Console - New update, no lobbies, no chat confirmed

The most funny about it is it was on purpose lol and they get paid for it. And on top praise themselfe for modernizing it.
It wouldnt have been difficult to say this features are not easy to bring to Konsole but we try to make compromises and work on them.

Btw you can delete that emo-wheel
Nobody will use it its unsocial and impersonal
Friends will use friendchat other teams discord
Random people Meeting in game nothing…


Everything you just mentioned is irrelevant and has nothing to do with what I’m talking about… It’s not about thinking they are “casual,” (why did you even use that word? Was it a Freudian slip?) it’s about acknowledging that they have a different set of parameters they look for when determining what medium they want to game on. Console players aren’t lesser, they are just different. There are reasons they choose console over PC and one of the biggest reasons is the ease of use/plug-n-play nature of console vs PC. No outdated drivers, no software conflicts, no swapping hardware, no updating the bios. You plug it in, you put a game in and it works - this is a huge appeal for console. And when I say “console gamers,” I am referring to people who only play on console or at least the vast majority of their gaming is on console, not people who play console and PC.

This ease of use mindset also tends to apply to in-game functionality, such as matchmaking vs creating actual room for players to join. I’m not saying and never did say that console players would be against that or that they are too “casual” to utilize it, I only said that the way it works now is familiar to console players, which it is, since most online console games utilize a matchmaking feature vs server browsers, and next to no console games allow you to create custom rooms for others to join.

It’s not about settling because it’s console, It’s about it not being as detrimental as you and others paint it as, because it is essentially a non-issue. THAT is my point - it “bodes well” for them, because they are used to it and it comes naturally. They’re not going to fire up D2R and say “wtf is this” when they go to play MP. For many, it will not feel cheap or tacked on or lacking. It will just function like one of any number of other MP games on console that they’ve played.

As already stated more than once, The (vast) majority of the console playerbase has never played D2 before. The ones ranting and raving and cancelling pre-orders are people who already play(ed) D2 on PC, which 1) I’m not even talking about and 2) will likely account for the minority among all console players.

And why even bring up atari? Back when atari was relevant, PC’s weren’t the pinnacle of gaming - the arcades were. That’s what everybody wanted to play.

Those in disagreement with me/my points seem to think that I’m saying it’s okay that the console version is the way it is - it’s not ok and I’m not saying that. This thread has ultimately turned into how the console version is shit because of how they did the MP and/or that it will fail because of it and I’m saying, regardless of how shtty the console MP component is, the game is still likely going to do fine:

  1. This will be a brand new game for many console players so they don’t have the original to compare it to.

  2. The method it is using for MP, functions like any number of other console games, so it doesn’t even cause alarm to question that anything is different.

  3. If anybody wants to play D2 on console, this is the only way to do it, so they’re gonna play it regardless.

It isn’t a morals/ethic argument. I am being way more pragmatic.


Exactly this.
I actually care less on how people think about D2R going on console. Ultimately as a more than 10 years playing only on console, D2R played just fine judging from the beta. Was it perfect? No, was it unplayable? Hell no. Like I mentioned many times, all I wish is more polishing and bug fixing for now till launch. I know i will be having a blast with it for sure.

Note: One point i wish to stress that is true, console players are actually a bit different. I played D2 on PC many years ago, but i truly want it to be on console due to how simple it was, playing it on the controller is also lot easier. Sure I will not be having the better way of playing it with m and keyboard, but I see controller having it pros too.

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I don’t think it matters anymore the diablo deep dive youtube ( around the 28 to 30 min mark if you want to go see for yourselves.) sold us on a diablo 2 remake with no changes to the core and 8 players was going to work we all got lied to its not about expectations or what consoles can do what…WE WERE TOLD to expect 8 players and everything that the pc had. They did mention any changes or sacrifices made to get diablo 2 on consoles why didn’t we get a nintendo switch beta? It was canceled cause they knew it was going to be a nightmare once people caught them in another lie if they told us sooner you can’t even pre order the game on the switch eshop.

Say what you want about system limitations but don’t lie to people and that’s all what they have done now.

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Well i agree that they lie or probably putting the expectation too high but don’t think buyer got anything to lose, cause they clarified it before launch. So if you think this is not as per your expectation, do not buy it.

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True, but think of it this way. All they had to do was take the one of the best selling games of all time and port it over to consoles with a fresh coat of paint. They can’t even do that on a 20 year old game. This will affect their console sales no doubt… what that is who knows 1.5x 2x etc.
If I’m a dev that is on a bonus structure or royalty structure based off this remaster I would be irate at whoever is making the decision to dumb down the console version because at the end of the day that decision affects my livelihood.
D3 matchmaking was a joke; who in their right mind would think that it would be good for D2.


