Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

but having botters with 4000 more paragon then legit players is somehow more skillful in your opinion. :clown_face:

Again i added the calculation. U need to do xpmeta to get high paragon. Bots wont rats for u.

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Indeed. Even we are being generous and made T16 gave as much as GR75, you still need 4k+ hours to reach that point. :slight_smile:

It is more like monsters at that GR110+ doesnā€™t die in 2 hits, and your character can easily die in few hits. If D3 bots can die or easily get stuck in T16 bounty, you should know it will be even easier at GR110+. The more the bots died, the less efficient it will be when it comes to farming exp at high GR.

Ok, even if your bot can miraculously farm at GR110 within 5 minutes, you still need 700 hours to reach P4000, minus all the time on keystone farming and bounty runs.

Season 23 started on 2 Apr, and it going to be a month soon, which means that at least 700 hours have passed. So I really doubt that guy bot up to P4000 at GR110. Clearly that the guy who got P4000 must have manually leveled with his team at GR130+.

This D3 player told us that he took at least 500+ hours with the constant 4-man team running at GR140+ to reach P5000:

So yeah, I really doubt that botting alone is enough to get your character to P4000.

what kind of veiled attempt to protect botters was that? GR110 is a joke. all meta dps specs will blast through 110sā€¦

Apparently reading isnā€™t your stronge suit.

I said that if you want to reach P4000, botting at GR110 alone is not enough. You need to get a team and actually run high GR a lot to achieve that, especially the time frame is less than 500 hours.

Nowhere in that post or any other have I or anybody else claimed that one you could reach P4000 with botting alone, just that some of that and not too small of a portion could be helped along by botting.

I also want to say that as your paragon grows, things start dying faster and your characterā€™s defenses go up, so you could keep it at 110 or raise the GR Tier a little at a time.

Point is, folks claimed botting a 110 or 120 is impossible and it isnā€™t. For example, at 110, once you get to 1200 or so paragon, things do in fact start dying in one hit. Botting 110 for maybe 110 from there can get you to 2000 in just 100 hours, interrupted however many time you get on to push with whoever you push with, if that.

You get to 2000, you can start killing things in a 112 or maybe a 113 in one or two hits. Maybe botting that will raise that and give you another 200 or so paragon. But you still get on and push pretty often. Then you go back to pushing with your team and your at 3000 in no time because of dedicated playing together or whatever else a botter might do. Point is, I donā€™t know if a guy is botting just by playtime and I donā€™t accuse folks because of that. Iā€™m just saying that we all know botting happens in this game and when content becomes trivial, it will probably be botted.

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Are you sure?

I am certainly donā€™t kill mobs in one hit or 2 hits at GR110 here despite that I have P2500, all Ancient gear + Lv100 gems augmented, and 3 Lv100+ legendary gems.

and yeah, did you see I got one shot at the beginning despite I have P2500? I doubt bots can clear the entire GR110 safely without dying unless their paragon is like P5000+

and it took me 5:30 minutes to clear GR110 despite that I had a good map.

Yes we do know botting is a thing in D3 but as I said before, I really doubt the bot is actually responsible entirely for reaching P4000 within 500 hours. The player must have at least manually pushed the paragon with his team for 8 hours per day after he woke up from his sleep though.

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could you have tried harder to play terrible in that video? 95% of the map was cleared at <15 stacks, you really dont know how to play GoD at all. No offense, not trying to be mean, but GoD isnt a potato build you have to weave your primaryā€™s in order to optimize dps and thatā€™s not even talking about positioningā€¦

Youā€™re also using 2 1handers which is from my studies not as good as a 2hand crossbow.

iā€™ll stop now so i dont end up writing a book on how to play GoD correctly.

Ok, even if your bot can miraculously farm at GR110 within 5 minutes, you still need 700 hours to reach P4000

and it took me 5:30 minutes to clear GR110

literally proved it yourself that a bot played poorly can do GR110 in 5 min giving botters several thousands of paragon while they sleep.

Geezā€¦someone just told me that Rank 1 DH GoD using the wrong weapons.

Rank 1 DH GoD in the Non-season leaderbaord

:rofl: :rofl:

and I trust these guides over your word any time, any day.

Good because I think your book on how to play GoD will be bad.

And it doesnā€™t change the fact of the video where P2500 DH GoD canā€™t one-shot to two-shot the mob in GR110 as people claimed. Even with 20 stacks, you are not going to one-shot or 2-shots the mob in GR110.

and it still will take you 700 hours (didnā€™t included the time to hunt keystone, crafting mats) to reach P4000 if your bot only ran GR110 in 5 minutes, and that assuming your bot didnā€™t die or get stuck during the botting season.


