Can Witch Doctor At Least Get SOMETHING?

This is a pretty depressing patch so far for Witch Doctor, just getting straight up nerfed on our strongest build, but it’s literally not changing anything.

It will STILL be the top WD build, and so far there is nothing to be seen of this promised “new simplified playstyle” it still requires the current complicated detonating on certain frames to be played optimally

Usually when a top build is nerfed, people get at least something else buffed or changed to either bring up another build or change the playstyle of one, like GoD DH is getting a massive nerf but at least some of the other variants of it are being brought up a notch

Can we at least get a buff to our other sets? jade, arachyr, helltooth, anything!

A common complaint amongst witch doctors, or at least it’s a damn big issue for me, is our complete lack of toughness, to give us a buff in this and improve our QoL while pushing would also be greatly appreciated, i made some suggestions on how to adjust WD toughness here: WD Desperately Needs More Toughness - PTR Feedback - Diablo 3 Forums (

Please just give us something, i’m really excited for this patch due to all the follower changes, but if it goes live and the only change to WD is a 5-7 tier GR drop, it’s gonna put a real dampener on the season, and may be the first season where i don’t play WD


Strongly agree. I was also very excited for this patch but it’s not fun for Witch Doctors being nerfed and they aren’t as strong as other classes.


This is shaping up to be the first season in probably 12 seasons that I’m not excited to play. WD is my favorite class and when Mund’s came out and we could actually keep up with other classes I was STOKED. First they nerf the pet coefficient which was a HUGE nerf (enforcer, Jeram’s mask). And now gazing demise has 1/3 the potency. This is just overkill. Even last season’s 4th cube slot was arguably one of the weakest boosts to any class for a WD.


Indeed, I kept thinking that there was something hidden in the bushes that we would find, to make WD overpowering and deserving of a nerf. Something like a follower interaction that would give us OP toughness or damage. But, nothing… and I think if there was someone would have found it by now.

I can’t get over how they think that WDs rank higher than Necros ( who needed a nerf more than anyone).


Maybe try one of the other 6 classes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Would love to see WD get a little buff instead of the de-buff.

Play: Felt squishy. I play 99% HC and would not waste my time playing a WD. Just did a GR 55 and proc-ed twice wearing the M set. Why not take the useless Krelm’s set and give it something that boosts the WD?

The new FB set is overwhelming and I had weak gear. I’ll never challenge on the leaderboard but with one level 25 LG I easily blew past 85 without looking back.


We all think the same man.
Give us something back for the nerf, for instance, isnt WD supposed to be the pet heavy class, along with necro? Why the hell cant we have a competitive pet build? Who knows.
So much potential wasted is infuriating.

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There is literally nothing to play on the WD class that can compete with any other class at all. Even the minor tweaks made to Arachyr’s and Helltooth last time was paltry and did nothing even remotely close to making those sets competitive.

WD had only 1 viable set and it’s just been axed. What are WD supposed to do now?

I strongly urge Blizzard to either reverse the nerf to Mundunugu’s before the season goes live or, what would be even better is if they started buffing the other sets to bring them up to where Mund’s was before the nerf. Even in the same ball park would be fine. As it stands there is literally no working sets for WD right now.

I personally would love if some of the pet builds were brought back online, however seeing what was just done to Rathma, I’m not sure Blizzard can handle it.

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While not technically a set, y’all seem to be forgetting about LoD? Which for WD is pretty much GG. Or am I being weird? Idk

Updates seriam para SOMENTE CORRIGIR erros de programação (bugs) e NÃO ficar MATANDOS os chars, RIDICULO sempre os “produtores” fazerem essa CAGADA só deixa o game MAIS ruim… LAMENTAVÉL

LoD is weaker than Mundunugu’s for SB, and on par with other WD builds which is not saying much (we’re talking B tier)


Probably too late but I agree…

Old and weak sets that have no chance to match the sets of other characters … I don’t understand why blizzing devastates there wd.

Last PTR I asked for a buff to SMF. HT Gargs are my favorite build. But only got crickets…

As a champion for Demon Hunters, I sympathize with Witch Doctors and hope they get some of their nerf rolled back. At the very most, DH and WD should be nerfed no lower than GR140 at P5000, not GR130-133 as it stands now.

In short, developers should not hand out nerfs to some classes (Demon Hunters and Witch Doctors) while leaving others untouched in the P5000 GR140+ category (Necro, Crusader, and Wizards).

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