Change start date petitions

Cuz that’s the only enjoyable part of this game for me.
If seasons were 60-80 days then yeah sure I wouldn’t mind but when they only do 2-3 seasons starts a year… I would like to be able to do one of them without the devs ruining it 4 seasons in a row

yeah and group play has been promoted over solo player the past 22 seasons…my god you group plays love to whinge.

I’d love to do this too, but sadly, being a diabetic…


you sound like you’re really self-entitled. Just cos it’s not convenient for you, doesn’t mean it’s not convenient for other players. Not all of us are able to dedicate leave from employment for a game…


and nothing is written in stone…

I think more people will stay at home, than go away, especially with covid19 still being an issue for many countries around the world.

Yes, a rather sad state of affairs.

and this is all that should matter. The US is infamous for not following ISO standards (date/time, measurements, weights, TV standards, you name it)…

3 of the last 5 seasons I’ve had a delayed start because I’ve had to work on the Saturday (I’m in Australia, your Friday 5pm is 10am Saturday for us on the East coast of Australia). Combined with being a solo player, where group players get a MASSIVE buff at seasons start, I’m screwed. I just dealt with it, came home from work on the Saturday @ 6pm, had something to eat for dinner and then spent 8 hours levelling up and doing some early seasonal guardian stuff before going to bed. Did I whine about it? Nope, I just got on with the job.

It’s just a game. You’re carrying on like it’s a life or death mission.


Saturday and Sunday are called weekends. And like bookends, they are the start and end. You don’t place both of them after a row of books.

And Sunday is the end of the week so it should be the last one in the row.

First day of the weekend. I get it though.

I live in australia aswell, I run a building company so time off or even a weekend off isn’t possible most of the time.
I need as much adv warning as I can do, I don’t even get easter off so it was lining up to be the first weekend I could do a seasonal start with friends given the devs said they were doing 12 day change overs.
I’m just disappointed that for years we bring up communication issues, game issues, bugs, cheats and more.
The devs say they will fix it, then we have a season of exploited 150 solos.
Shadows that kill you, crash your game and even other games corrupting files of another in MoneyNet launcher.
I just have no more consideration anymore, been around since launch, put up with jay wilson’s attempt at making a game, then others taking the job and nothing is done.
Let’s take the wizard for instance, you call me an entitled complainer and others.
But thanks to many people “complaining” you have the wizard back in check.
Thanks to people “complaining” you have no trials, no key fragments, no shadows crashing your game.
It’s what people do when they watch a company go from games of the year to money grabbers of the year after year

try being a console player…you PC guys think you get the bad end of the communication stick from Blizzard…lol…

try being on a Nintendo switch…or the PS4 the past few years with the save wizard scum and modded scum in s22…

As have many other players, including myself, although I took a long hiatus until the beginning of 2016 when I purchased the game for PS4 and started playing again.

I would say that the above was due to feedback, not petty complaining. There is a difference.

The wizard was OP, and it was always obvious Blizzard was going to nerf it, without feedback.

Either way, have a good s23 and just chill and enjoy the game. If you’re not enjoying it, take a break, that’s what I do.

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You are not entitled to a geometrically consistent schedule season to season. Asking them to stall the season a week for you is entitled and rude. Just start a week later, dont ask others to suffer for your schedule.


When I was growing up the weekends were days off. Sunday everything was closed. But today in the USA it is just another work days of the week. No bookends any more.

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It’s a game. If your so addicted your taking time off work to play season start. Well that’s just sad. Play for fun. Who cares what gons you are .most ppl quit after day 3 anyway cause they get guardian and go back to Wow or PoE cause D3 endgame is so mind numbing bad


You still assumed. They always announce the start date. Anyone making plans before knowing the relevant info had no grounds to stand on. Unless they stayed 4/9 then changed their mind. Which they didn’t.


Noise might have attracted the bears but the steak is why it ate. Noise being the whiners and the steak being proper feedback for the slow kids.

So uhh what time does the season end at the North Pole tomorrow if I’m facing East?

a lot of things were much better in those days…the youth of today have no idea what they are missing.

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Ironic that season 18-19 you kept begging exile and I to join for season start and complained to maely and kuller for so long that you never get a team for the season starts

Yeah they’re missing the blue laws where virtually everything was closed on Sundays so there was bugger all to do.

When your in a guild you kind of expect guild to arrange season start. Exile died cause of all the botters funnily enough.people play the game get guardian and quit day 3 or bot till ban half way through then bot again till season end. Devs don’t control anything these days. Being on the botterboards early or getting 70 hour 4 of Season start is hardly important and definitely not worth a day off work lol

Nice. Guild drama. Can we officially call Diablo 3 an MMO now :rofl:

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The same expectations you just called me out for? The same expectations of being in a clan so you’re automatically entitled to a 4 man group?

That’s a trick question. If you’re at the North pole, the only directions you can look are up, down and South. Also, depending on what angle you are from the Greenwich Meridian will determine which time-zone you’re in.

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