Cap seasonal paragon to 1000 to promote fair competition

Why do you assume? Everything you’ve assumed in your post is wrong. Which only reinforces the fact, that you don’t really know a lot about Diablo III. Your experience is casual at best. Why? You don’t know the numbers. You don’t have any experience, if you think that getting to para 1000, 2000 or even 3000 is hard/impossible/takes a long time. You’re a casual. Nothing wrong with being a casual, unless you start projecting your casual ideas on every aspect of the game.


maybe it’s just your poor reading comprehension? I never made that claim.

i mean let’s be clear here, you’re the guy who said not botting GR’s is hard. Not surprised you are against an anti botting thread.

Why are you backtracking? The title of the thread is to limit Paragon to 1000. Clearly you don’t understand how easy it is to go above Paragon 1000. Even being a casual btw. Its assumptions like this, that tell me, that you didn’t even really play Diablo III. Your knowledge of efficient farming is nonexistent.

Right, because you don’t know, that in order to get to Paragon 3000 is run ~400 GRs of lvl 150 in a group of 4. Not even under 3 minutes speedfarm style. This, is how insane the GR experience reward scaling is. What’s the next gem coming from you? People do less than 400 GRs per season? Sure, ultra casuals do way less than 400 GR’s per season. Non casuals run thousands, get that? THOUSANDS of GRs per season. By far not all of them are 150 ofc, but the 150 example is just to show you, how easy it is to get to Paragon level 3000 and above. Yeah, so, you don’t need to farm 24/7 for 3 months to get to Para 3000 in a decent group.
Conclusion: If you, personally, refuse to invest a decent amount of your gaming time into the Diablo 3 - just be a happy casual. Do not run around telling people, that the game is rigged, or whatever. Esp, if you don’t even play the game. By that I mean, not playing enough to get to like 2500 in a single season and witness the difference even in the low GR speedfarm. Which would be at least 105-110+ (depending on the season buff n stuff) with any class SOLO. (under 3 minutes) by the time you’re 2500+.

it’s not about getting to 1000 easily. it’s about changing the imbalanced aspect of paragon level. It’s become a joke, even you refer to it as a joke running 150’s.

Fix it. Cap it at 1000 and let player skill determine leaderboard rankings, rather then time botted.

The game isn’t balanced around Paragon 1000, hence there will be no competition. You’re suggesting to ruin the game. Devs balanced the game, so that any class can do GRs in 130’s by the time they’re Paragon level 5000. Which sort of indicates, that reaching Paragon 5000 is expected in a season. So, stop suggesting this nonsense. It won’t make anything fair, or interesting, or competitive. It’ll ruin the game and that is all it’ll do.

I had no idea you’d done it until someone else noticed and said you’d done so…

It’s always amusing to see you attempt to retcon your own narrative.

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why the charade? that wasnt the first character, it was named meteorbladed or something and it’s been years, dude. You need to let it go, it’s not healthy and i’ll be honest i’m getting kinda worried at this point.

Or just add a paragon filter? Some ppl doesnt play for leaderboard. I prefer to just compete with myself and try get higher paragon each season and try the new builds and enjoy different seasonal themes. I dont rly care about leaderboard or pushing. I would say its most likely more ppl who doesnt care about the leaderboard than ppl who actually does. I dont agree with limit ppls progress or ruin the fun for the players who enjoy the game for different reasons. A filter wouldnt harm ppl and enables players to compare themselves to ppl who put about same amount of effort.

continue to water down every competitive aspect of D3?

No i’m against this. Path of Exile is the leading ARPG and the most competitive ARPG and they dont water down their ladders with filters and surrender to bots. PoE has 10 times the playerbase of D3 today. Just look at the interest in their seasons and then look at D3’s. PoE isnt even half as good as D3, but they care about the players and understand how important competition is and consistently act on banning cheaters and maintaining a competitive season leaderboard.

You’re the minority when you say you’re happy competing with yourself. The majority just isnt here to speak out because they left to play a game that isnt riddled with bots.

