close portal

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Fix bug with rifts where going in brings back you to town with no level

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Fix bug with Jelly goblin dying too fast and no smaller versions appear

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • More sets means figure out a way for more stash space

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Stop items that are the same type (2 x Compass Rose rings) reforging with different results in that make the reforge attempt the seed not the item

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Improve requests to console vendors to erase cheaters on Leaderboards

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Lessen getting gear for other classes

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Sort out map frequency, types and mob types/density

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

  • Fix armory bug where it does not equip rings properly

  • Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked

I think that is it…for now?

Oh wait…Nephalem Glory mechanic needs reworked.


I can’t believe no one thought of this, but nephalem glory globes need to be reworked on console.


Nephalem glory needs rework for sure.

Would also be nice to craft multiple mats at the same time. It is a serious finger exercise to craft multiple flawless royal gems. Same with blacksmith and kadala, it gets very painful constantly rerolling for boots with 1500+ bloodshards.


i didn’t read any of the other comments or the blog, but any chance we can get some work done on the NG globes?


Make a way to manually close it, but this particular portal needs (an option) to stay open for quite a while.

First, how do you measure its completion? There is no RG “at the end”, though there is a major elite that you meet randomly in the level and a chest event. I suppose you could make the chest event be the terminal event, but even then…

I open the rift, then kill everything as fast as I can and collect no loot at all to maximize massacre bonuses. The only thing I loot on this part of the run are shrines and exp pools.

Then I run around and loot. There is no easy time limit on that, it can take several minutes, but it can net a number of legendaries and (early in a season) a ton of gold.

I will eventually want the gate closed, but perhaps not on the same time scale as those who are only looting it for experience and the pools, so a timer isn’t the best mechanism to determine when to close it.

I’d vote for talking to Zoltun Kulle, or revisiting the recipe, to close it rather than a timer.

At the same time, allow talking to Orek to prematurely close a NR/GR…


Great ideas guys, but you forgot to add that Nephalem Glory mechanic needs to be reworked.


Sorry, can you elaborate?


:swan::swan::swan: HUH!? :swan::swan::swan:

Yes, yes sorry. Ahem, NG needs to be re-worked. At minimum, removed from GRs. Better?


what are NG’s? and GRs? and how come they don’t work together?
These questions keep me up at night. I can’t sleep cause i’m being haunted by a i think its called nemesis.

You start high level GR.
Teleport out to Halls of agony.
Mass kill and gather heaps of NG.
Return to high level GR with NG.
Question why NG mechanic was added in the first place?

Solution #1

if Blizz remove NG & put everything to place (means you enter game/GR/rift) without the 50% dmg handicap. It seems normal & easy to patch but maybe we do not know why Blizz have not done it yet.

Ans: Maybe if Blizz done that players would complain about the NG bracers, maybe console player do not know how to play D3, Maybe consoles should have handicap because we are consoles not PC players. Maybe because consoles only sell a portion of D3 sales. Many maybe but there must be a reason.

but I say the reason is because no one at blizz plays consoles or understand how it actually affects gameplay.

If someone made a thread saying if “CONSOLES sales jumps to extra 2million copies in a month can we get a proper patch for NG”

now this NG problem will be under SUPER vision under Blizz … the highest top priority for Blizz… we might even get a notice board or broad meeting solving our NG issue :slight_smile:

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of cause if there might be reason we might not see removing NG for console might break balance as you can see balance is very important in D3 because ROLANDS CANNOT have 75% DR it just too much it break balance… there is no class or item have 80% DR SINGLE item on them yes :slight_smile:

NG removal might break balance or maybe very hard to configurate well it seems easy on our side but who knows we might not see from Blizz end :stuck_out_tongue:

So how about buffing NG than…
Solution #1

Change/Add 20 seconds to 40 Seconds or even 1min. Remove restriction/Capping of NG 3mins to 15mins.

