Congratulations, now s22 start and SL release will collide

It is as the title says, SL will be released at 11/23 and the sooner expectation for S22 is 11/20.

This will be probably the lowest populated season, at least after 3 days. It’s the first time i see a company dampen his own launch hype with two simultaneos titles. But when you consider that d3 almost doesn’t generate receipt anymore, its understandable why they don’t give an F.


I don’t see the issue. I mean, three whole days into the season? The entire season journey thru Guardian will be done?

The game has gotten so much easier it is almost funny. Remember back when D3 first came out? One was super happy just to find a (non-legendary!) healing potion?


I have no idea what SL means, so I am really looking forward to playing D3 S22 :slight_smile:


It’s some stupid WoW thing.

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WoW Shadowlands? . . . .


It must be rough being unable to play more than one game at a time.

Or even being able to comprehend that.


A Season isn’t really “launching” anything. It’s certainly not the equivalent of an expansion.


I doubt there will be much of an issue with a WoW release at the same time, its highly likely that there are more D3 players playing other games (Poe, GD, Wolcen, etc) than there are playing D3 and WoW.

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Its not like Shadowlands will have enough content at release to not burn through it in 7 to 10 days and then everybodys gangsta in d3 again till the first raid opens.


Doesn’t really affecting me as I don’t play WoW.

And D3 season usually last more than 3 months, so those D3 players who finished playing WoW in the first month will certainly come back for D3 Season as well.


Little to no impact tbh. Just because you play D3 in season doesn’t mean that’s all you play. It’s not like a job where you have to put X hours every day to get something out of it.

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Serious D3 players don’t care about WoW or other Blizzard games! So there is really no problem with a possible starting date at 11/20.


Good. This is great news. LESS LAG!!!


this has been happening for years. They released a season last summer 4 days before wow classic.

EDIT: Found what i said a while back:

That was on the 10th of september , before we knew it was 2.6.10 and before SL was delayed.

Still, they did it again, most likely

Because it’s not shooting themselves in the foot - especially because D3 doesn’t bring in any $$$.

Not everybody blitzes the Season in the 72 hours. Or blitzes the WoW expansion, for that matter.

yah WoW is ruining everything. Should have been a Dec 15th release.

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If the D3 season and Shadowlands releases clash, will you be prioritising your seven D3 accounts, or your 90 WoW heroes?

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I’m one of the fastest levelers in WoW every expansion, so i’ll have just under 2 weeks to dominate S22 before i need to put some hardcore time into Arena/Raiding.

Who cares? Play both, pick one first then play the other? Neither is running away from you.

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I look forward to seeing you post some evidence of your solo GR150 clears.

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