I am playing on switch. I have completed the conquest years of war solo lev 55 but it will not give me credit for my barb wearing Raekor set or my crusader wearing the Arnor of Akkhan. I completed them at level 55 and higher numerous times. PLEASE assist.
Make sure the 6 pieces bonus is active when you are doing GR55 solo. i.e. full 6-pcs set or 5-pcs+RoRG
On PC, there is a UI glitch, I think it may be on console version too: #2 in Things That Are NOT Bugs
2) Achievement/Conquest Window Doesn’t Checkmark Boxes (I.E. GR55 with 6 sets)
The Achievement/Conquest Window is slow to update and at times will not reflect say a GR clear with the required set. It will update sometime but it is still considered complete and if you meet the requirements for the achievement/conquest, it will still finish even if the check boxes are not updated.
FYI: there is a dedicated bug report forum for console version: Console Bug Report
Six sets with the 6 piece bonus. Not just two sets.
I believe Cadensy is saying those 2 Sets are not checked off in the list of Sets for the Years of War Conquest. Each Set you complete should get checked off as you complete it.

I believe Cadensy is saying those 2 Sets are not checked off in the list of Sets for the Years of War Conquest. Each Set you complete should get checked off as you complete it.
I can confirm Armor of Ahkkan is working. It’s one of the six I used to complete my conquest.

I can confirm Armor of Ahkkan is working.
I’ve never experienced this issue. Mine always get checked off when I complete them.
But, for some players, they don’t. At least, not right away. They usually update eventually though.
I was doing the same conquest, finished 4 of the necromancer sets: the trag, Inarus, rathma, and pest. When I finished the carnival set, d3 didn’t check it off…
I got it now. hmm it take a while to show up?
Hmm. I saw it was there. now I don’t see it…
As mentioned in my previous post above, don’t worry about the checkboxes. They won’t affect you getting the conquest. just continue doing other sets. Once you get 6 sets done, you’ll get the achievement even they aren’t checked.
I just completed six sets, only five are checked off and I did not get credit. I did complete the Immortal King set with my wizard playing it. Do I not get credit because it was not a Barb character?
Why on earth would you expect that to count?
The Conquest say to complete a GR 55 with the 6 piece bonus of the set. if you are on the wrong class, you do not get the bonus, because the bonus only applies to the class of that set.
It says so in the description of the set. https://i.imgur.com/a9ENOVx.png

Why on earth would you expect that to count?
Because some of the class sets aren’t actually class restricted and you can wear a set of armour intended for another class, complete a GR55 wearing it, and still get credit. I recall someone recently posting a screenshot of a DH wearing a Monk set and getting the task finished as a result of getting credit for the Monk set.
Yep, here it is…
For Years or War, rebirth a 2nd char, don’t need to level up. Use the cube to farm a set that can be worn by the main char. Give the set to main char to do GR55. After the conquest, delete the 2nd char. Recreate 2nd char as non-seasonal. Claim the items from the mail. Re-level up to 70. This is what I did earlier. Lv 1 monk got 5 Sunwuko pieces using the cube. Each pc took 1-15 gambles. DH (main char) took 7:30 to complete GR55. Recreate monk as non-seasonal and re-level up to 70 took 2…
According to the wording of the conquest, it should not work because the set bonus is only granted to the class that the set is made for.
I think it would be a bug if it did work.
This is not how they intended the conquest to work, so it can hardly be called a bug if it does not work.
I have heard several people say they have completed the quest in sets not designed for their character, but the Immortal King is not working for my wizard. I just completed GR55 for the second time with no credit. The wizard cannot equip the belt or weapon, but that leaves 5 pieces and the RoRG, and the set shows my wizard having the bonus of the 6 piece set. However no joy on this set.
Why would I do it that way? Because my non set hydra gear can easily clear GR55 without any set bonuses. I have no interest in playing an IK Barb. I just want to complete the chapter and get more storage space as easily as possible.
Grab a quick powerlevel from the powerleveling communities and run it on a level 70 barb. It only takes about 10 minutes to go from 1-70.
It is hardly “completing” the conquest, if you run it on the wrong class, and I don’t think they will change it so that this will work. If anything they will patch this loophole so that it no longer works.

According to the wording of the conquest, it should not work because the set bonus is only granted to the class that the set is made for.
I think it would be a bug if it did work.
Some sets don’t restrict to a class. And the quest doesn’t require to use any class-specific skill. So, it is not a bug. In fact, it was known many years ago.
In the Years of Wars guide of Icy-Veins (in 2017), it said:
Since you need to grind out two full other sets from another class, we highly recommend that you team up with players of another class; early in a season upgrades come frequently, and you can easily finish this conquest with subpar duplicate pieces your friend throws away.
this suggestion implies the conquest can be done with one class.

so it can hardly be called a bug if it does not work.
Perhaps it is a bug with Immortal King set:
IK specifically has been buggy in the past with Years of War, even on barbs. I don’t remember the specifics, but I remember in the past some people had problems getting credit for IK even on a barb for the conquest. Then at one point, I also think there was a reverse bug, where you could get credit even without the full 6p, e.g. at one point I think doing WW6/IK4 gave credit for both WW and IK, when really it only should have given credit for WW. No idea why, but based on some previous problems …
Thanks for the advice and it would work without much trouble. Right now I am in the process of leveling gems to augment armor so I will be grinding GRs. Somewhere in that process I will complete a Tal Rasha set and use it to complete my chapter. The only reason I used the IK set is because that is what the game kept giving me. This task doesn’t require you to utilize the set bonuses like the set dungeons do, it only requires you to have them equipped. I decided if the game was going to keep giving me IK set pieces and allowed them to be equipped on my wizard I would go ahead and use them. It ain’t no big thing. I’ll complete the chapter later today or tomorrow instead of completing it this morning. It is not as if I have much else to do while on lockdown.

According to the wording of the conquest, it should not work because the set bonus is only granted to the class that the set is made for.
Not really. The wording can be confusing. But, it doesn’t say anything about using the Set Bonuses, which would require the Class Skills in some cases. It just says:
Reach Greater Rift Level 55 Solo with the full bonuses of six of the following Class Sets.
So, as long as the 6-piece Bonuses are active and the Set is not restricted to Class, it should work.
(I’ll have to test this out some time, with my Demon Hunter. It would be nice not to have to level multiple Characters just to complete a Season).

So, as long as the 4-piece Bonuses are active
Psst… 6-piece bonus, not 4.