Chat channels, Parties and Clan functions DO NOT work anymore

Its very slow to logon, takes several minutes to join a party and when I am finally accepted into a party the game reports I’m not in a party and cant use party chat or other functions like being lead or seeing who is lead. If I leave party I have to click ‘Leave Game’ several times and at the character screen the Change Character button is gone and all other options are non-functional, i.e. Rejoin Game. I’m just stuck and have to Kill Command Diablo and Blizzard App and restart it to get back into game. Also even though I can see Clan and Community chats, I can not respond in them. Nor do any Clan functions work ‘N’ brings up a blank screen. General chat isn’t even an option for me in the chat menu. I can only talk to others through created ‘Conversations’. So at least that function still works…

These are all functions I had no issues with after the maintenance. Even this morning I had no issues, it started when I logged in today 9/11/19 @ 17:00 MT. At this point I’m just angry and that just annoys me because life is frustrating enough without my hobbies that are supposed to be fun and relaxing adding to it. So good job.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Communities Are Not Working After Maintinance