CoE should be on a Random rotation

A misquote would be, if i pretend to quote you, and then change sth that you wrote.

I didn’t do that. Maybe it is time to put a dictionary on your wishlist for christmas instead of an 8th diablo-account

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Nope, still don’t see anything violating your “freedom of speech”.

Not possible for you to violate his ‘freedom of speech’ - you’re not the government.


Well, all of your threads follow a fixed scheme:

  • You select a highly controversial and polarizing Title and Topic where you know that you will get many answers from people who wont agree with you

  • Afterwards you start bragging in one form or another about your knowledge/experience in D3 and that therefore their opinion is not valid / downright wrong

  • You start to belittle / gaslight / frame people that dont agree with you

  • You make outrageous claims without ever proofing them and try to bolster your own ego

  • If you get a reply you cant handle you go into victim-mode

Therefore , in my eyes , you are a troll


Another Blablata thread… :rofl:

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Thanks for incrementing my post views everyone. Nothing more to say here.

I bet once the game becomes “hard” you will be the first one to make the game easy cuz it’s too hard.
For all seriousness. If you know how to make the game better, apply to blizz and make the changes you deem. If they won’t hire you because you don’t have a background in video games besides playing them for hours, then go somewhere else or start your own company.

This is our fault. We feed the troll. Him and his “5 high skill accounts” haha.


of yeah so we have a MTBer that plays D3?
yoooo, here’s another <<<<<<<<<<

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Skill is being in sync and having good timing, it has nothing to do with randomness.


D3, or any game for that matter, was not meant to be played staring at a little rotating box in the UI.

This game needs less RNG, not more. I don’t know what some people’s obsession is with making everything random. I like earning stuff in games, not just having a chance to win stuff.


Yeah NAH.
It’s a frustrating ring in a lot of instances the more you play, but this is not the answer, it would be as frustrating as the random season effects.

You are pushing and all you need is something decent but you get a firewall for the 4th time in a row and this one, doesn’t even spawn, the screen just goes red.

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In Russia, CoE thinks that Bravata should be on a random rotation.

Seriously tho, no. Just. No. Leave the CoE alone. There are MANY legendaries that don’t have any special abilities at all. THOSE need attention way more than changing the CoE. Also, OTHER legendaries that do have special abilities need to be retooled so that they can be viable in a push or farm build.


First, I find it completely hilarious and even pathetic, that you’ve picked Diablo game to be “skilled” at, since Diablo’s gameplay has always been elementary, and the only thing that can remotely be described as skillful was the trading aspect.

Go play a shooter where you have to be accurate, or an MMO where you have to juggle 30+ abilities and come back to tell me you’re skilled.

Second, by making it random it would not become about skill, but instead it’s going to be about luck… as in you getting lucky to get CoE align with your main element more often, or multiple times in a roll at a crucial moment (say fighting RG).

I can’t… this is too funny…
Someone should make a Risitas clip of this :stuck_out_tongue:

:rofl: Dude, wtf! If I wake up the entire building during the night, they’ll call the cops on me!


CoE = Carcen of Eloba?

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Within the context of the thread, I’d say it’s the Cancer of Elitism.


Gotcha. Well, in that case… in Russia, Cancer of Elitism thinks that… oh why repeat an old dad joke? Yes it’s old, but I love it. It’s funny. I am sure Russia has a similar one as well.

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Finding the rhythm and then adjusting play style to match the rhythm is, in itself a skill.

Staring at the UI bar is not a skill, it’s a distraction.

Random rotation increases the latter while eliminating the former. It’s about as far from “relying on skill” as you can get.

But, an idea I floated a while back would help…

Get rid of the rotation and instead have the ring work on a timeout basis (not cooldown, this shouldn’t be affected by cooldown).

Any elemental damage is buffed for 4 seconds and then that same element cannot be buffed again for 16 seconds.

This system:

  • Gets rid of the difference in total uptime for classes that have 3 vs 4 vs 5 elements in their skill bar.
  • Puts the player in control of the rotation without having to watch the UI
  • If the build requires different elements to be buffed in a specific order, the player would be in control of that order
  • If the various buff/timeout periods are allowed to overlap then you could get big periods of multiple elemental damage buffs happening, but they would all be on a similar timeout
  • If the various buff/timeout periods are required to be non-overlapping, then there is at least an improved control over the order of the elements
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I know that necros would hate it. They would have longer times to wait till their next damage window to use Land of the Dead. Killing necro builds isn’t the way to go. Besides what skill does it take to notice that your damage window appears.