Classic Players are Upset about no Shared Stash

Please reconsider this… What will we do about this issue? Hope for a mod?


Mod’s honestly not good enough… I’ll be forced to play expansion until they fix this.

It’s not that I don’t like LoD, but I at least want the option to play D2Classic safely. With their decision, these things are obviously true-

Blizzard has made the decision that they do not care if people get scammed.
Blizzard does not care if we have our items stolen.
Blizzard does not care that console play will be miserable for Classic players.


Is it because they know Classic players will end up paying the extra 40$ to buy a second, safe, mule account?

Are Blizzard a greedy, greedy, disloyal to their fans company?

I guess we’ll find out Sept.23.2021.

Get your crap together, Blizzard. The shared stash needs to be in all game modes.


Modding isn’t an option for everyone. Especially for people on consoles… most likely. They need to reconsider this.


No, it doesn’t.

Even with all the weirdly strange explanations given in similar threads such as this, I still do not understand why people are insisting on wanting to play Classic Diablo II (meaning non Lord of Destruction) in Diablo II Resurrected, but still have D2R-LOD features included, such as shared and/or expanded stash?

The inclusion of those NEW features into D2R “Classic Mode” will mean it’s no longer “Classic Mode”!

I can see it now — If Blizzard caves in to unreasonable demand and shared stash features (amongst others) is indeed included into D2R “Classic Mode”, then there’ll be just as much of an outcry because the “Classic Mode” won’t truly be “Classic”!

Blizzard and V.V. have their reasons. Leave it be.

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You do realize that Classicd2 isn’t officially called “Classic” anywhere, right? it’s literally just an endearing name. It’s not official, anything. Blizzard doesn’t use the term itself, in any official capacity. It’s simply a non-expansion version of the game.

There is zero reason it should be impossible to mule in D2 for players of one game mode, but not the other. Shared stash is not an “LoD feature” yet.

No. VV have shown their lack of knowledge on Diablo2 numerous times, on many occasions stating their lack of knowledge on many gameplay aspects. They are very good at graphic redesign, and are doing a very good job at that.

What they are not, is D2 gameplay experts, and they need to realize they’re making a terrible mistake that will cost them sales.


Really? you don’t understand why players of a game that has been easy to mule items to other characters for years, would still want to be able to mule items in relative safety?

What kind of logic is that, even? Of course players of all modes should be able to mule items safely.

Your argument is just as silly as saying Hardcore shouldn’t get the shared stash, because then it wouldn’t “feel” “hardcore” enough, it’s absurd.


I know that! That one of the reason why I do not understand everyone’s (or, near everyone’s) desires to want to play it. I personally consider “Classic Diablo” to be either Diablo I, Diablo II and Diablo II Lord Of Destruction in their original form, sprite based graphics and all.

TLDR, “Classic” meaning the original form and presentation of the games.

Blizzard disagrees. If they had, they’d have gone with another company for the remaster.

“Mule items safely”?? [begin sarcasm] What, is muling any other way dangerous? [end sarcasm]

Nope, most of this remaster is graphical remaster. Even the man overseeing the Diablo franchise currently has openly stated they don’t know much about the inner workings of balance in D2. It’s no secret, and it doesn’t matter. It’s why VV stated they weren’t comfortable touching skill/item balance in the remaster.

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Insofar as gaming is concerned, risking your items to thieves is dangerous, yes. Needing another person or account/console to move items is absolutely terrible design.

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When they say they are not comfortable touching skill/item balance, in think it means they don’t want to change the way the game works and feels. In other words, they want to leave it as close to the original as is possible with the new graphics engine. That does not sound like discomfort to me. It sounds like a sound design choice.

That is always a risk, I’m sure. But then why should Blizzard or Vicarious Visions take responsibility and provide a solution for something that clearly isn’t their problem and indeed have no control over.

I for one, will be playing only with people I know and trust to not stab me in the back, exactly as we did all those long years ago when playing D2LOD. If rare item or rune drops, and my friend/s need it while I do not, then I drop it back on the ground for them or initiate a trade.

I mean, really, whose fault is it if the player chooses to enter games with questionable people? If you’re concerned about other players stealing your items, then you should seriously reconsider making better choices about who you play with.

The Diablo series is primarily a multiplayer series. Not everyone has people in real life that play the game. As such, it is only reasonable to ask for a safe way to move items between characters. How would we know if a stranger is “safe” to mule with?

Of course it’s within their control. They literally are controlling the coding in their own game. Yes, it is within their control to create a system in which people can safely move items from one character to another.

They are choosing not to do that, maybe for financial reasons, maybe because they don’t know any better. Your guess is as good as mine.

Dang that Prometheus sure does love to troll Classic players about the shared stash.


This is true.

How is it I’m being branded a troll for speculating that their reason is to keep Classic gameplay as true to Classic as possible by not providing a shared stash in Classic Mode?

Because there are far more “purists” that play expansion, so the argument doesn’t logically follow. For the record, I’m not calling you a troll, but some of your arguments are pretty weak, here.

LoD and Classic players should both be able to mule. It is absolutely asinine to ask Classic players to have a harder time muling than current servers. It’s 2021 for Christ’s sake.


Still, it stands to reason that there are those “Classic” players out there who actually want the Shared Stash without needing to play LOD, and there are those that want “Classic” to remain so and will freak out because Shared Stash is not “Classic”.

Either way, Blizzard will have their haters.

Hey kids, we’re going to add QoL alterations to the game. You know things that don’t meaningfully impact gameplay and are just improvements we’ve come to expect in 2021.

Oh except Classic mode in D2R. You guys get dumped on for no actual reason.


Are there people actually defending this break down in consistency? Did Blizzard actually come out with a reason why?


Even a, “we’re scared to touch the code.” would suffice.


shared stash was never a LOD feature either, so your argument is flawed to begin with. Another case of arguing for the sake of arguing.


I don’t think you ever muled if you don’t think it’s dangerous.


I think we found the one person that’s against QoL for Classic D2R lmao. Just ignore him. He doesn’t even play classic and the people that do play it want the QoL features.


The way he talks, I don’t believe he plays classic at all, or he’s confused and doesn’t know what we’re talking about.