This isnā€™t a put down to you and I hope you donā€™t take it as such. But at 1320 paragon, I cleared a 125 and was rank 55 a few days ago in Season and was farming GR 110ā€™s for gem ups. It could be that my skill level has skewed some of what Iā€™ve said. Doesnā€™t make it false just that what I can do and what you can do are different.

That said, the dying thing. So you set your bot to have Awareness and you follower has his/her cheat death. Thatā€™s two ā€œdeathsā€ before the character takes a real one. Making it far less scary that your bot may die and if it does that it wonā€™t be able to complete the rift.

Anyway, I take your point, players have different skill levels, but Iā€™d argue that bot makers have different skill levels too. And it isnā€™t impossible to bot GRā€™s. Maybe not a 110, but GR 100ā€™s or 90ā€™s for gem ups. I mean we know they bot regular rifts for keys and thereā€™s little difference between a regular rift and say a GR100 when youā€™re running them in 2 or 3 min for gem ups.

But bots doesnt do GR. As stated they do bounties, rifts, ubers. And bots cant compete with acc share. Believing that bots do 110 doesnt make it true.

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Never doubt that you canā€™t clear GR110 with P1320 considering that people did it in the non-season leaderboard. If anything, the videoā€™s main purpose is to show you that it is impossible to one-shot or two-shot a mob in GR110 even though I have P2500 with all ancient gear + caldesann despair.

Never said it is impossible to bot GR. It is just impossible to bot at high GR efficiently when your goal is P4000 at least. The amount of exp gave below GR110 is not really significant enough.

GR100 in 3 minutes to P4000 timeframe needed:

The player still needs to manually push his character at high GR with his team to reach P4000. It is not as simple as just bot to P4000.

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True but just because heā€™s playing too, doesnā€™t make the botting acceptable. At least, not in my eyes.


Never said it is acceptable. Just saying that it is not as easy as just bot to P4000 as many claimed.

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I didnā€™t see folks say that, and I definitely didnā€™t but thatā€™s not saying someone didnā€™t. The thread was started by someone that regular says outlandish things to get a reaction and I wouldnā€™t put it past him to say something like that.

Iā€™d have to take him off my ignore list or go back and click on each of the blocked posts to read every post to check. But thatā€™s my guess as to who youā€™re talking about.

So it appears that you and I might be arguing over something neither of us said. We might have taken some bait is what Iā€™m saying.


I would say ppl arent defending bots or think its acceptable. What we are saying is that ppl overrestimate bots. They wont give u free high paragon as u still need to play. And the time u botting u would not being as efficient as u would be if u play.

However none is doubting that botting when u sleep or at work etc is cheating. It is and should be punished.

The problem here is that ppl, even legit ppl dont agree with paragon cap. As stated 1k paragon is nothing alot of ppl get to within the first days. There be no competition for the casual players even if there were no bots. There are dedicated players who blast for hours and hours every day. Limit ppls progress and use bots as a excuse is dumb. Rather than force the competition down ppl should improve their game. If they not willing to do so they should compare themselves with ppl who are equally dedicated

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I donā€™t agree with a seasonal cap either. I mean, even if Blizzard did do that, where would they set it?

My highest seasonal paragon was 2300, had a blast that season, but my clan mates regular get 3000 or more.

So no, a paragon limit isnā€™t a good way to deal with bots and beyond isnā€™t a good idea to begin with.

But like I said, the thread was started by someone that says outlandish things to get a reaction and made worse he has multiple accounts and uses them to back up his arguments or argue against them to get people to start arguing around him.

Believing they donā€™t doesnā€™t make that true either.


I checked it up though. It says bounties, rifts, ubers. No GR and its the nr 1 developer of bots for d3. There is one for GR on console but only work during offline mode. There are plenty of ppl which got accused for botting and when u check their profile its mass rifts not GRs. Should give u a hint especially when they top ranked. If they did bot in GR they would be higher than they are. U believe there are bots which does 110 but u got nothing to back up that claim. ā€œIts possibleā€, anything is possible doesnt mean its the reality. Also bots arent efficient no matter how u look at it. Expmetas still beat bots by a huge margin.

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Not to start this again, but if it can do Normal Rifts, then it can do GR too and it doesnā€™t has to come out and explicitly say it does.

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