Chantoto Set is Now Garbage

So…there, if its so tough, why do you care of Vry’s is so tough. I think Vyr’s was tougher, and enjoyed it more. I play solo, you don’t. That’s that. I don’t have time to make to play with other people, and for a lot of good reasons. Anyways.
How’s about we not nerf builds, and let people play whatever they want? If classes are that far behind in GR, whey not boost the other classes up? Oh…yeah…too much work for devs. Nerfing one is easier than boosting six or seven classes and their various builds.
So…season gimmeckry wins the day - - - so long as no one does GR150 solo.

life support resuming…

enjoy the hampster wheel.


I play solo a lot. But fastest way to get paragon is to join public GR games (or public bounties, T16 nephalem etc). Vyr is not tough. Vyr is out of this earth compared to everything else. You just move around and stuff explodes (or implodes) while you have no care where you teleport to as long as your spam your archon abilities and build more stacks. As LoD meteor to reach my highest peak dmg I need to stand still and channel to get 10 stacks of taeguk, then wait for fire cycle on CoE, and bonus teleport in a power circle if any spawned. Which means as soon as I move to next group of mobs I need to start it all over again. Does this click anything to you? I am also running groups because I CAN. I did my research, I know how to build my character, what I need in order to be able to provide great AoE dmg (and single target dmg, if you never saw the burst from a LoD meteor shower during fire cycle on a RG you should give it a try) while also providing utility (can cube nemesis bracers, or can cube EoS to pull mobs if we have no support that groups mobs). And I also don’t die the moment something looks in my direction or you get multiple elite packs with various affixes cause you pulled 2 groups and spawned a 3rd at pylon

They can’t do that in a pinch. As you can see the next 2 sets for crusader and monk are barely T16 viable. They have no intention to bring everyone close to solo GR150. If they did, then the game would be dead in months because there would be nothing left to do, once everyone can solo GR150 and speed 150 in groups as it’s the highest you can go (for technical reasons). Would be no point in new seasons, ladders and what not. A new expansion for D3 is not really something one could expect before D4 (which is still years away) but never say never!

We are already closing the gap (4 player setups doing 150 speeds with various combo’s, including the nefarious 1 shot 150 RG with bone spirit necro, while starpact bazooka gives all the dmg for AoE clears and progression). But single player is still - and will be - far away from that, so there’s always something to look forward to.

I don’t have time for walls o text. Have a great day. Bless you. all that jazz.


Well clearly you don’t know either. The AS boost is a hidden modifier that you isn’t shown anywhere. Thus less visible and it was the biggest modifier it got in 2.6.6…

Again the big issue is that it is not skill damage in anyway, but an item proc, there’s no aim and you can’t target it. All other builds use actual skills to deal damage like a character should - not emit some ridicolously overpowered damage numbers.

The reason the build was OP

  1. You are literally invulnerable 90% of the rift
  2. Massive area of effect damage
  3. Super high maneuverability

Name a single other build that has all three of those?

Necro LoN has high damage but low maneuverability and is literally one shot by anything above GR100
Impale demon hunter - good maneuverability and high toughness, but damage is slow

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Seen necro mentioned in here for nerfing because of being “OP” , as far as I remember seeing from the notes, it was because of the play style mostly. I have also heard about the cap of GR at 150 and maybe it’s there because of issues with the scale of mob life. If this is true, that’s another reason they had to nerf the choto . Playing solo mostly besides a friend here and there dragging along, I don’t see how people justify being so angry about losing a few GR’s whilst still being at the top either above or same as other builds…seems it’s just “I want to be the only build at the top” syndrome. I bet if the gr cap was removed, choto left as is, but bulkathos set got the same buffs as choto and outperformed choto…there would still be complaining.

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I feel like it was closer to an 80% nerf, which would coincide with damage scaling on APS, 1APS 100% / 5APS 500%. 400% loss is 80% nerf but what if the nerf were reduced, say scale damage to .35 APS increase, so at 5 APS its only 240% more damage.

This would still be a 52% nerf but would keep it around 135 tops instead of 140. Honestly this is where every build should be, not like bazooka and 141+.

LOL is not garbage that set is OP and still better than other classes set, for me trash is a set than cant do a gr 100 or clear t16, chant can do that pretty well, so is NOT trash, look keyblade if you want we can change chantodos set power for: “kills everything in the map instatly and makes you unkillable”, that would be nice for you, right?

The “little bit” is around 50-60% of its current damage. Can do the math for you, but that would be fair in a way it would leave the build in a better state than LASt patch before the current one, where it was already op.

Did not test how much they nerfed, just to be clear on the “little” and “numbers” connection realisticly, without bias.

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Since my post earlier possibly got skipped over, an 80% nerf actually puts Wizard on par with the other classes!

Wizards are 10 GRs higher than the other classes, both in the top and bottom of the top 1000 solo leaderboards for each class (visit the leaderboards to confirm). This disparity is a monster health difference (using 17% monster life gained per GR) of 1.17^10 = 4.8068 which is close to 5. So doing 1/5th the damage will drop the build 10 GRs to put it in line with the other classes.