U got anything to back up your claims? As far as i know blizzard doesnt share any stats. By the looks of it u seem to be minority. I dont see whats wrong with a filter. Its obv better than capping paragon. 1k is way to ez to get. Most ppl i know doesnt care about getting top spot on leaderboard. And there seem to be only a few ppl in forum who does. And those are mainly low paragon and wouldnt compete anyway. To ban bots u need proof. And bots doesnt give u high paragon. They dont farm paragon. U need to do exp meta to gain paragon

You have to read between the lines. Paragon wins all the time ,paragon is just plain stupid we all know that. Look at lbs and next person to you ,that is about it, you cant compete with no lifers. If the guy just higher then you on lbs has less paragon…i guess that is you competition. Forget paragon its is just an absymal sysyem. I hope they get it right in d4.

Isn’t it what you were trying to do by limiting paragon down to 1000? Because nobody would have been able to do GR150 Solo, like ever?

Nice ad, dude. This is a D3 forum. Also PoE has too many flaws to be a very good, let alone a great game. But nice try.

Why are you making stuff up again? You sure, you aren’t? Well, citation needed then. I can look at the Leaderboards in DIII and see thousands of players every season. Also, dunno about NA, but at the start of the season 23 in EU, servers were busy. I was waiting for like a minute to create a Single Player seasonal game to start lvling. Not including, that the start was staggered, so that not all the players could even create a seasonal character at the same time. And also most European’s first were taken in the first day of the season, but that is irrelevant to the amount of players playing the game.

What interest? You mean a random streamer with 200 viewers getting all hyped about broken PoE? Well, I have 0 interest in PoE seasons just as lots of other people, who have absolutely no interest in PoE.

They sold out to Tencent and prioritize streamers over the actual playerbase. This isn’t caring. All, as I’ve heard, they also nerfed pretty much everything. You don’t make a game more fun by nerfing. That is actually a hint for both Blizzard and PoE. Stop nerfing, just buff other stuff(builds, items, etc).

Partially correct. But, the players on the forums of any given game are a minority. Usually a small % of the total playerbase. And some people tend to be very vocal about the need of random changes on the forums, as if all the players are here and vote on it. No, the majority of D3 players never even saw the D3 forums.

I actually like Paragon. It isn’t a perfect system and the exp curve is a bit out of control… But that has more to do with a huge disbalance between group and solo play, hence Paragon farm. Anyway, I like the idea of Paragon levels and I like the current Paragon levels. Even if it takes too long to get to higher levels solo.
Personally, loved the older Paragon XP curve much more. When every level after 2000 had the same amount of exp required. ~180b. But, it had to be changed, because of no lifers, as you call them.

no it would be the first step

it would dilute the motive to bot and allow actual player skill to separate the rankings on the leaderboards.

i think multiple steps are needed, such as removing the ability for players to run an alt bot/bots for clearing bounties for them to join in at the end and collect 5 caches every few minutes.

Ban turbohud users aka maphackers.

multiple steps towards an amazing game

You don’t need tons of paragon to compete on the boards to compete.

If you want to stop at a thousand, then stop at a thousand. Choose a class that’s not flavor of the month which will be the one most high paragon reachers play precisely because it’s easier to get high paragon with.

Then, look those around you on the leaderboard to see if their paragon is higher or gear is better or both.

If you have fewer paragon, less quality gear or whatever, then guess what, You’re probably better than the people around you on the leaderboard. Grats!

no, that’s what makes a dead game. Instead they should make it balanced and add awesome cosmetic rewards for top players.

For some the competition IS the incentive.

But I take your point. I quit the season a few days ago. But before I did, I made it into the top 30 at something like 1320 paragon on the DH boards. I’ve dropped some since I quit but it’s the beginning of the season where competition is most “fair”.

If a season is fun or I’m just having a blast, I might play longer and not care so much about where I wind up on the leaderboard, but they nerfed our best set back to mediocrity so there is little incentive for me to continue with the season.

But as far as keeping up from beginning to end of season, well I know I can’t but getting into the top 100 in the first week or two, is rewarding in it’s own right.


Anyway, another point I want to make is it’s about a week since I hit my mark and I dropped about 30 spots. If that holds true till the end of the season, I’ll still be on the leaderboards at the end of season only I would have done it 2 months before the people around me.

The game is not balanced around any paragon lvl. 1000 would be as good/bad as any other.

Sounds like me to a T. :smiley:

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I don’t disagree at all. I personally don’t feel there’s a need. Leaderboards are meaningless, the only thing that matters is what I get out of the game and I don’t need to cheat to get it. Even if I did, it’s on me.