CN S25 leaderboard 150 GR clear in 27 seconds

DH solo clear GR 150 in 36 seconds paragon 2418.
several groups with DH clear GR 150 in 27 seconds. all with paragon 2K+
most of these score happened yesterday. Dec. 14th 2021
I have leaderboard screen shot don’t know how to upload it.
I heard some guys already have 5000 paragon. today by speed GR 150.
these are S25, not nonseason.

The bug seems related to a network delay, when network delay is very high (red bar), DH hungering arrow can stack player damage to very very high. then they can deal huge damage by other skill.
now people are trying to jam the network to push leaderboard. it make server env worse.

Blizzard, pls fix this terrible bug.


Its not a bug, its a feature. Thanks for the buff Blizz, you may go on strike till end of season now.


There is already a “long” thread about this “feature”

You are not telling the truth.
My SS shows Asia Season 25 solo DH 150 in 12 minutes 25 seconds.

The title of the thread clearly says “CN”, i.e. China servers.
That’s not the same as the Asia region of the Western servers.

Meanwhile, on EU…

Notice the GR150 in 1 min 08 seconds, done with 1044 paragon.


Ranking on Chinese servers.


At this moment, the 307 firsts places are under one minute…

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Screenshot you provided is about monk, not dh.


Pool blz programmer, the buff may drop from lvl 0 to lvl -1 when network lag.
You actually get a lvl 4,294,967,295 buff.

You can see the issue in US leaderboard too, some players complete level 14x within 3 minutes.

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He said DH, not Monk.

Oh no! The cheaterboards are compromised! Just like they’ve always been.

No one will ever know the pain of never being able to attain seeing my name on a list on a website :frowning:


EU Dh now too… 1 minute clears… Some nice bug there.

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The “best” player is the second, 2:26 with a 2H blue crossbow :smiley: :cry:


Players wanted power creep, they doubled it.


I distinctly ordered a power crepe… nice and crispy with a little cinnamon. Instead I got more power creep. That’s it, I’m only giving this restaurant a 1 star rating.


I can’ even walk across the entire floor of a map in 27 seconds, speed build or no lol


Atleast 1 day for this exploit and cancer speads more and more (CN,EU,KR servers). We still don’t have any answer from devs Is this game really dead?

Its not only the damage buff. By trying to build my DH like the top guys in the leaderboard i was able to create some bug in which the next portal i entered was already at around 60% clear. If you combine that with the damge thing thats alot of speed in the farms^^

is not a bug, is a feature, thx blizz


This wasn’t funny the first time someone said it and it isn’t getting any funnier.