The real issue is that Wizards were buffed out of line in the first place. If you receive a gift and then have it taken away, it usually feels worse than if the gift was not received in the first place.

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It puzzles me how peeps are so ignorant of the fact that Wizard are the only class in the whole game that can reliably use Squirt’s for 100% dmg buff (making it BiS amulet by far) in pushing builds. Add a build that annihilates masses of enemies without much input from player (hi numlock!) with great mobility and toughness and still you cry after a dmg nerf that puts you couple GR’s behind. oO

You already can do more than any build based on squirts alone. Even if the whole chantodo was a single item and you would have run a LoD version of the build, the fact that you have a free 100% dmg increase passive that is always there makes the build better than anything else.

Anyway, you need to adapt to changes. This always happens, be it good or bad changes, everything moves forward, you can’t live in the past. Stop playing, accept the minor nerf and move on, find a different build or explore other classes / builds (with upcoming 2.6.7 patch) and… have fun, it’s a game not a competition with prizes.


I was looking at that as well. If you check the time stamps, it’s an old clear. I think it’s from April? The best clear I’ve seen post nerf is 131 on the ptr. Though, I’m not sure how many people are really testing it atm.

I’m seeing a lot of eyeball guesses regarding the severity of the nerf. Has anyone actually done the math to substantiate their claims?

I’m fully expecting players with a metric ton more braincells than I have (like Cratic, sVr, and Tinne) to come up with the true metrics but that all takes time.

As Free and the Barb community can attest to, providing real evidence can get Blizzard’s attention. Just saying “it feels like” or “I don’t like the change” won’t get us very far.


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TLDR Blizzard has made a massive mistake with this nerf. They have single handedly changed vyrs toto. To a build nobody will even look at going forward. Oh u have a primal chantato wand. To bad. Its garbage now


Nerfs aren’t suppose to feel good guys lol, guess it’s been that long jez. So long as the nerf didn’t neuter the build like our last one did it’s okay (Twister wiz btw, RIP on PC at least).

It seems to be 2.5x AS multiplier instead of 5x, can anyone confirm this?

To my understanding it’s still a 5x multiplier and the patchnotes at hand are not correctly describing the “actual” nerf: SOLVED: [Chantodo's Resolve] The APS scaling is not properly nerfed (hidden 0.5714 scalar reduction)


Interesting, where’s the reduction in power coming from then?? Would have to be weapon damage, no? Either way, a bug indeed.

Problem is, that Vyr Wiz is 10GR higher only for fishing max GR.

I play from D3 start only DH and Wiz (now only MS, Impale and Vyr builds).

My max is 132 with Vyr Wiz and 124 with Impale. It is 8 GR diference and could be 10 with more fishing with Vyr. Max Vyr Wiz. EU NS is 144 right now and Impale 132 (someone can have a little bit higher Impale if has max with another DH build).

But all this is max GR.

Now my statistics (50+ attems for each level GR) with speed GR around 5-8 min:
Vyr Wiz: GR117 - 5:27
Impale: GR113 - 5:28
Vyr Wiz: GR122 - 7:21
Impale: GR117 - 7:45

Max GR Vyr Wiz: 132 (with 134 potencial for my gear, paragon and skills)
GR lvl where I finish in time 95% attems: 128
Max GR Impale: 124 (maybe 125 potencial)
GR lvl where I finish in time 95% attems: 123

If Vyr Wiz will get -10GR nerf, than is for speed much worse than Impale and I will stop play Wiz a will play only DH. And DH MS will be for speeds better too (for me).

Vyr Wiz has (on live server) only very high potencial with very much fishing. Here is +10GR ahead others.

And for super speed GR, there Vyr has no chance even without nerf:
MS GR93: 1:31 (again average time of 50+ last attemps)
MS GR98: 1:55
Vyr Wiz: Bellow 1:50 (average) is problem regardless of level GR.

T16: Here is MS DH much quicker too than Vyr Wiz.

For me nerf Vyr Wiz is ok. But it shoud be -5GR and not -10GR.

I have not tested on PTR, because I have very bad ping to US servers (on EU 30-50ms, on US 250ms) and with it is testing useless (with same build I had on US much worse results than on EU and I cannot say how much is caused by worse ping).


I copied my Chantodos VYR’s region where I played it to see what the fuss is about.

I stopped in the middle of a 105 GR.

I can now see what the complaints are.

While I could still kill enemies, the amount of energy required to do the kills versus the pre-nerfing was quadrupled, perhaps even as much as quintupled. I am not even a serious VYR’s player, but it’s not a good nerf people.

I am pretty objective by default, but while I understand the nerfing for reasons of balance, you have technically UNBALANCED this build Blizzard Developers.

Consider nerfing a different area of this build to achieve the same result rather than the very part that enables it to inflict damage in the first place perhaps?


Nerfing any part of chantodo will result in complaints from most of those who have grown used to it.

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