Can you please increase the primal droprate

I think they should. I have had 3 primals in 2 years. Explain this to me BLIZZARD when I play level 80-85 rifts. Because of the fact that the droprate is horrible in this game I cannot get past level 85 Grift. On the other hand I saw a dude showing off the fact that he got 2 primals in less than an hour. Explain that one also Blizzard. Is he your Cousin or something you guys at blizzard??

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It is this very reason I will not be buying Diablo 4. Their blatant disregard for players and all around being scummy for no good reason bothers me to no end. Blizzard is known in the gaming world as ā€œthe company that supports cheaters and rewards them openlyā€.

With how much power they put into sets and supporting gear, Iā€™m not sure increasing primal drop rates should your main concern if you are having trouble with GR 85.


You donā€™t need primals or no where near primal to go past 80-85 GR. In that amount of time played to only have a couple primals is either very bad luck which can happen or youā€™ve missed some which can happen.

Either way, primal to me are just trophiesā€¦they look pretty with the red boarder but 99% of the time you can do the same content with just the ancient versionā€¦take a gander at the #1 WD on NA Ladderā€¦pretty sure I see little primal items geardā€¦in fact my WD that I can only get to 119 passing right now (tried 120 and missed by a few seconds so I know I can go further if I fished a little) is only lacking the paragon compares to the top LB clear at 140ā€¦


Iā€™m pretty sure botters would also benefit from increasing primal drop rate, as that would mean more forgotten souls to use for reforging, so calling people botters for being against your suggestion is a tad silly.


If the gear is obtainable for everyone, it kind of takes the need for botting completely out of it. If everyone could have fun with the game less would cheat and move onto another target. It is a cheap way to ensure less people will cheat and more players would actually play. Yes they would but this is about mitigation and protecting oneā€™s brand. When you are a company who creates a system that ONLY rewards those who cheat then do nothing to mitigate that, what makes me a customer willing to support you?

inb4: itā€™s an 8 year old game
the age of it is not the issue because there have been multiple game changing updates that in all honesty should have been charged for. I wish I could pay for seasons. Blizzard is handling this game as well as others simply put, wrong and I wish they would stop their scummy bs.

So like include a hero editor in game? We can just slap on the gear we want and put in the affixes we want and call it day? Coz like to include ā€œeveryoneā€ we got to account for that joe shmoe that can only play for 2 minutes every 5 months. :+1:

Youā€™re also ignoring the elephant in the room. Personally, I see paragons as a huge incentive for botters. So just increasing primal drop rates isnā€™t going to get rid of those botters.


Your on to something hereā€¦i was that Joe Shmoe not too long ago and could have used that to catch up :facepunch:t2:


It wouldnā€™t. As long as thereā€™s a grind, then you will have some folks who will find the need to bot. The only way to prevent that is either if you create limitations and restrictions, but this will also affect your legit players or if you actively, and frequently punish the botters (bans and such). But thatā€™s a discussion I donā€™t really care to have right now.

Primary point is that botters will still benefit from your suggestion.

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So your argument is do nothing to mitigate it? Botter spotted.

Ehā€¦ no. Your original request was for blizzard to increase ancient primal items droprate. When other players disagreed with you; you called them botters because you believe that botters wouldnā€™t want such a thing. I merely pointed out that players using botters would probably be the last ones to refute your request as it would greatly benefit them.


Think heā€™s saying that implementing your suggestion would only benefit botters more.

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Personally I think they should increase the drop rate of primals to like 1-2% maybe even 5%. Whether or not it makes the game ā€œeasierā€ is irrelevant to me, I just think that since they made our character builds rely so heavily on gear instead of a cross mix of lvling/permanent stat allocation/talent selection/gear then we should be able to obtain the best gear for a build in a reasonable time frame relative to how long it took to get the build operable.

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they should be available to anyone who is past 70.

Heh, this is a waste of keystrokes. If you disagree with him, youā€™re a botter. It speaks volumes of his personality.

Too funny!

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well when only botters can get primals and you agree with this mindset that you keep them so unobtainable, then you must be a botter.

Just a feeling that grindy games like D3 isnā€™t his cup of tea. If they increase the drop rate then heā€™ll complain about grinding paragon points, then itā€™s about grinding for keys to grind for the perfect GR. Youā€™ll have to be a botter to get all that doneā€¦ etc. etc.

And why the mindset that the best gear should be obtainable by everyone?


Yeah, Blizzard bows to people whining about drop rates, and this and that, then the game gets so easy where you click once and itā€™s over. Might as well play some solitaire.

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My seasonal DH - TwentyOne - has 3 primals. My entire seasonā€™s play time is under 45 hours. Seasonā€™s been open for 662 hours (on EU) so far.


Funnily enough, once you clear greater rift 70 (which is a simple feat due to the massive damage boost given by sets and legendaries) and unlock Primal; then the best gear becomes available. Now whether you do get said gear is dependent on the amount of time youā€™ve spent as well as the luck you have.

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