Can't access CR 151

When trying to access the new challenge rift (151 on May 11th), I am only shown last week’s character (Barbarian) and when selecting “continue” I am given a message saying, “Challenge Rift 150 has ended.”

I have tried signing out and back in and have also tried restarting my console (Xbox One).

Anyone else experiencing this or have a fix?


Same here but on PS4. I will let you know if I figure something out :confused:


Same on PS4, plus last week the CR cache never showed up after completing.

Same on Switch. Did someone forget to press the button again? xD


Same here on ps4. Wish i had an answer…

Blizzards opinion = head lice > console player. They might notice something is wrong by next Monday… but I’m not holding my breath. xD


Some problem on the switch lite and Xbox One.

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Same issue here, PS4 and Switch.

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Same issue for me. Xbox 1

Same problem. It is wednesday and still no new HF available (Switch). YO BLIZZARD - someone there??!!??

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Same issue on Xbox1… days later still not fixed :disappointed:

Just tried, still not fixed.

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Same issue hope it gets fixed soon

Please fix this, Bliz

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It’s absolutely amazing how blizzard can’t even keep up with all there games now . I get it console may not be top priority but still don’t think it should take this long for someone to catch on that this is still an issue. I still canT access the challenge right cus it’s still expired . It would be nice if they could get someone in here to let us know wtf is going on


Iam also having the same issue on my xbox one hope a fix comes soon or at least an aknowledgement that Blizzard sees this or even cares about the console players

Issue is still ongoing

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Same issue, still ongoing; on Switch

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STILL HAPPENING…Xbox 1. Seriously Blizz?

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Maybe the cap for CRs is also 150? xD

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