Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

LOL You get the “No Lifer” award and your wife leaving you.

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Since they just changed the leaderboards, i doubt they would do this, but I think it should be doable, so how about they add a paragon range leaderboard?

Top clear under 1000 paragon, for instance. Something like that. Then those who just fly though to get to large paragon number would not even be worried about low paragon leaderboards.

Just an idea.

Cap Seasonal paragon to 100 for people that make posts about capping paragon.

How would you like that OP?


Cap the cap to cap. So caps can’t cap at cap.


I’m a casual but I think capping paragon won’t curb botting and does nothing to address the single player/multiplayer gap.

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I think a cap would be fine however:

Just fix it so you can’t use the stats past 1000 paragon. The player can continue to grind and earn paragon, but you wouldn’t be able to use 1000 levels of it. Hell make it 1600. (double of the 800).

Every point above 1600 just transfers over to non-season at the end, so you don’t waste the time farming it, but your seasonal can only use 1600 paragon worth of points.

Sound fair?


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Yeah, would be a decent enough band-aid.

You can literally just ban the top 100 after 3 weeks of every class, cause if you go to their profile they have like 14k+ paragon off season which should ring the alarm clocks.

Well, idc much either way, but if you were to do it, cap the stats at 1,000 and let people gain paragon after that. They can make full use of the paragon on NS.

Lets also cap 1 legendary for each character. And 1 grift run each 24h. Yellows shouldnt be allowed until u 1k paragon. Also cap the max exp gain per day. And remove the warps only walking allowed. And no TP ofc


botters hate this thread.

They don’t have to put a cap. They only need to add a paragon filter to the leaderboards.


Cause only bots get above 1k paragon right? Bot isnt even the efficient way to get paragon lvl.


then what are you sooooooo worried about? lol

Terrible idea. Paragon allows more build diversity the higher you go. You’d be putting a cap on anything off-meta as well. I’m against that.

We don’t need any of these ideas, in fact. I think they would only serve to further split up the playerbase. A much better idea would be to buff up solo play until it can compete with (but not replace) groups.

Diablo since D2 has been a team game. SSF or whatever else is against this spirit. Much better to buff up solo than to make it exclusive.

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No, every player that knows this game well and is able to hit 1k paragon in less than a week, knows OP sits at home and thumbs his nose at those that are out there working it!

OP wants everyone to be as miserable as he is.

All OP has to do is join a busy clan and learn the game with help from his clan mates.

Even a 4 person nub team will hit 1k paragon in a little over a week.


The issue it’s 1k gons are really easy to achieve if you play smartly or dedicate a bit.

Often I play 1-2 weeks take a break about about a month and return to play more. Because Life happens and often becomes repetitive. Even solo it’s achievable reach 1k gons in 1-2 weeks, for most of the playerbase if they actually try it.

As group that time could be dropped around 1/2 or a 1/4. I’m not suggesting metas or OP builds from specific classes. Pick any kind of build from any class, try it for yourself, you would spend around 1-6 hours to reach lvl 70 solo, then in a about a week you already around 600-800 gons, more one week you actually can reach the 900-1000s. Being casual and not playing in a optimized way.

A more realistic gauge could be 5k gons, even that value would be bad because would hurt the design philosphy. Devs consider, as their own parameter, to be possible to beat gr 130 at 5k gons. Either way their estimate are far “off” and also just shows how badly balanced the classes and builds are. Because often folks would beat the gr 130 with any kind of low tiers (C,D,E,F) at 3-5k gons range, while the highest tiers (S+,S,A,B) around 1-3k range.

So in reality the problem it’s not about paragons, sure paragons could be done in a smarter way like DI and D4, but the issue it’s about balance from each class and build. If you don’t enjoy compete with folks who actually plays “several” times the amount of the time you play in a “several” times more optimized way means you’re not up their standards to begin with. The first compairson it’s you beat your own limits before try to compair yourself against anybody.

Before take note about leaderboards, try to check your older records and gons about. Because you compete against yourself to improve yourself. You can get guides and check what they done with the build they done, but you never get the same map as them. So instead of complain about it, try to improve yourself.

I most of the time can get on top 200-1000 through the season on barb class with a range of 1000-2000 gons (without fishing) if I dedicate a bit in the season. So in the end it’s more about what you actually can do with the build you want to play and put yourself at test to beat your own limits and records. Instead of trying to dream about being on a leaderboards even if they limit paragons, most likely the same folks or a bit exclusive group of this group of folks would be in there as always. The only change it’s folks who couldn’t do with their own skills and needed the extra paragons would need fish more(which it’s bad solution), because fishing it’s not that great concept to begin with.

Also keep in mind, that would hurt one of the pillar concepts about “player feel” that each time you spend some time in the game you become stronger than before. So it’s a reward to the player keep playing.

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How about buffing xp gain below 2.5k p by 10x? Lets pretty much everyone blast up to that level and then the playing field will be a lot more fair.

If your not getting enough paragon that’s on you its easy to get.
I have over 1100 this season so far mostly solo but i have played 4 dh sets 2 wizard sets 2 barbs and a which dr .

hen i have played on all 3 servers plus have 700 paragon on hc playing 2 builds.
So if i don’t have thousands are paragon that’s on me but i don’t want to play meta.
And im having fun playing my way. Back when the game out there was people who spent more time on auction house than game .Maybe we now have people who spend more time looking at leader boards looking for cheaters than playing the game.
And at the end of the day dose it really matter who is on the boards with out looking it up could you say who was top dh in say season 10

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Very true.

This. I don’t know why those D3 haters keep insisting that D3 has infinite scaling and progression.

Right again. I have seen many D3 haters complain about paragon level when they barely even play the game. I guess they hate that D3 players are actually having fun with the game so they embark on their conquest to ruin D3.