[Classic] The Shared Stash

We are talking about getting a shared stash for Classic D2R which means non LOD characters not old vanilla D2


Everyone one should try tweeting @diablo about getting an answer about this if we all do it we might get more attention about this


Not a bad idea. Hope you guys have twitter haha I havenā€™t used it in 10 years!
Good luck!


I tweeted both @Diablo and PezRadar but no response unfortunately

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An important point, made well.

As a player of D2X since whenever it came out, I forgot most of these changes and embraced D2X as the new standard. Forgive the tangent but I just wanted to pick up what you said about having to run with an inventory full of charms: YES! This fkn kills my life having every high level character having to juggle drops in and out of my Horodric Cube! Itā€™s too big a change to contemplate, but contemplate it I now willā€¦

And to the $ for tabs suggestion (a la PoE): PoE is totally free to play, and I have bought a considerable amount of stash space in PoE for less than I paid for D2:R! It would be gouging if Bliz put their hand out for this feature. (maybe a PoE style unique items stash tab wouldnā€™t go astray eitherā€¦)


There is no logic classic to not have atleast shared stash ā€¦ so classic players will still make mules , drop items , rejoin games , pick items ?


As of right now yes we need to get into the tech alpha so we can leave feedback about this or keep on trying to tweet at them


Why donā€™t they make a check box at character creation for non-shared stash? That way players who want the hardcore limitation, they have the option to block themselves off at character creation.

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Because the game has to be the same for everyone if there is an easy option why would anyone in their right mind handicap themselves against the rest of the players. Isnā€™t that obvious?

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Yeah, that does make sense.

Same with ā€œauto-goldā€ feature.

Auto gold pick up changes nothing people seem to forget gold mostly comes from selling items such and wands scepters and stuff to vendors the amount of gold from normal piles is nothing and splits with parties already and people with gold find builds would pick up gold piles anyways it literally changes nothing

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Playing the game now.
Picking up gold sucks.

Maybe, D3 spoiled me.
Still, Iā€™ll give it some time.

This decision will probably nudge me one way or the other whether to play Classic or LoD for the first seasonā€¦I really want to play Classic, but I would feel a bit cheated if thereā€™s no bigger/shared stash.

Letā€™s hope the devs make a good decision!


I will pay for stash tabs like POE holy crap take my money!!

Gem Tab sold
Rune Tab Sold
Additional stash tabs here is a pile of money I will even pay to color them and name them!

Should this be included for free (duh) or should we have to pay for it???

Wonder what batman thinks

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The gems and runes being individual in your inventory makes sense, because of the Tetris inventory mechanics. But when youā€™re going to the stash, then things start to change a bit. Now youā€™re out from the battle field and are spending time organizing your ā€œbank/stashā€ which is a bit different.

People will make mules and transfer things they want to keep, because of the limited space. So making the stash a little bigger or making thing stackable might work in this case. But only to a degree. Even though people made mules, they still sold, gave away or even dropped things because of the limited space.

I honestly wouldnā€™t mind spending some money to buy more tabs. You may pay for the game initially, but servers still cost them money. Having a few incentives to make money wouldnā€™t hurt, just as long as they remain tasteful.

The way POE went was too gaudy, that it was actually a turn off.

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Yea, Iā€™m still debating on whether to play Classic Hardcore Ladder, or Expansion Softcore Ladder. I do hope that they consider to increase the stash size and have shared stash. If not it would be appreciated if they did one, or the other(either increase just the stash size, or have just shared stash).

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There will need to be specific and unhackable code in place to keep non-expansion alts from using expansion items placed in the stash from expansion alts. This is the issue.


You mean to tell me with the skill set blizzard have, along with a simple flag check that it cannot be implemented? It already exists in Non:Res


Yeah I see this as a non-issue. Itā€™s not like we had shakos or tyraels might in Classic OGd2, why would it become a problem now? Just because thereā€™s a shared stash shouldnā€™t change anything, there are plenty of games with separated communities, none of which Iā€™ve played had this problem.

Come on blizzard, give us the shared stash, preferably the same size as LoD as this would just make it cosmetic anyways!

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I vote to have bigger stashes, just donā€™t touch the backpack. Everyone is going to mule anyways, so why not give them the option to share the goodies. The stash in vanilla was super tiny, you pretty much had to mule.