Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

About as much as calling out alts does, yeah? Or denial in Egypt. If you want to stay on topic, be my guesty guest, but co-opting a hashtag meant as an inclusive marker for suvivors of sexual abuse and assault and using it to crack wise about a video game is bad, deal with it. Poster probably didn’t mean anything by it and if he/she wants to respond, they can. It wasn’t even addressed to you. Sit it out.

You’re correct @Free about me joking about the tag.

I have a better tag idea now.

Let’s abandon the #MeCausulToo as it’s a bit negative toward those abused.

My prayers to those actually abused by the rich and powerful; as well as woman and men all over the world, that have been abused sexually on the job and just as children and young people.

Let’s try this one:


Question: “Will Casuals storm the Capitol and try to take it by force?”

Probably not, as Casuals will get bored or have to do other things before they actually reach the Capitol.

This should be a good tag. Maybe it will go viral?

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All good, bro, much appreciated! I cracked up at the second part of your post!


Don’t a lot of people hit paragon 1,000 the same night a season start’s. Then what. Okay you got your 1 day season. You really think Blizzard’s gonna start a new season every week.

Nope I hate it too.

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No survivor of sexual assault has ever claimed to be casual. It’s not the same no matter how you try to make it so. Lighten up Francis.

How about you never ever dare to tell anybody again what they’re allowed to say in your subjective and useless opinions? Let’s start with that. We have the law and rules for that. Also, stop derailing threads with your bs agenda. Thanks in advance.

What is a crazy high augment/gem level? You know exactly how gem upgrades work, right? For example, you know, that you can get 130+ gems by doing GR120, right? Also, there are all sorts of people on EU leaderboards, because at the start of the season the leaderboards are slow. People doing 115-120 on certain classes are on the leaderboard atm. With like paragon 1000.

While I understand your concerns, it’s not very hard to get to 1000. Then what? Once players hit that cap your game population is going to go do something else until the next season, and your “mega-populated seasons” all disappear by week 2 or 3.

Something that could be considered is a leveling cap that is raised on a weekly/biweekly basis in order to temper the curve, but anything beyond that doesn’t make much sense to me.

I can only speak for me, but there’s only one reason to play this game, and that is “What can I achieve for myself?” If there are cheaters it has no impact on how I value the time I spent playing. If there are botters, it has no impact on what I am doing. I don’t even look at the leaderboards that much. Personally however, I think you’d be better served trying to compete against only your own self and prior accomplishments than worry about what appears on the leaderboards. That’s just me however.

Yes. In fact I’m certain of it. Especially passive aggressive ones using multiple accounts to be deceptive. No one in particular comes to mind of course.

I agree with the sentiment but this is a draconian limitation to place on the innocent to thwart the guilty. .

please show proof. Meateorboy quoted a post with me speaking in third person in a thread where it was already clear i posted on those accounts. He’s been trying to troll me for a very long time now and i’m about to nickname him wile e coyote at this point.

but again please show me a thread where i am deceptively supporting my alts ever. i’ll wait, you’re gonna be searching a long time.

Can’t. It’s a bannable offense. Who said it was you? Not I.

easy when you hit Paragon 1000 don’t use any more points regardless if you keep leveling and you have your paragon cap

Says the person doing doing stuff like this…

If you farmed paragon half as well as you do irony levels, you’d be at the 20K cap by now.

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Doesn’t have anything to do with the FACT, that you’re wrong about the Paragon levels. I don’t care, if all of the posts in this thread, except for mine, were made by you. You still have to learn to play this game and actually play it for a while, before making ridiculous suggestions to limit Paragon to virtually 0.

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ok i have no problem with you having a differing opinion.

learn to play this game?
lol you dont know my experience, stop making ignorant assumptions. i have 8 accounts and level 60 vanilla characters with more time played then you. i have accounts with just enough effort put in for the seasonal rewards that have more time played then you. you literally only play two classes, DH and support monk lol. Get outta here with that garbage.

Why do you assume? Everything you’ve assumed in your post is wrong. Which only reinforces the fact, that you don’t really know a lot about Diablo III. Your experience is casual at best. Why? You don’t know the numbers. You don’t have any experience, if you think that getting to para 1000, 2000 or even 3000 is hard/impossible/takes a long time. You’re a casual. Nothing wrong with being a casual, unless you start projecting your casual ideas on every aspect of the game.


maybe it’s just your poor reading comprehension? I never made that claim.

i mean let’s be clear here, you’re the guy who said not botting GR’s is hard. Not surprised you are against an anti botting thread.

Why are you backtracking? The title of the thread is to limit Paragon to 1000. Clearly you don’t understand how easy it is to go above Paragon 1000. Even being a casual btw. Its assumptions like this, that tell me, that you didn’t even really play Diablo III. Your knowledge of efficient farming is nonexistent.

Right, because you don’t know, that in order to get to Paragon 3000 is run ~400 GRs of lvl 150 in a group of 4. Not even under 3 minutes speedfarm style. This, is how insane the GR experience reward scaling is. What’s the next gem coming from you? People do less than 400 GRs per season? Sure, ultra casuals do way less than 400 GR’s per season. Non casuals run thousands, get that? THOUSANDS of GRs per season. By far not all of them are 150 ofc, but the 150 example is just to show you, how easy it is to get to Paragon level 3000 and above. Yeah, so, you don’t need to farm 24/7 for 3 months to get to Para 3000 in a decent group.
Conclusion: If you, personally, refuse to invest a decent amount of your gaming time into the Diablo 3 - just be a happy casual. Do not run around telling people, that the game is rigged, or whatever. Esp, if you don’t even play the game. By that I mean, not playing enough to get to like 2500 in a single season and witness the difference even in the low GR speedfarm. Which would be at least 105-110+ (depending on the season buff n stuff) with any class SOLO. (under 3 minutes) by the time you’re 2500+.

it’s not about getting to 1000 easily. it’s about changing the imbalanced aspect of paragon level. It’s become a joke, even you refer to it as a joke running 150’s.

Fix it. Cap it at 1000 and let player skill determine leaderboard rankings, rather then time botted.

The game isn’t balanced around Paragon 1000, hence there will be no competition. You’re suggesting to ruin the game. Devs balanced the game, so that any class can do GRs in 130’s by the time they’re Paragon level 5000. Which sort of indicates, that reaching Paragon 5000 is expected in a season. So, stop suggesting this nonsense. It won’t make anything fair, or interesting, or competitive. It’ll ruin the game and that is all it’ll do.

I had no idea you’d done it until someone else noticed and said you’d done so…

It’s always amusing to see you attempt to retcon your own narrative.

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