Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

Bahloney. Just complete nonsense on a stick. Prove it’s the only bot in use go ahead I’ll wait. You can’t of course which is why when people make demands like that you should feel free to ignore them. You have proved nothing.

Sure I’ll get out my bot and do a 125 Greater rift on video for you. That’s why my paragon is so high this season. Oh wait I don’t bot. Again you have nothing to back up what you said but an impossible case to make. Stop pretending.

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U assuming. They talking about it on their website and ppl trying to solve it, same on their discord. Not working its crashing and bots log out before close rift etc. Even coders in community working on it. Blizzard seem to have done something.

I’m not assuming anything. Here’s the issue. If a bot can do T16 but the same build is capable of GR 90, 100 and as your paragon goes up maybe a 110, then you can set that bot to doing GR’s in addition to Normal Rifts.

If the build is capable of running a GR level in 2 to 3 minutes just like NR, then the bot will be able to run that GR just as easily.

Let me guess u are low paragon and cant compete and thats why u blame it on bots?

Now after i write that let me check your profile.

Paragon 700. Yeah could never guess. Same old same old. Low paragon blame on bots. U can go bot u still wouldnt be able to compete with me who are 100% legit. U can go assume that everyone use bots to get high paragon. If u got a better bot u could be rich if u share it with others. As the current bot is sold in asia, us, eu. They pay a fair price if u can make a safe bot which does GR.


Why cant the nr 1 bot do it then? U can google it. Its out there. Its a issue with it.

Because that bot maker isn’t a good programmer, maybe?

I don’t take your word for it that whatever site you’re looking at is the number 1 bot maker. If they are advertising as such, then they’re begging for a lawsuit for Blizzard. Those things just don’t come out and say what they do for that reason.

It’s the reason I don’t what botting sites do or what they’re capable of because I wouldn’t know where to find one so apparently they’re not spoken of as openly as your claiming or everyone and their brother would know where to get one and at that point Blizzard would start litigation immediately!

Or maybe blizzard is better? U dont think blizzard tries to prevent it?

Its no secret. Same with GPS ppl who plays the game knows about them. Same site for GPS been up for years and blizzard know about them, they even posted a farewell as the main guy quit its even in this forum. They earn alot of money on it, again u can google it. Its out in the open.

Rofl its rly ez to google, ppl who wants to bot will find them ez. Even 12y olds can find them. They have forum which they talk about it in the open even. Everyone can get it if u willing to pay for it.

Whatever the case, if a bot can do a Normal Rift then it can run a GR, there’s literally the smallest difference between and that’s gem upgrades. Please don’t tell me a bot maker who is worth his salt can’t figure out how to get his bot to do that but can everything else.

I know better.

ROFL. Ok im done. U ignore the info which is out there. Cant help u. Go believe whatever u wanna believe. I can compete with bots if u cant thats on u.

These illegitimate players that should be banned for violating the ToS/EULA, especially since their xp/hour can be higher than you think.

Who said I can’t compete with bots. Again, check the DH boards. I was rank 55 a few days ago in season. Probably a little lower now 75 to 80 maybe but I can’t be sure.

The point is I shouldn’t have to not that I can’t. I quit season mostly because I can’t keep up with legit players as the season goes on because I’m mainly a solo player and rarely play in a group, not because of some cheater.

That doesn’t make cheating okay though.

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No Dahling I’m low paragon because I don’t enjoy doing speed grifts until my brains turn to tapioca. I have my stupid pet, I’m happy. I just don’t like people who cheat. It’s reprehensible.

The implication of what you reported from their discussion forum is that they could do it at one time but can’t now? Is that what you meant?


U just said the cheaters arent a issue. So stop crying about it alrdy. There is no way blizzard can stop everyone from botting, just like any other company bots is a issue in pretty much all games which requires grind. Even your imaginary bots isnt a problem as u now stated its not the reason to why u cant compete. Which ive been trying to tell u and u ignored or denied.

They are a problem though. They aren’t for me in particular, but are for other members of my clan who compete harder for top spots.

I’m arguing on behalf of them, not myself. Another thing I do as a good clanmate.



There shouldn’t be any crime either, but there is and guess what, I haven’t seen the cops just stop fighting crime because they can’t stop it all. Give me a break, with the argument that “it can’t be stopped, so quit speaking against it”, it’s a dumb position to take.

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You know what’s weird. I just started using the ignore feature a couple of days ago and have like 5 are maybe on it. But just blocking those 5 has made me stop seeing like ten other posters.

Correander isn’t one of them. It’s just something I noticed today. But that could be that there are more with linked accounts on the site than folks originally thought.

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So u just like to complain for no reason? Ok bye

Yes they could before if past matters to u.

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No I complain because it irks me when cheaters prosper. It irks me even more when people deny cheaters are cheating like the cheating cheaters they are then claim it doesn’t matter and impugn my character without a shred of evidence. It’s a character flaw I know but it’s not uniquely mine.

So you’re telling me it has and can be done. It may be possible right now. Good to know.

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And the thiefs are stealing from everyone. Flying like superman and are invicible. Im not saying they shouldnt stop bots. Again im saying they shouldnt cap paragon cause ppl bot. Its like everyone should be locked in a cage since there are thiefs. There is a huge difference. Ppl got the option to compete with the ppl who arent botting. They not forced to compare themselves to acc sharers or botters. If they decide to thats their own doing. If u can avoid criminals u most likely would irl. U dont complain about wars and go to a war zone to prove that its wrong. If its a war in another country u stay away.

Im not denying ppl are cheating none did. Again its about capping paragon since botters. As botters arent the main reason ppl cant compete. U wanna limit ppl cause ppl bot. So blizzard should shut down d3 cause ppl bot? Limit legit players since ppl bot? PPl blow up bots as a big issue and make up excuses that they not higher paragon since other ppl bot. As its clearly stated bots is less efficient than a real player.
Is also possible to time travel. Doesnt mean its happening atm, u have to go with what u know and not guessing.

Not to me. If you read the thread you’ll see I’ve already said that was a stupid idea multiple times. My contention was that people can and to bot greater rifts and it is possible to accumulate massive amounts of paragon doing it.

People botting doesn’t give players lower paragon it gives cheaters paragon and cheapens the efforts of other legitimate players.

There is not recorded nonfictional case of time travel. There is rampant botting you yourself attested to.