Didn’t know that weapon damage is irrelevant for AoV Crusader.
Didn’t know that weapon damage is irrelevant for AoV Crusader.
“was used” was your comment. It “was” used by thorns crusader.
Primals arent that much of an upgrade. I Think its fine at it is, sure u get terrible primals at times but the droprate arent that terrible. Making it easier would just make bounties even more worthless.
Obv real casuals wont get alot of useful primals but ppl reaching 2.5k or above tend to have a couple.
Primal is suppose to be the ultimate gears pretty much. If they keep ethereals though then changing the pool on primal weapon would make more sense
I’m at 2000+ this season, zero useful primals (for the build I play)
You have a point. But the value of Pig Sticker is the attack speed and the extra primary affix so that makes it a special weapon.
And in my comment, I didn’t specific Thorn Crusader either
I am sure no player would pick non-Primal over Primal version if both of them have the same desired affixes.
If the only thing that differs between them is the red border, I would use the one I already had a caldesanns on.
Primal + Caldesanns > Non-Primal with Caldesann.
You realize an ancient and a primal has the exact same max value right?
You realize that 1000 STR + 750 STR > 925 STR + 750 STR, right? And that is one stat.
Don’t forget legendary affix that can roll between 50% to 75% will make Primal even better because you are guaranteed to get the max value of the legendary affix.
946 Main Stat
920 Vit
CC 8%
CD 74%
Legendary power: Reduce cooldown by 54%
1000 Main Stat
1000 Vit
CC 10%
CD 100%
Legendary power: Reduce cooldown by 65%
Which is better?
I would like #2 with a coke and fries to go.
So what you actually meant was a poorly rolled ancient is worse than a primal. Got an ancient helm on one of my chars 1000 dex 998 vit 6 CHC. Would I spend the time to level a gem just to gain those 2 extra vit? Unlikely.
I didnt say always. And i also said 2.5k. Obv its rng but from my experience thats when i usually start have a handful of primals.
Currently im using 5 primals on my DH, would be more if ethereals didnt exist since i have primal weapons aswell. And some of the items i even have duplicates of and im at 3.1k. And thats only 1 of my 5 chars. If i count all useful primals i have alot.
I would be fine if i didnt have any useful primals to be honest.
Primals are just mainly for looks except from like weapon slot since u want perfect affix and dmg. Not having a primal chest doesnt rly matter much as its usually only a few int or dex or whatever. Primals means more when they take time to find and i like the idea of having something to farm for when u reaching higher paragon other than just paragon.
Do you aware that finding that almost perfect ancient is harder than finding Primal?
And how does that relate to your sweeping statement that a primal is always better than an ancient?
I’m tired of seeing damaged gray items. I see a lot of these. A lot.
Primals of any variety, and any effect, is most welcomed and appreciated by me at least.
If you want to play like this, Primal will have 1000 vit and your helm has 998 vit, thus better.
Until your ancient actually roll max value for all affixes, Primal will be always better than ancient assuming both of the item have the same affixes.
There is a good reason why many top players in the leaderboard are using Primal over non-primal. Sure you don’t think that they are wrong right?
I can reroll it to a perfect 1000 though, but again, it’s not worth the work for such a minuscule gain. Don’t forget your initial argument was that no one would use a non primal over a primal, where as mine was I would use the one with caldesanns assuming comparable stats.
Clearly a mid rolled ancient is not comparable to a primal.
Which is true if they have the option to pick Primal and Non-Primal.
Now can you give me the reason why should people use your Ancient Helm over mine?
I never once said I wouldn’t use a clear upgrade. You however said with absolute certainty that no one would use a non ancient over an ancient, which I demonstrated is false, yet you ignore that argument and proceed to link my mid rolled one instead?