Conquest-- years of war

Oh yeah. I don’t know why I had 4 pieces on the brain. (Probably because I recently started leveling a HC Seasonal Demon Hunter. I’ve already earned my Haedrig’s Set. So, she’s wearing crafted gear. And they’re all 3 or 4-piece Bonus Sets).

I’ll edit my previous post. (Thanks for the catch).

I can’t believe you are all defending this as though it has always been an intended mechanic and that it was designed to work this way. If it was not designed to work like that, then it was an oversight on their part, and it is a bug.

I am also guessing that you did not look at the image I linked showing that the set bonus is specific to the class it was designed for. The red text you get when you wear the set on the wrong class indicates to me that you are not getting the bonus.

If it was never designed to work in that way, then why do you expect them to “Fix” it?

The only thing broken about this is that it works at all for any of the sets.

The wording is not confusing. If you get the bonus, then you get the credit. That is why you are all wrong. You do NOT get the bonus if you are not that class.

The 2 piece bonus for the Shadow set says:

While equipped with a melee weapon, your damage is increased by 6000%.

If I am actually getting this bonus while wearing the set on the Wizard, then I should do 6,000% more damage.

This video shows that I am NOT getting the set bonus because it is only granted to the DH class. The text may be green indicating that I am wearing the correct pieces, but the red text is telling me that I am not getting the set bonus.

None of these should be working, because none of the sets are granting the bonuses to the wrong class.

Then, explain to us why this Demon Hunter got credit for it wearing a Monk Set. (Posted by Maskraider).

Because it is bugged! Is there any more of a textbook example of a bug?

This is clearly an oversight on the Devs part.

I AM NOT arguing whether it’s bugged or not.

I’m just saying it CAN BE DONE.

You, Maskraider, and Meteorblade have all been arguing that this interaction is legitimate because it fits within the wording of the conquest, and therefore it can not be classified as a bug.

You have been saying that as long as you get the bonus (I think you mean the green text) then everything is kosher.

I have been saying that you do not get the bonus at all if you are the wrong class, and that the green text is just a visual aid to let you know what bonuses you should be getting. The red text tells you that you are NOT getting that bonus.

The issue all hinges on whether or not the set bonus is granted to a class other than that which the set was designed for.

I think my video shows that it does not. Therefore it is a bug.

Compare these items…

Sunwuko’s Balance vs Mantle of the Upside-Down Sinners

Mantle shows the word Monk underneath Shoulders in the top right and can therefore only be equipped by Monks. Balance does not, i.e. the Sunwoko set is not restricted to Monks and can be worn by any class. There are a number of sets which are similar.

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Are you asking why some sets can be equipped by other classes, and some can not? Not sure. Does it matter?

This has nothing to do with whether or not you can actually put on the gear and complete the GR 55. It is about whether or not you did it with the full set bonus.

Read the description of the conquest again.

Reach Greater Rift Level 55 Solo with the full bonuses of six of the following Class Sets.

I think if you posted a new bug report saying that the 2-piece shadow set bonus is bugged because your wizard can’t benefit from it, the Devs would laugh at you, and point you to the red text that says “Demon Hunter Only” beside the bonus.

You are not supposed to get the bonus on the wrong class. That is why you do not get it on the wrong class. Therefore you should not get the conquest on the wrong class.

I have already demonstrated that other classes do not get the bonus. Therefore they should not get the conquest.

Here’s one of my Demon Hunters wearing 5/6 of the Sunwuko set…

As she has a RoRG in the Cube, the 6-piece bonus is effective…

Now a screenshot showing the difference between the Sunwuko helm (which doesn’t say Monk in the top right) and the PoJ helm (which does)…

And this is what happens when I try to equip the PoJ helm on the DH…

So, a DH can wear the Sunwuko set, and the 6-piece bonus is active, it’s just that the bonus only buffs abilities a Monk would have. However, the Conquest just requires you to complete a GR55 with the set active, not making use of the abilities which the set buffs. This is why a DH could get their 6th set GR55 done by wearing Sunwuko gear, as long as the other pieces of gear they’re wearing are sufficiently powerful.

If a friendly TL3 comes along, feel free to embed my screenshots, thanks.

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Here’s one of my Demon Hunters wearing 5/6 of the Sunwuko set…

As she has a RoRG in the Cube, the 6-piece bonus is effective…

Now a screenshot showing the difference between the Sunwuko helm (which doesn’t say Monk in the top right) and the PoJ helm (which does)…

And this is what happens when I try to equip the PoJ helm on the DH…

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I understand all of that perfectly.

Again, the real question is: Are you actually getting the bonus but only lack the skills to benefit from them?

If the answer to that question is “Yes”, then I would agree with you.

However, the video that I previously posted, shows that you do not in fact, get the bonus if you are on the wrong class.

The set bonuses are activated by the number of set pieces.
Whether you can utilize the bonuses is another matter.
It is how set works.

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You are wrong. Try wearing the 2-piece shadow set on another class.

I tried on a barbarian. The bonus lights up. Though barb won’t get any buff from it.

The green text does not indicate that you got the bonus. It indicates that you are wearing 2 pieces.