Not buying d4 at least at launch, so there’s 1x customer ha. Too disappointed with d3 and now this D2 fiasco for consoles. Maybe after a few years it will be discounted and I’ll consider it.

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I went ahead and guessed what you were driving at to avoid further conversation on the topic and to avoid a followup wall pf text.

Guess I still got the wall of text.

You completely miss the point. Console players don’t have to ‘settle’ anymore for PC ports. Look at PoE to see how a hack n slash looter on controller is done right. Pretty sure if VV actually took the time on the console port, it would have been better. But it’s just a hurried effort, with a lot of ‘excuses’ on why they did bad designs(in that blog).


That’s why we didn’t have lobbies in D3… consoles destroyed this game… now imagine D4 is first Diablo game designed for consoles from scratch… :smiley:

Yeah, I know it’s not about settling…I literally said this in my last reply…

“It’s not about settling because it’s console, It’s about it not being as detrimental as you and others paint it as, because it is essentially a non-issue.”

And how can I miss the point when it is my points you are debating? Remember you responded to my post and the points I made…YOU are missing the point - my points. The one’s you keep arguing against…

You seem to be coming from a mindset of principle and arguing the right and wrong way to develop a game - I don’t give a sh*t about any of that, as it is not why I initially commented nor is it and never was any of the context I was arguing for or against. Like I said, my stance in this is pragmatic. I was responding to the “doom and gloom” posts, implying that the console version will suck and/or fail due to the lack of MP lobbies and/or in-game chat and I will reiterate my response to those claims in simple terms - it won’t. It won’t fail. I’m not saying it won’t have any affect at all on sales, buts lots of people will still buy it and have fun playing it.

I’ve already explained I think 3 times now not only why I think it will be fine, but also expressed the demographic I am actually talking about, so save me the “look at X,Y,Z to see how a game is done right” rhetoric, because it’s completley irrelevant to what I’m talking about.

Nobody deny people will buy it and have fun with it.
I do not even see a big issue for young people trying it first time or casual Player with low sparetime
But without that key functions to make it same social as the original it will loose its nostalgic and spirit very fast .
The old and even the younger Generation will not become as addicted as once before.

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Does anybody not get that this is how probably diablo 4 would work out as well? Especially if that gets put onto all the console’s.

If they made the game like how they said they would exactly. The only thing they would have done was make mouse and keyboard support across all platforms and possibly possibly cross play. Nobody would ask for refunds or question anything about buying it they would have made money not lost money. And now if they go this route its probably going to be radio silence and small details and updates thats probably going to take 6 months to a year to fix and then maybe make money.

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Generally im fine with this Matchmaking but why this two runs?

  • Pindleskin: Requires Act 4 completion
  • Maggot Lair: Requires Act 1 completion

Pindleskin is a 10 secs run. And nobody in the Wort Do maggot lair.

Where is pit?



I feel like i’ve yet to point out, that 343i still working on TMCC and added a ton of new stuff. Not saying it will be happen for D2R, but only to pin it down on a remastered is kinda…ehh

I dunno, they tried atleast with Crash Team Racing and had some post-launch support. Not arguing it will be the case for D2R, not to mention that VV will have a hard time anyway because of purists, but still.

Yeah i’m kinda too pretty much on the edge of not buying it. All the bs happen right now, recently i read they start censoring WoW, and D4 had a hard time to begin with for me. For a different reason than most others here i guess, because i still loved D3 and from what we’ve seen D4 looks pretty good game, but simply due they again try to make an online-only mmo thingy type of game. It already ruined my D3 Experience on PC and i only started truly liking D3 when it hit on the console, because a major aspect for me of Diablo iwas since early on that you can play the game however you want, solo offline, lan, open online or closed online… etc… Online-Only kills that.

I disagree, it’s not “consoles” fault, if at all, it’s the whole Casual-Crowd, and PC Gaming has as much of them as Console. I find it super weird if clunky stuff gets added or whatever, people blame it on Consoles, in the end, esp. these days when console gets closer and closer to an PC, not even Console-users want to have this change… like cutting lobbies from D2R. How many console-players did you read who are happy about the change?

Same goes for Shooters and Serverbrowsers, like they geniunly believe that Console-Users don’t want to have an option where you can pop up a list with servers, how many players and such, so you can pick where to play…