Challange Rifts

Again this season there is an absolutely abhorable challenge rift, last season i quite after failing 40 times in a row. the fact that content creators HAVE to make guides for this should tell you smt. Unless of course thats the whole idea… make a horrible rift so you have to go to content creators to solve the problem so they make money from advertisements, this is how game community is now in 2024 and i absolutely abhore it, i ABHORE the whole idea behind it. you are ruining games, RUINING THEM… you lock content behind a specific task and make it so impossible that you have to seek help, its disgusting

I can see that you play in Europe region. It’s a challenged and much debated subject. We have no idea if the D3 team have any thoughts on this. Bringing it up here may get some attention. But who knows?
You could look in this thread also:

You can wait until next week to focus on Season Journey. You don’t have to watch a Youtube video from a channel that you clearly despise. Challenge Rifts are always same deal of scenery when you get used to them. You either play a glass cannon that need to kite monster aggro, a tank that need to wind buffs or you do both but exploit Pylons. If you are not a complete stranger to class mechanics it shouldn’t take you more than five tries. As far as I know Pylon placement never changes so that is a plus, but you shall expect some hindrance on the build itself. Without any restriction, you wouldn’t call them Challenge Rifts at the first place.

While I agree the builds in CR’s are generally horrible, the CR’s themselves are usually quite easy. In general 3-5 skills chosen are useless. Identify the damage dealer, generated (if used), mobility (if used), and damage mitigation (if used). Move those skills where it is easier for you to use. Hunt elites and large mob packs. Profit.

Using the guides is up to you. Content creators make guides for just about everything, but they are far from necessary. I have done a CR at the start of every season, and now one to get the Altar. I have only ever failed one once. I have never used a guide, just done what I wrote above.


Do them in public games.

I remember a CR at season start where everybody in the party kept dying. So that didn’t help much. :grin:
There is some truth in what Alexismad says but for example in eu CR 370 all skills are useful if used correctly (like you don’t wanna spam locust swarm because it doesn’t make more damage if you do and you’ll lose too much spirit). The problems are low damage so killing elite packs takes quite a while and floor two where the RG spawns is a looong plague tunnels layout where the elites are far apart and killing trash will make you lose too much time.

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