Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

there is a reason speed meta was invented - you get shards, xp and your endgame gear.
reforging in the cube is good to get a decent ancient, but for primals it’s the same as always: 9 out of 10 are useless. I would never recommend the cube to get a primal unless the primal can be used regardless of its stats and you are only looking for the perfect legendary affix

like every 400 legendaries, you get a primal. speed meta can farm 400 legedaries per hour. do you even understand maths?

yah you’re exaggerating your RNG. The odds dont add up.

Also, veiled from kadala yellows? lol that’s silly. you get veileds mostly from Whites but also from bounty caches. Kadala yellows are so minimal.

you truly speak like a guy with 1225 paragon non-season. I’m out. you can’t explain a dumb person that he/she is dumb.

and don’t worry flagging my post, I’ve already done it myself so the PC police will delete it until next morning

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rarely ever what you actually need and use and then to get the stats? Ridiculous RNG and time spent.

no they just bot the mats and target specifics, get that deathwish without needing the 1 primal an hour RNG.

a legit no botting season would have a leaderboard with mostly ancients and hardly any primals, but instead we have bots in full primals all the way down the leaderboard

That is one primal in a large loot table (you can imagine that you want one in 13 or so items among several hundred potential drops). If you are targeting one or few items as primals, the math changes.

Imagine 1 item in a 300 item loot table and another 1 in 400 for it to be primal. By random chance alone, you will average for a single targeted legendary for it to be ancient 1 in 120, 000 legendary drops. Given this math, is it better to reforge that item 400 times on average.

Frankly, I do not know.

you have to put everything in perspective. of course you don’t get the primals you want after one day. you get them after days and weeks of grinding, and obviously you have to play more than 1 hour a day.

of course you can start reforging after you did 350 rare->legendary upgrades without getting a primal, or the same after you have looted 350 legendaries without getting a primal. still requires way too many bounty mats to be efficient, and I would rather not play the game than playing bounties.

but regardless, nobody in his right mind would go to the cube and simply start reforging 400 times until you get one (crappy) primal. I really hope NOBODY does even consider doing that

interesting. how many of them are running as cookie bots?

“Nobody” in their ethical mind does that.

Im speaking from experience. U will get Most of your gears from speed farming gr. If u dont believe it there are vids from raxx etc who state the same thing. GR is by far the best thing to do as u gain paragon aswell. Bounties ppl do at the end of the season to finish whatever gear they missing. The RG drops veiled aswell. It adds up when u speed farm. Alot of ppl wont even use the mats as it takes alot of time to convert. Time which u could spend on farming GRs

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Raxx’s GoD dh had what? 2 or 3 primals? sub optimal gear. Mainhand wasnt even primal. You’d think he would have so many useful primals…

breaking news: tough to get DH gear when mostly playing meta or rat runs

not tough for the others above him on the leaderboard with almost full primals

And with that logic no DH should have any primals because they arent doing speed paragon farming or crafting

And why does his necro only have 4/13 primals if he gets so many?

nobody in his right mind would go to the cube and simply start reforging 400 times until you get one (crappy) primal. I really hope NOBODY does even consider doing that

wake up.

Straight to the point. Players don’t get full primals by doing bounties. If they did they wouldn’t have very much paragon. It is a complete waste of time. They do a few to get decent ancients then go back to farming paragon. The purpose of bounties if to farm a specific piece of gear(one). When you are farming GRs you can have any piece of gear drop. You are not restricted you one slot.

And lol capping paragon at 1000 is a worse idea then no season theme.

then explain why the LEGIT players that stream and no-life the game always cube their most important items and rarely if ever find one good primal on stream all season?

Exactly as I stated or they are not really legit. You really think Raxx and Wudijo farm all those bounties? Lol wake up they getting them all free from the many accounts their friends having running.

there was one day when raxx was doing bounties. it took him 95 reforges in the cube to get (quote) “a sh!tty-a$$ ancient” dayntee’s belt

Why are you making stuff up? Nobody said that, except for you. See, I do have at least 2 amazing and at least one usable primal for the god build this season. Chances of getting a Primal you actually need are about the same as getting a legendary/ancient you need at the start of the season. Plenty drop, few are worth augmenting and using. Also, just because that stash tab is full of useless primals for my current build, it doesn’t mean, that they’re absolutely useless. I have a pair of perfectly rolled (affixes) Hell Walkers, for example. They just don’t fit my current GoD build. Long story short: stop making stuff up.

What? Nobody gets to Paragon 3k by doing bounties. Pretty sure it is impossible, because seasons do not last long enough to be able to do that. Yeah, dude, you know Kadala? You know you can gamble for a specific slot, right? Kadala gives you plenty of Primals, actually, if you’re playing the game. By that I mean, spend millions of blood shards during the season. You don’t even need to run 125’s to get to Paragon 3k. The way of farming you’re describing won’t even be efficient. Not for the gem levels, not for the paragon levels, not for the primal items farm.

I’m pretty sure by now, that you have to learn how the game actually works and plays. You are making such ignorant statements, that I can’t even… You lack both knowledge and the actual experience. Please, please, learn about the game called Diablo 3. Learn the numbers. Also, please run at least 1000 GR’s, while spending shards on ONE slot and tell me, that you didn’t get a single Primal after that. Then, we’ll talk.

P.S. Here I’ll give you a hint:
It takes 388.1 TR exp to get to Paragon lvl 3000.
At 1TR xp per hour, while playing SOLO, it’ll only take you 388.1 hours to get Paragon 3000. The season 23 has been live since April, 2nd. Where I live, it’s April, 26th. So 24 days. 24 days multiplied by 24 hours = 576 hours.
So, whoever is Paragon 3000 at this very moment, got less than 1TR xp/hour for the entire season so far. Do you know, what is the usual rate of farming Paragon XP in groups? 4-5 TR xp/hour for very casual groups. And 8 TR xp/hour for dedicated, experienced, good groups, who actually know exactly how the game works and what they’re doing. And even 8TR xp/hour is not the possible maximum. Both in practice and the theory.

So, if someone is botting for bounty materials to reforge items into primals, we’re back to the fix being to ban cheaters, i.e. capping paragon doesn’t fix this.

Like using multiple accounts to post support for your points?
In case people are unaware, Bravata and Naysayer are the same person.

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Dude, instead of pointless arguing on these forums, just visit the well known by now, perfectroll site and read about the experience in D3. Learn about the game you claim you’re playing.

Posting as Naysayer on the WoW forums you admitted to having used the name Bravata for over a decade.
Then there’s your WoW guild that’s full of heroes called Bravata and Naysayer.
But sure, continue to deny it if you like.