Cheaters on the Leaderboards

The Best way to remove cheaters is to remove the leaderboard.

Don’t “track” competition, because there is no competition when there is no leaderboard.

No one cheats if you don’t have a score.

You only like this game because it has a “report card” like school?


While true, the leaderboard has been a staple since D2. Even then, it was botters who raced their way to 99.

This is why outside of the Diablo forums, nobody what-so-ever cares about anybody’s place on their leaderboards. In some other game forums, it’s actually a meme, despite still seeing some people actually bragging “I was high ranked on the Diablo board!” while the room is nothing but chirping crickets because literally nobody cares.


I’d do it for free and I’m sure many others would gladly volunteer a 2-3 hours a week to help weed out cheaters and investigating accounts.


Valid. I know them for quite some time thats all. Theres a lot of players on this forum I am disagreeing with, shadout/microRNA etc, but they arent Metalhead. Some heated debate with JTP recently but he appears to be more genuine to my impression. Ofc, these are just my personal opinions.

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I’ve disagreed a couple times with Shadout but he’s a good guy. He can go back/forth with someone for days and completely keep his cool and doesn’t sling mud, so I respect the guy. That rna guy is just a garbage sock troll and a complete waste of time. I blocked him a long time ago. Metalhead is just zealous. Yes, he does sometimes sling mud but he tries to keep things overall on-topic, which is important. Whether or not I agree with his statements, that’s something some people (for some reason) struggle to do.

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TOo bad they are so slow to ban people. Day 6 of someone cheating ( more than that ), and still not banned. Cheats while streaming too.

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In before “It takes us long because we’re conducting our “thorough investigation”.”

While I can’t speak on Square Enix, since I have no personal connections to any of their MMO’s. I can speak on the facade part, which is certainly what it feels like when you don’t permanently ban players, but just ban game licenses.

When I worked for, it was a little different, since we had access to actual identities of the physichal players, passports, ssn, etc. So whenever we permanently banned someone there, it was effectively 99.9% of the time, the last time we’d see them.

Personally, I’m of the opinion that if you cheat, you should be banned, no new account, no new licenses. You’re either temporarily or permanently banned as an individual.

Blizzard does have access to a few unique identifiers, our bnet account, email, creditcard/paypal and if they chose to, could certainly use those to temporarily or permanently ban individuals.

I’m sure many are going to argue against this form of banning, privacy reasons or other factors they might use to argue against it.

The benefit to the way you did it was that it’s not so easy to get a new SSN, passport, etc. You “can” but it’s a lot of work and money. Anybody can go get a new email, credit card, paypal, etc within a few minutes.

If that’s how one had to play ball, as long as it was safe… and the punishment should fit the crime. If someone finds a way to glitch terrain without 3rd party assistance, which people have, a short ban/warning. Those who use 3rd party programs, permanent. Those were not discovered by accident. You knew what you were doing.

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Cheaters needs to get banned and not every 30 + days. There is a difference. No need to be condescending about it.

I agree that cheaters need banned. I’ve made my feelings on that very clear in the past.

My comment that you quoted is in regards to Blizzard’s famous “we conducted a thorough investigation” when no real investigation ever took place outside of a quick glance… and that was per two former GMs who were whistleblowers a couple years back.

I really do not care what happened some years ago.

That’s fine. I wasn’t trying to rustle you up. I never disagreed with your stance. I was only explaining why I said what I said.

The cheaters have a program that automatically closes bad GRs based off bad mob type and maps. This is a horrible advantage!

This is very true, especially those that push the front pages or are in active clans.

All I have ever wanted was more frequent action against cheaters. The only shade you speak of is false info backed by mob mentality cheaters themselves. Think about it honestly. Who would counter argue wanting more enforcement in D3? The cheaters or the players that benefit from cheaters. The only shade you speak of is complete fabrication.

Yes, there should be zero tolerance. This guy gets it!


I will reiterate my prior quote:

This are totally unsubstantiated accusations, you totally have no idea who or who isnt using a macro, th or this programm that essentialy fishes for you. At least with botting you could look at the leaderboards and have some numbers wich you got some indication. If we look at the barb SSF leaderboard where you compete as an example, we see 2 people who are 21 grifts ahead of you that is like 2200% in mob health, you cannot alone blame it on possible cheating. And remember you also said this before the season about how you could now finally compete with this para cap:

So now it seems this season despite the para cap diminishing the bots its not going as you envisioned and then come to the forum to complain once again and make these vague accusations.

He sure is very anti cheat, he is also anti (low) para cap btw.


There are two outliers in terms of top clears on that leaderboard that are ~10 GRs above third place. You can see that one of the top 2 has already played 272 hours or ~21 hours per day this season.

As season progresses, other players will be able to catch up in relation to their gear/legendary gem levels to close the GR gap.

Yes i have seen that too, but the point of the season is everyone is capped at p800, their power is diminished. Sure they still have the advantage of better gear, but their better gear doesnt compensate 11 gr or 21 gr difference.

Btw the other of the 2 outliers has legitimate hours and also is lightyears ahead, indicating that those hours of the other outlier dont even matter.

The other account has 125 hours on barb so about ~10 hours per day on barb. With time, other’s gear and legendary gems will improve. The gap will narrow.

He also has about 1700 para in SSF and 1700 para in non SSF so he even split his time. But we will see in the end, but i bet we will get alot of complaining in between or after this season still.

It is something that i have said in other threads, because i do agree bot power is diminished, but still the other (legit hour looking) outlier is also still way ahead. But again we will see in the end of the season.

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