Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

Yeah well, no one can ever accuse them of being smart.


That’s Naysayer (you) taking about Bravata (you) in the third person, as if Bravata (you) isn’t Naysayer (you). If you wanted to be clear that Naysayer and Bravata were the same person, you’d have said…

I think I deserve an apology.

…but you didn’t because you’re using them as sock-puppets to support each other.


What’s wrong with yours? This is a game, we all understand that. Don’t take it too seriously. Jeez.

No clue where u got that from. If u wanna farm bounties for hours for a item which gain u 25 more mainstat rather than get 5 paragon lvls then its on. The fact u can get the item u are after in GR makes bounties even less useful. Again primals are mainly for show.

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Denial. Denial is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna Freud which involves a refusal to accept reality, thus blocking external events from awareness. If a situation is just too much to handle, the person may respond by refusing to perceive it or by denying that it exist.

Deflection is an intense focus upon and antagonism toward the legitimacy of the actions, feelings, and beliefs of others, especially the partner, and an intense misdirection of attention away from the primary aggressor’s actions.

Since we just seem to be throwing random definitions of terms from psychology books. The coffee has failed.

Are you now accepting that capping paragon wouldn’t stop botting, or are you continuing to deny it?

Also, are you telling me Denial isn’t the river in Egypt?


Why? For telling people that Bravata and Naysayer are the same person?


1000 is really low. Some people are going to reach that in the first day/days. A filter for paragons (or main stat) in leaderboards i think is better if you are worried about competition. Some people just want to grind, you shouldn’t take that away. Like seriously, 90% of our game is spend on speed GRs for gems, loot, paragons… You take that away and then what? We 'll be burning 3 thousand keys to find the perfect floor or go and kill Malthael and his gang time and time again?

Stuart Smalley would be proud.

then keep posting with multiple accounts in the same thread. beyond ridiculous

Half the leaderboard are people who pay for bots and have crazy high augments and gems from their 4-man 8 hour per day farm sessions. Plus their hand-picked perfect rolled ancients.

There’s nothing fair about this game anymore.

Just enjoy it at your own pace, with some buddies, and get whatever fun you can from it. Expecting any major changes is kind of silly at this point in the game’s life. All the follower/emanate stuff is awesome, but these aren’t really MAJOR changes, they’re just fun.

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people who pay for bot have lost control over their lifes

Doesn’t change anyone’s point. You can talk trash about thieves all you want, but you’re still going to lock your door when you leave the house.



Some one start it and become famous and eventually very wealthy.
Some day a bleeding heart will dump a million bucks on your tag!

Y’all remember over the weekend when a thread about politics in games was spicy? But now we got someone using his alts to talk about himself, then he gets caught and says it was so obvious even though he clearly wasn’t trying to get caught, and somewhere someone is talking about capping Seasonal Paragon?

Yo, this is the real spice.

Hey, friend. I know you meant is as a joke, but maybe don’t co-opt a hashtag used by survivors of sexual assault and abuse to represent how someone plays a video game. It’s a bad look.


Play a different game. You’ll enjoy your time more. I’d give you some suggestions, but I’m not an advertisement.

Yes, so how about we don’t drag this one the same way with talk about that hashtag?

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How about we point out problematic things and encourage people to do better instead of ducking and covering? How about it?

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I find “J’accuse!” being considered sufficient for guilt to be established to be problematic.
However, what does this have to do with paragon capping?

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