Certain items should not be allowed to roll Primal

No one wants to get a primal custerian wristguards, let alone two primal custerian wristguards within the space of a few hours.

No one wants to get a primal cluckeye or other such item that has no legendary power.

In general, crap items should be removed from the primal pool and primals should let you roll two stats. For the casual player all this will do is make primals slightly more likely to be used. In many cases even when allowed to roll two stats plenty of primals will be “ok” and definitely not perfect.


Well I am glade you got that off your chest.


My Barbarian disagrees…

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The two rolls should come whit a very high cost. Also primal Cluckeye is perfect for a Scoundrel.

Fair enough, maybe I am a little salty about getting so many primals that are of terrible items that are not actually useful even on the follower. There has been a lot of talk about improving primals lately and its difficult because the player base is split into a several groups, the really dedicated players will probably feel things are moderately balanced with primals while many casual players will not see that many after their free GR70 one

Most of the primals I receive are junk I do not even care about them anymore.


Why not remove them from the pool period? It’s a crap item whether it’s primal, ancient or just legendary.

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Ok so I had this conversation with a friend of mine, you need a certain amount of B tier items so that people see the beams often enough to get excited but don’t really get the best items dropping all the time due to how they are weighted. Say there are 20 rings and some B tier rings have a much higher weight so you will get about 5-10x more crap rings than potentially good ones. The main reason I would prefer primals to be more curated is that seeing that beam 1/400 times an item drops should be special. But regarding rolling two stats I think this would be fine because 4/5 times even if I get a primal of an item I am desperately looking for it will roll dreadfully. I have had two primal Compass rose rings…I am not wearing either of them. Even if they could roll two stats both the rings I had would just be usable and not “wow!” inducing

Follower items should not be able to roll primal, I’m still salty about that being my first primal a few seasons ago…

The D3 team doesn’t change things according to what people like or dislike (apart from a few times where the forum was in uproar).


All items should have an equal chance to be Primal. I mean, we never know what item will be used for the next meta build.

Limiting them would be a problem at that time.

Well, we know for a fact an item with no legendary effect will not be it, even if they would add one later legendaries in general does not get changed retroactively.

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I strongly believe that nearly no one gets excited anymore by seeing those beams.

Most likely that is true for the red beams as well. You just know it has a extremely high chance of being crap. Of being unusable, even if you need an item of that name in your build (wrong stats).

It is nearly always crap.

Not getting legendaries would be quite frustrating because you need them as a resource for the cube, rerolling etc.

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If that happens, the item will be updated ensuring players will have to find a new one anyways.

Why would you assuming when it comes to a new meta build, it must be a new item or an existing item that got buffed? It could be the old item somehow became meta due to skill change.

For example, yes, I said FOR EXAMPLE, assuming that a Reaper Wrap that can’t get Primal Version out of sudden became valuable after the D3 team buffed Singular Mage skill and the items that related to Skeleton Mage skill.

In this case, what do you think the D3 team will do? They have to waste their time to figure out which item will be used for Singular Mage build and make them able to roll Primal.

It has been proven that players can figure how to use/exploit the items better than the D3 team itself, so making every item can be rolled to Primal is easier than having them to keep patching the items every time a player figured out how to use “non-primal” items for their meta build.

Reaper’s Wraps have a legendary effect.

How about Pig Sticker then? It was used by some Crusaders build.

Where weapon damage was irrelevant, so you would have lost some str and vit at worst.

In my humble opinion, primal items should have been left alone the day they were introduced. That was one of the few times devs listened to the ill advise of the community and it ruined the prestige of a primal ancient. Instead of having a primal that would almost always be useful over an ancient item, we ended up with an ancient item with perfect rolls. #BringBackTheOGPrimals

They where introduced as they currently are, ancient that can only roll max value.