Charm Inventory

It’s interesting that the workaround to a full inventory is to pick stuff up and place in the cube, or tp to town, drop stuff on the ground or stash, and then go back to pick up your loot.

An additional charm only inventory would remove the need for that work around. Just need to make sure charms can only sit in the theoretical charm inventory, stash, or cube. No charms can sit in the character inventory or if they can, their powers not work, until moved to the charm inventory.

Seems like too big of a change for the devs to implement, and a portion of the community doesn’t want it (their nostalgia ruined oh no!).


I don’t think thats what I, or those against it are really saying here. I even like the charm inventory play compared to playing without it.

The cube inventory is not a work around. Its an inefficient way to pick up loot because you are running an inventory full of charms. It is more cumbersome than if you did not have the charms. Charms were created with the intention that they make looting more cumbersome in exchange for a power increase. How many charms you choose to run dictates how annoying it is to your looting.

Making it so that charms effectively do not take up inventory space but are their own separate mechanic is a big change to how they were envisioned to work. You are now just getting an additional power increase with no trade-off when it was originally designed with a specific trade off that you just simply don’t seem to like.

The game may be more enjoyable with a charm inventory and its not nostalgia that makes me hesitant on it. You can choose to eliminate many design mechanics simply because you dont like them and a better way was found. Given the slippery slope of the charm inventory I think its far from a day one change.


That’s always how I viewed them, great if I could squeeze them in but if it’s this +Skill vs MF for being able to run this faster I’ll switch it up, it was if I could jam a charm up my butt I would but I also need to be able to pick up things, it was a system that caused choices but that’s how I always viewed them.


I’m playing every other ladder reset for last 15 years strictly on battlenet, never played any of those mentioned mods, nor I ever play singleplayer. And I say charm inventory is a pure QoL.
On the other hand, I see a lot of people here that have only some vague idea of what end-game even looks like, zealously trying to prove something to me.
No, it will not affect balance. No there is no “trade off”.
Your inventory is your cube, that’s it. No choices, no trades. If you’d actually played the game, you’d knew that.
And no, having finished nightmare on sc in 2004 is not a qualification enough, to be arguing about game balance or “d2 magic” here.


That’s your choice in the end, you very well know you hit high enough level you can let off on some charms, could you always just have the cube for inventory, sure, but you filling your inventory is a you decision, I played almost 18 hours a day, most days :P, from d2 launch to like 2007-08. I could always have space, could I have more space, sure but I knew the trade offs. Even in a fresh character if you have a charm inventory they no longer need to even think about it, ID, slap into it into the charm inventory and keep moving, does it help you, meh don’t matter you can have a free inventory spot to put them regardless.

I always said I’m meh on this change and I am, but let’s not pretend putting these in your inventory hasn’t always been your choice. It would change the game, not really for the worse in my opinion I guess, I dunno why I’m replying like I said I’m meh.

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I think dushas only sees trade offs as IAS vs Attack damage, or offense vs defense.

Because this is a trade off of In game power vs personal convenience he does not acknowledge it as one. Its not worth going too much back and forth on because like you I don’t have strong feelings on its implementation.


I’m not a huge fan of this idea, However I Already Pre-Purchased so I’m gonna play it regardless, I think we will all get a better idea once we play it and hear back from users in Alpha

If u want u can still mule items in D2R the old way by dropping on ground, exiting the game an d rejoining , ect… i

Absolutely not. That’s not how things were in the original game. Having charms or inventory space is a personal decision that must be taken by the player. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


This statement is selfish. Of course people that want change are the majority on the forum. The reason their here is to suggest it. The purists are also here to support their own opinion to the dev’s in hoping to get what they want. The people actually posting in this forum is probably 1/1000 of what the actual player base might be. No1 here can definitively claim to speak for the minority or majority, they just hope to be heard. I’m not a “hard-core purist”. I just want less change to relive my childhood. I would prefer no charm inventory but if that’s what they implement, so be it. I will still continue to state my preferences though.


Not really going to get into a back and forth but if you can’t take likes away there is no way to determine what the 150 means, could there be 500 who didn’t want to upvote and are therefore not counted.

This is clearly an issue and both sides have reasons why they don’t want it. Saying any minority or majority is just you guessing.

I regret even posting lol I still are meh, but in this same logic shouldn’t we separate the cube from inventory, not allow anything in them unless being used in a recipe, once close it empties. This surely can’t be the purpose for the cube. That would free up the inventory for everything else. The books seem completely unnecessary, we might want loot there, maybe a separate spot for books.

Fitting in charms was a puzzle, balancing when you can take damage away and when you can add MF, no one ever forces you to leave 4 squares open.

I dunno again rambling.


Great posts and thinking, Skeems! And totally agreed, Faulty. I even like the idea about restricting the cube, but that won’t happen =P

Ya once I thought about the cube I figured hell take that out of the inventory, put it in the corner of the screen. Shoving random objects into that thing so you have space seems worse than figuring out how to fit charms on yourself, immersion wise.

It’s like having a bag of holding for your M&M’s. Well I dunno just something like putting trash into a precious object. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will say further besides normal charms, I wouldn’t be against spots for the unique ones like the anni. That makes slightly more sense as you will clearly want the one of the kinds. However the normal charms should be something your making choices on.

Have it So you separate The Anni, Gheeds, and Hellfire Charms, special spots on the inventory screen along with the cube(stays empty when closed(Besides for holding the broken pieces during quests)), add 2-4 more columns for inventory to compensate for the cube and bam… you still need to make choices on the other charms/books/and such.

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Haha, yes, I find that weird and sad too! And I like that idea about a slot for the best, can make sense and could be getting to a cool compromise.

That to me feels more right than a full separate charm inventory, still opens up 2x4 spot from the unique charms later on that you can only have one of, you loose space from missing the cube now but if you add another 2x4 and you end up ahead space-wise in the long run, that makes more sense to me.

Also it doesn’t give you space advantage in the beginning because the only guaranteed spots are for uniques you find higher up.

If they did have a separate spot for unique charms a window with all the bonus’ shown for them would be spectacular, I know they will show stats in the character screen so I guess it does cover that. Just feels like they have so much space they can utilize for information we always wished we could see.

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Sounds good to me, man!

Maybe be able to assign a hotkey to open the cube as well

Just as a note here, d2:r is going to be on the “real” blizzard servers. There aren’t going to be non-stop baal bots doing the leveling for people.
So the levelling portion of this game i going to be a lot longer for lot of people. Specifically those who have normally just got rushed the whole way and have never really worried about actually need resists charms and picking up actual levelling gear.


All you wanting to change the game why not wait till you can mod it… Charm inventory is great for mods maybe, but inventory space is part of the strategy of the original game… Leave it alone


I really hope this is what’s going to happen. Leveling shouldn’t be about getting boosted by doing nothing.

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