This now changes everything to the player playing but Blizz can still retain their genius level to who create NG in the first place.

Players playing GR, now depending on 40secs or 1min Buff assuming it is 1min buff… Player just need to pick up 15x & can concentrate on the entire 15min GR.

Next lvl1-70 or rifts or story mode… this will not affect the “balance” so Blizz can still handicap consoles players since there will not be many mops to kill anyway.

Blizz has already create an icon buff for NG but IMO it can be modified if they use 1min NG buff now NG Icon becomes 1 so players knows NG icon is 1min… picking up second NG becomes 2 so forth so at least players knows.


NG is needed because consoles have to be handicap due to whatever reason :slight_smile:

Sure no problem since casual & players who play high GR dun mix… We can maintain EVERYTHING the same so casual or whoever can feel the handicap so T16, rifts, bounties ALL remain the same. but the rules ONLY apply to GR100 & above.

So if you play other mode or GR99 it remains the same but once you play GR100 & above the above NG buff change.

Since casual dun bother about high GR & players who wants to play High GR so GR100 seems fair enough to benefit both sides & blizz can keep handicap consoles players or keep their so call balance :slight_smile:

Have fun farming guys

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Ideally, I would like that change. 1 min per drop, 15 min max would be amazing. I would also like to see it drop more frequently with higher kill streaks.

Let us be serious here for one minute…so Nevalistis…who says she is reading the forums can see we are serious.

Forget how Nephalem Glory orbs actually work, whether double damage, we do 50% less damage without etc.

The fact is…to do our clears…on par with PC…we have an EXTRA mechanic to deal with.

The game is the same, skills, items etc…the goal is the same…to top the Leaderboards in Season.

Yet…on console…generally regarded by PC players as inferior and “easier” to play D3…to do the SAME clear as PC players we have to contend with an EXTRA mechanic.

That cannot be intended. I have discussed to death why NG exists in the game as it does on console, I understand WHY it was in the game at patch 2.06.

What I dont understand is this:

  • Why has the mechanic not been reworked given the vast difference between patch 2.06 and patch 2.66?

  • Why is there still this difference in PC and Console in the mechanics of NG when development of lastgen has ceased?

And finally why are Blizzard silent on it? If they say we are never changing it then fair enough.

But the point is they have not.

Finally, to clear a GR140 with a Wizard on PC solo and to clear a GR140 with a Wizard on Console it is HARDER on Console because of an extra mechanic.

All we ask is that parity be restored and that is not the case.

I’ve sent tweets to @Diablo and Brandy as well as on Reddit.

Please communicate with us on this.


Lets see how to fix Nephalem glory… I am not sure but the best thing I can think of is allowing pets to pick them up like they do coins.

Also, I think they should allow us to Cube Blue items with special legendary like powers. Since as it is now, no one ever uses those but we could if they could be cubed.

Fix the drop rate on that damn leg so it is no longer impossible to get. They actually did it once for an event, just do it again and keep it that way.

Finally allow a way to close the Cow level without having to restart the game.

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Dude…all of that is true…except it pales in comparison to NG…I couldn’t care less about anything in D3 but NG.


idk I see a lot of stuff for console QoL changes but I don’t think ive ever seen this mentioned and idk if its the same on pc but why do necromancers not have more craftable gear between the levels of 26 to 60? as someone who plays console d3 (planning to get the switch version vey soon) I love the necromancer for gameplay but it always feels weaker while leveling and even getting a legendary off hand feels weaker then at 60 and beyond…so can we possibly have more craftable sycthes and necro off hands (cant say or spell the off hand properly so apologies) it would make me want to level the necromancer more… also it has to do with the class fantasy with the magic using character such as wand and source for wizard and knife and mojo for witch doctor which both have plenty of stuff you can make to keep you in check with power. so can we please have more craftable scythes and phylacteries for the necromancer please? (also yes I looked it up for spelling)