Still cant log into the game after several weeks of putting in tickets. Says only the party leader can do this. Simply told its a bug and it will be forwarded. Ive seen topics as far back at 2019 why is this not being fixed? If there is a fix please help me fix it.
Error 315000 - Chat Silence - Only available to party leader
There are two scenarios for this.
It’s a temporary bug which can usually be resolved by switching to another hero and then back to the one you wanted to play on, changing which pet the hero has selected, and so on. Alternatively, closing and re-starting the client should resolve it.
If you’ve received an in-game chat silence penalty from any Blizzard game.
There is a long outstanding bug (since October 2019) whereby if you receive a chat silence from any Blizzard game, you will be unable to start or join a Diablo III game session. This will last until the silence period is over.
If you have received a chat silence, you will have been sent an email to your registered address with an explanation of why the silence was issued, and how long the penalty period will last. For a first offence, it’s 24 hours. For subsequent offences, the penalty period doubles each time, i.e.
- 1 day
- 2 days
- 4 days
- 8 days
- 16 days
- 32 days (1 month 2 days)
- 64 days (2 months 4 days)
- 128 days (4 months 8 days)
- 256 days (8 months 16 days)
- 512 days (1 year 5 months 2 days)
…and so on.
If you believe you were incorrectly silenced…
There is no need to appeal a silence. This is not a punishment. Its a BUG and needs to be correctly addressed and fixed. Its a known issue that has been ongoing. No excuse for not fixing it.
Complete banning from the game is not a part of the punishment for an account silence. So it should not be happening.
I don’t think anyone disputes that. However, some people may have been incorrectly silenced, and appealing the silence might be exactly what they need to do.
Indeed, but I would imagine that it has incredibly low priority in their list of things to fix, as it only affects players that have breached the Code of Conduct and, even then, usually only for a couple of days.
If you’re up to the point where this bug is affecting you for longer periods, that means you’ve had multiple chat infractions investigated and punished.
Thats a moot point. The punishment system does not include full on game ban. If this is a bug causing harsher punishment according to their guidelines then it needs to be priority.
Its harsh and unfair punishment exceeding their own policy.
Still waiting to hear is there is actually a fix being worked on? This is a long time known bug and should be fixed.
See the Bliz Tracker to see how often they respond to bug reports:
You may be waiting for a few years.
You won’t get a response. It’s a known issue. It’s not a high priority…
While it is theoretically possible for us to unmute players which might work around this, we’re not in the practice of reversing these kinds of account actions for this sort of reason. Regardless of this unexpected behavior, the accounts which have been muted were muted for a reason. If you have an extended duration suspension, a user of your account must have broken our terms of use several times. As such, the account actions will stand until they expire.
Good im going to keep bumping this thread until its fixed. Its unacceptable to keep players from playing a game for this long. Its a known issue for over 8 months
See: How to Write a Good Bug Report - #3
- If you do not get a blue response, please DO NOT bump posts. We will ignore and possibly delete any post that simply says “Bump” or demands a response from a Blizzard poster.
No posts in this thread simply say bump. Thanks for the bump though
ETA also i dont see where i demanded a response from blizzard. Thanks again.
Blizzard is aware of the bug and has been since October 2019. They have stated they will not reverse the penalty due to the bug. It will stand, even though the lack of access to D3 is not intended.
The policy until 2016 was to completely suspend players from the game if they violated any rules. Period. Silence was added to soften the punishment such that it only removed social functions, not access to the solo games. This bug has revered the punishment to the older system when dealing with D3.
The bug impacts people who are silenced in ANY Blizzard game. You will have to wait out your silence or appeal if you feel it was not an earned silence.
Bumping over and over will eventually be considered spam. It won’t change the excellent advice you were given.
Nobody likes that you can’t make a game due to your current account action, but people have been honest with you about the current status.
oh hey thanks for the reply! Dont see any bumping Just replies.
I would argue that blizzard has not be honest though. Ive put in multiple ticket and it appears it is a well known bug with no intention to be fixed. Cant say im surprised, D3 isnt their cash cow. (ie. kind of feels like they dont care a whole lot.)
It is a known bug, but it does not impact many so is not well known, especially by the ticket folks.
They have not said they refuse to fix it. It has not happened yet, but there is also a pandemic.
It should be illegal for this to not be top priority. We paid for this game and Blizzard had us read a code of conduct, whether squelched or not, the code of conduct and policies DO NOT state that anyone will be banned from playing simply because they were muted or squelched by Blizzard. As such, this can be taken to courts if Blizzard doesn’t fix this now because potentially thousands of people are being unfairly punished and that is no different than Blizzard simply taking their money.
A Pandemic? That makes no difference. This is a bug, it does not require people to be working close to each other. Furthermore, the “pandemic” does not stop Blizzard from working that’s inane to even suggest.
Also, this bug has been around since months before coronavirus was a problem. No need to make up excuses. It doesn’t matter if the policy was different before 2016 – So you’re saying they’ve had 4 years to fix this then.
It is not illegal. Fun fact is they can remove you from their games for any reason they want, and you agreed to that. The punishment for language was game suspension/ban until 2016 when the Silence penalty started - which is milder. They can STILL suspend or ban people for language if they want, and they DO! Sometimes a silence is just not enough.
If they did not get sued then for suspending people, and don’t get sued for it now, I don’t think you are going to have much luck.
Feel free to try to get a lawyer to help you if you want though.
Yes, it started in October 2019.
There was nothing to fix until October 2019.
Hopefully your Silence is not too long.
P.S. You can edit your own post if you have something to add instead of making repeated separate replies to continue your thoughts.
No Covid was not a problem/pandemic until March. Stop lying please