Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

Then we are on the same page. Just that i dont agree with bots being as effective as ppl seem to think.

Everything is possible. U say its possible that ppl bot in GR but there is no proof that ppl are doing it. Just like it could be possible that ppl do timetravel just that u cant prove it.

[One month laterā€¦]

Wait for the sequel any day now.

Nope. It will never be possible for me to give enough of a flip to be #1 on the leaderboards. I just donā€™t have the capability.

How can you cap paragon when there is no end game or itemization. Soon D2r and D4 will come out then we can forget about d3 . It is what it is. Play the game or donā€™t.

you should know there is a video on youtube of a Rat necro clearing GR 100ā€™s in 1:40 seconds repeatedly. you can find hundreds of streams and videos of bots clearing GRā€™sā€¦ Itā€™s pretty stupid for anyone to think bots and botters cant and dont bot speed high GRā€™s.

and you literally said this

yah try google for once, guy

edit: lol thereā€™s 7 hours of footage on youtube of a LoD singularity necro clearing GR104ā€™s in 2:30 on repeat.

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Oh u mean the ccbxD Not gonna write the full name but most ppl know about that one.

I did. If u did some research u know its a scam and comes with a virus;) But yeah if u wanna download it and try it hf with it. xD I heard the 24h free trial works though if u feel like that counts. Wonder why they would advertice on youtube;) Also it uses the other bot which i refer to as the nr 1 as bait, as it simply use that bot to do any botting. Also the vid isnt new and as i stated GR worked before but not now as its been issues with it. And since its not doing GR then ccb wont either. Care to do some google?

imagine making several posts claiming bots cant do Greater rifts and also this laugher

and then still trying to hold on to that spaghetti noodle argument till the very end.

itā€™s not true dude, i know thereā€™s 7 hours of footage of a bot doing speed GRā€™s but its a virus bro

you dodging facts

Guess u cant read. Its using the nr 1 bot which i stated only do rifts, bounties, ubers to do any botting (its even on their website), its litterly using another bot as it copied the other bot. And the vid is old as i stated it worked before not now. Try read comments or google it and u find out. If u gonna deny that, then its your problem. If u wanna make a fool of yourself and believe its legit then hf. Alot of ppl know that one and staying away from it.


No, cap gr lvl to 100 on seasons.

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Do isnt same did. Question?

Iā€™m about to reach 1000 paragon, have 5 ancients and no primals. Paragon ups keep me going for the increasingly long lulls between upgrades, why would I want to lose that at 1000?

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I know what you want, donā€™t get carried away. Just calm down, donā€™t look over your shoulder. Whatā€™s it gonna be? Woo hah.

Cap level 100 lol. that is just plain funny when i think of long i farmed xp in vanilla for paragon 110. lmao

i agree here. i usually hit 1k para at my 2nd run
thats why a soft cap to gr lvl (no more xp gained past lvl 100) is the best answer.
it would really narrow the gap between solo and group but group would still have a slightly edge(faster clear time), and on the end of season who wants to push 100+ solo or group whould still have this option but only for LB.