Can we unnerf Chantodo?

Seeing how the new items have pushed barbs, saders and monks higher, can we unnerf chantodo wizard? I think chantodo was sitting at where we are currently seeing those three classes.

I personally found it to be a fun build to play and would like to see it competitive again.


only if you agree to nerf starpact


Sure, why not? That’s a cancer build.


I would rather see Blizzard buff the archon abilities instead, preferably via Vyr’s 6 piece effect.


Totally agree. Bring back the Chantodo!
Right now, WW rend Barb is much stronger than ‘Chantodo before neff’. Barb beats 142 solo within ten days into the season, which is ridiculous. If Blizzard decide to rebuff the rend belt, why not unnerf the Chantodo? Wiz only have one viable solo push build right now, which is Chantodo (forget the Bazooka, it will be gone). It should be rebuffed!


Chantodo is a cancer build for simpletons. To make it a pushing spec is not right in any form…


barb has been irrelevant for many seasons. it was long overdue. now, because you’re not able to tele to the front of the pack and kill everything you want to cry? i think it’s great. for the past 2 seasons we’ve all played second hand to vyr/chant wizards teleporting all over the place dominating the maps. cry me a river. plays worlds smallest violin


and whirling around in circles is complex?


Definitely, you got the large whirls to your small whirls to those advanced figure 8 whirls. Years and years of practice to master.


No, honey…

Yep, because the whirls have a much smaller radius and you gotta hit the perfect spot for maximum effect.


Well played, +1
20 characters


That was NS, Barb is 138 season. 143 was just achieved on US NS by Ulmaguest, a long time veteran barb poster/player with 10k para and one of the top barbs in the World so despite how powerful the seasonal theme is I doubt anything higher it will be achieved in season.

And if it’s achieved then that’s because on PTR top pushers were not using manual cast Rends with AD gearing which adds about a 8x modifier at minimum to Rends with 25-30 mobs. That’s definitely going to make a huge difference.

But for now as Matthew has stated, +2 is fine by these specific super Barbs.

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Do you know how that compares to pre-nerf Chantodo?

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From what I’ve seen still about -2 GRs on a Worldscale. And those players had 2-3k less paragon as well. So unfortunately and for now the nerf still makes sense. Even if they catch up to it I doubt there would be a reversal, they’d likely just wait to buff up something else as it would still be within the boundaries.

If I’m being completely honest though I could see NS going to 145 with 40% more AD gearing and NS Chants being stuck at 141. Chants downfall is it has no use in AD despite it being clearly more tanky. The barbs will take advantage of still being able to utilize AD, albeit timed and limited.

However in seasons I believe wiz build favors the theme more, they can take down mobs quicker and activate the rewards faster. They can also kill the RG quicker, so they could focus KS events on elites. I don’t think it will be as behind, it’s just everyone is pushing the Barb bandwagon atm.

Let’s wait till at least a good month or so in and re-evaluate.

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This is why I’ll never be good at WW. It is just to skill intensive :slight_smile:


Having more data is a good thing. Personally, I’d like them to re-tune it so that’s it’s competitive with the top builds. It seems like they over nerfed it at this point.


Sad they cannot unnerf Chantodo!


If they can buff the archon abilities instead, I’d consider that a fine compensation.


I don’t play barb so i won’t comment on that, i only play wizard and i was against it since the start. Partly because it takes away some control away from players like manald heal archon which I’m glad is gone.

To be fair here Barb has been behind for so many seasons and wizard has been on the throne, it’s really okay if they end up a few GR’s higher than wizard…like really it’s fine lol.

That’s a big if too at least in seasons, barb gets a head start but someone who really dedicates Chants with seasonal theme will likely end up not far behind barb at all, maybe 1-3. Again the chants build has more toughness and does kill non trash packs quicker, including the RG. But the dream rifts will favor Barb as they’ll be able to utilize Area Damage semi-often.

The real problem with nerfs like this is that without something to compensate you’ll have players give up on pushing the class/build all together. Why push when you know something is going to end up weaker than last season?

It would have been nice if they nerfed Chants but then like buffed DMO, not to the level of old Chants but just as a nice consolation prize so there would be some new fresh incentive. If DMO could suddenly do like 140, hell yah I’d roll wizard and make one to push!