The red text says you are not getting the bonus.

Did you get 6,000% more damage? If not, then you do not have the bonus.

No, I don’t get 6000% dmg, but I do get the bonus but not benefit from it.

From another point of view:

My DH worn Shadow with a bow and using Multishot. I didn’t get any buff from the set and still got the credit.

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No, you got the bonus from the set on your DH; you just didn’t use it. You barb does not get the bonus, but tried to use it. Neither one benefited from the set, but only your DH had the bonus.

The Bonus is the actual words in the text, not the text color.

The color does not benefit you, so how is that a bonus? The 6,000% damage is the bonus, which you do not have.

On the DH.
You GOT the buff, but did not benefit from it because you did not use the skill.


On the Barb:
You did NOT get the buff because you were the wrong class.

One has the buff but did not use it. The other tried using the buff with available skills but did not benefit from it because they were the wrong class.

The conquest says nothing about having green text, or that you have to use the set bonus in any way. It just says that you have to have the bonus, and you do not have the bonus on your Barb.

You have green text that says you are wearing 2 pieces, and red text that says you do not have the bonus.

Why do you think the cube items are not available when they are not intended for your class?

For example, Spears: Arreat’s Law

Some spears have Barb-only affixes. You can not use them in the cube if you are not a barb, even though you could equip them. That is because you would not get the bonus, not because you lack the proper skill.

It is how you interpret the red text but I don’t agree with. That’s ok for discrepancy.

I first saw this was possible posted by someone in the old forum many years ago. Then I searched and found the icy-veins guide (linked above).

I finally tested myself some seasons ago, with Jade on DH.

I repeated again with Sunwuko on DH in this season.

It is how this conquest work and I proved it. The IK set might be bugged as mentioned by @TinneOnnMuin (linked above).

Keep arguing whether it is a bug won’t arrive any conclusion because dev won’t clarify as usual. I think we can stop here.

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And this is exactly what is happening when a Demon Hunter equips the Monkey King’s Garb (Sunwuko Set).

The 6-piece Bonus is active. Or, in other words, you have the full Bonuses. You’re just not using them.

This is what I meant by:

When doing Set Dungeons it DOES matter. You not only need to have the full Set equipped, but you also have to perform certain Skills that only the required Class can perform.

When doing the Conquests, Years of War/Dynasty, it DOES NOT matter. You are NOT required to perform Class-specific functions. You’re only required to have the 6-piece Bonuses.

I know you don’t want to see it this way. As Maskraider stated: It’s a matter of interpretation. We can “argue” this until the Burning Hells freeze over, but the fact is: It works.

This has been reported for years. It has not been “fixed”. Whether or not it is intentional is irrelevant. You can complete the Conquest in this manner. That is the point.

Just so we are completely clear:

You are saying that a Barb wearing the 2 piece shadow is getting the bonus of the 2 piece set only because the green text is there? The fact that the 6,000% damage bonus is NOT active is NOT an indicator that they do NOT have the set bonus?

You are saying that the fact that none of the text is active, has nothing to do with the bonus? The bonus is the text color only, not the meaning of the words?

Would you agree with someone who posted a bug report stating that the 2 piece shadow set did not buff their barb, and that the shadow set is bugged?

Why is a barb not allowed to enter the Shadow Set dungeon, if the only requirement is to be properly garbed? It does not matter if they lack the skills, why can they not enter?

Again, it does not matter if it has worked this way for years and has been reported. There are many things in the game like that. The question is whether or not it was intended to work this way, and whether or not it qualifies as a bug.

I am more than happy to agree to disagree, but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around your logic of saying you have the bonus, when you do not get extra damage, but only get green text color. The conquest is not about wearing certain pieces, it clearly says Set bonus.

For all the sets in the game with the exception of Shadow, there is no way of knowing whether or not you actually get the bonus or not, because all the bonuses are tied to skills that you do not have access to.

Imagine there is no Shadow set in the game. We would not be having this argument because there is no way of knowing if you actually have the bonus or not because you lack the skills to test it. I would not be disagreeing with you.

That is not the case with Shadow and Barb. You do not have the bonus even if you try to use it. All you need is a melee weapon, no special skills are required. That us why I say that either shadow is bugged, or none of the other sets give the bonuses either. Shadow shows that even though you get the green text you do not have the bonus.

Except that IK doesn’t work with that method. That is what started the whole discussion. Either IK is bugged and should give you the conquest, and Shadow is also bugged and should give you the extra damage, or else all the rest of the sets are bugged and should not give you the conquest. Either way, something is bugged.

I am happy to leave it at that, unless I am misunderstanding your position that as long as the text turns green that qualifies as the bonus even if it has no effect. Again, talking specifically about shadow, not the other sets when you do not have the option to use the bonus, and testing is not possible. According to your position, should Shadow buff every class if they wear the 2 piece? Why yes, or why no?

Imagine you are in-game with a barb wearing the 2-piece Shadow and they can’t understand why they are not getting 6,000% more damage. How do you explain to them that they do, in fact, have the set bonus, but just not the damage part of the bonus?