Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

I’m quite proud to be a casual. I have played less than 5 hours in the last 10 days.

Yup, pretty much what I was thinking. Rather than limiting real players potential and fun, the D3 team should just implement a better anti-cheat program that can detect and instantly ban cheaters.

I personally would play less if paragon is capped in seasons, so I dont support the OP’s suggestion.


I see the OP briefly re-joined the thread just to stir the pot again to ensure he keeps getting bites. The implication that only botters wouldn’t agree with his stance was masterfully judged. Well played.


please stay on topic and quit trolling this thread with your nonsensical bait.

My original response directly addressed your suggestion of capping paragon, i.e. I said that I considered it a bad idea and why.

Then you introduced the suggestion that botters hate this thread and I directly addressed that by suggesting the only reason you’d done that was to bait the thread, i.e. by the implication that anyone disagreeing with your suggestion must be a botter.

So, I directly responded to suggestions in the thread. As those suggestions are in a thread you made, and updated, how are they off-topic?


Honestly, I think banning botters does absolutely nothing. If they want to bot, let them bot. They are not a problem in any way whatsoever since the only thing affected here is leaderboard position and that’s something dedicated players can compete with.

The larger issue is the way paragon is implemented. Like I said earlier, do something to buff up solo play or experience gain or whatever. Reduce the disparity between paragon levels and you have a more fair playing field.

Let’s face it, time played in this game is everything. Whether there’s botters or not, you only have a chance at the top spot if you dedicate most of your day to D3. That’s just how the system works, and I think addressing the system is more productive than bans or whatever.

There’s a competition but game is by no means have real competitiveness. Real competitiveness pits you with other challengers directly, don’t have that much randomization and gets you on the same start at each session. That’s only a few mutual points of real competitive games that has an ELO system to help ranking the players on their skills.

In Diablo3, each season you’ll fall behind without dedication; it’s only about your persistence and how many chips you hold, not skill rank. As a subgenre ARPG by design have cumulative progress and dice rolls; there’s not much you can do to change that. The only real challenge you have is about Challenge Rifts and even that has restrictions because you’re practically playing someone else’s character.

On what measure? I know people doesn’t allow something so trivial to get to them and keep playing. If you allowed this to happen that’s gatekeeping yourself. Cheaters don’t come out from your monitor to stop you from playing, nor you ever interact with them unless you want to. You clear high GRs with a THud user or a bot abuser? It’s your choice, nobody can force you to play with them.

It supposed to do that and nobody can really talk about the fine balance. To say, 1k paragon level is laughably low in seasons. People hit their highest peak 6-7k in leaderboards to experience much tighter fights that pace up the combat compared to low ends that you can clear. Developers once stated their “footing” is GR138 with 5k plvl for builds they deem worthy by upkeep requirement. Throwing a random number and hoping it’ll stick so you can bounty run 24/7 without feeling guilty won’t work.

every hint or “lack of competition” you people refer to is 100% completely due to botters and cheaters. Cause and effect. Get rid of them, and competition will flourish, allow them to continue to plague the game and people who care for competition leave or give up and care less, and then you have people like yourself saying “there’s no competition in D3”. Well yah because of botting and cheating is rampant.

Capping paragon doesn’t stop that.
Banning the cheaters does.


Have to admit Meteor has a point here.

Those that have tons of time to play the game and/or bot for materials will STILL have tons of time and/or bot for materials.

That allows them to Kadala/Upgrade/Craft and farm for the best possible pieces of gear. How else do you think these seasonal players manage to have full Primals halfway into the season, with potentially all augmented with 150 lvl gems?

They put in the effort.

Just saying.

Game on.

I have had a lucky as hell season this round. 26 hours in, and have only found two Primals. My character is wearing both right now. I couldn’t believe my luck that I found two Primal items for my SET. That is 2 more than I have managed to get for this set SINCE I STARTED PLAYING THIS BUILD.

Why? Because I am a casual player in that I have little time to spend playing the game. I think I played more in the past 3 days than I have in the past 3 weeks.

it certainly would dissuade it, and since, for some odd reason, outright banning botters and cheaters isnt a priority, we the majority of D3 players would accept some efforts to curb botting and cheating before we all end up quitting as most have already due to cheating and botting.

Jeez, just play the game your way and enjoy what’s there. Botting is pretty irrelevant to you individually. You can still compete if you put in the time, you just may not push as high. Even without bots you still have to put in the time to compete so it’s not like banning them will do all that much.

Botting is pretty irrelevant to you individually.

the botters mantra

except when i join public bounties and we have to kick 2 bots every game.
except when i look at leaderboards and see 23hours a day uptime and 3k paragon
except when i see people with 8 primals and almost no bounties done
ect ect

you’re either protecting them or doing it yourself, i dont see any other reason for your blindness.

No, its the reality.

I’m curious, how do you know, that they are bots? Do they tell you, that they are?

3k paragon isn’t done by botting, but the 23 hours is. Do you know, how many GR150 runs in a group it takes to get to Paragon 3000? Have you ever tried to do it?

You don’t need to do bounties to get primals. Are you mad or smth? I have a full stash tab of useless primals in this season already, but barely done any bounties at all. Just to craft the needed items and ofc to cube powers too.

Ironic. Looks like you’re trying to project you lack of information and knowledge about the game onto the other players. For instance, you certainly act, as if you have absolutely no idea about paragon farming. None. You don’t even know the numbers in this game…

They don’t stop you from playing. Your real life is more important than being involved in a name list.

I can relate. Still, if bots disheartens you, it’s your own doing. As long as you have fun, you should keep on pushing. The point is, you only push this for yourself, not for beating anyone else.

Weird how our primals are in our stash because they are generally useless, but theirs are all meta spec pieces. Can’t be that they bot thousands and thousands of mats to spend and upgrade specific items to primals could it? WOW CRAZY.

yah you sound clueless so im gonna have to go with blindly supporting them, because the power creep has risen enough for bots to farm 125’s on repeat 24 hours and you see most of the top 100 with 20+ hours uptime and 3k paragon already. The mass majority of botting is farming mats to get full build sets of primals which also leaves them more time to speed farm paragon as well. wake up.

you get primals from blasting GRs, not from bounty mats. you see the problem overall is your very limited knowledge of the game

Is this really true?

If you are looking simply to get any primal, then it makes sense that you get them from game (rift, greater rift, kadala). If you are targeting a specific primal (or primals for equipped items), then it may make sense to go the reforge way.

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literally clueless

you dont get primals you want very often from GR’s if ever. You get them from cubing the specific item you want. You think these people just find primal deathwishes lol??? if they have bots finishing bounties for them while they speedfarm paragon then they end up with ten’s of thousands of mats to craft primals. And they do it in 4’s mostly, so 4 times the mats.

you mean you literally thought they legit found their primals every season? lol do you even understand odds?

I can speak from my own experience. I farmed GRs and by the time i got 4k+ paragon i was close to full primal on 2 builds (LoD, BS) which i use on my necro from GRs only. Actually had all gears primal and some pieces with several copies i just didnt use all since i had some ancient gears with better stats than the primal ones. Obv i had to farm bounties for primal aughild as they dont drop from GR.
GR will get u good gears eventually. Primals are mainly for show as it doesnt rly add much compare to a good rolled ancient. Also Kadala is underrated for getting primals imo. She gave me alot not to mention the amount of veiled which could be used to upgrade rare items if u dont mind doing that.

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