Called It: Fun Police Cry for DH Nerfs

I think you meant DHs? Anyway, I never claimed anything that hyperbolic. What I did say was that the calls for nerfs are unwarranted and fail to consider anything more than a myopic view of “balance.” DHs have been hot garbage for a long, long time. Right now, they’re powerful, and they have a strong option for solo and group play.

Let them have fun. Stop trying to ruin everyone else’s fun.

It’s a game. Not a very serious game, by the way, even if you take it seriously. There’s no trophy for participation, much less winning.

Maybe for some, but for most players, that kind of Paragon won’t become standard until long after Diablo 4 is released. As far as the cap goes, talk to Blizzard. Some of y’all don’t seem to understand that this game is–and has been–on the back burner.

Longevity? This game is 8 years old. The sequel is in active development. How much longer is this game supposed to go on and on with the same repetitive RNG-dependent loops?

We got 8 groovy years out of D3, but let’s not pretend this game’s goose isn’t cooked. Some of y’all talking about the game like you’re about to enter a tournament and win cash prizes, or that anyone makes a living streaming this nonsense.

D3 has always catered to a casual game experience. Look at the design, the UI, the multiplayer interface. This game has always been a console-friendly, relaxed game where RNG is one of the biggest factors in your end-game success. That alone should have been the big red flag.

Wait, you say it’s against 150 solo, then you say it’s a nearsighted view? :thinking:

I have NOTHING against DH’s being OP for a period of time. But this build is clearly above the target and should be nerf soon.

I wonder “everyone” is the one you refer to … even in public games there are many players complaining that they wanted to play with other builds, but they can’t because there are only DH’s …
To say that making an OP build in every way is synonymous with “fun”, forgive me, but that’s not part of the design of any decent game.

So, because when someone asks for balance between builds of the same class, balance between classes, there is always a topic with a theme similar to these when these adjustments involve a nerf? After all, “it’s a game” …

Apparently, and strangely, they take it very seriously when it comes to nerf.

It is evident that for the player who does not have this level after years of playing, it is simply not important to him. If it is not important, then you should not penalize others for it.

I don’t think the fact that this game is “old” is a reason to make it cheap as a generic game. Even d1 and d2 still live, why can’t D3?

Ask d1 and d2 that. Also, I doubt that D4 will come out in the near future, and if it does, we have a high probability that it will be something as boring as D3 vanilla.

It seems to me that in fact you didn’t even play vanilla … Besides, you are confusing the simplicity of the itemization, interface and “creation” of builds of this game with the gameplay, in no way is this game “easy” at a high level (today in days, just solo, and I don’t know for how long).
The correct thing to say is that this game has always had content for casual players and for serious / competitive players, it is easy to play, but difficult to master (no longer in 4p)

I have heard this argument before, and I still disagree with it. What it translates to is that, if you want endgame content, you are required to participate in multiplayer. Forced multiplayer is something I will not ever advocate, regardless of the logic behind it; especially with a player base this toxic.

If the multiplayer difficulty increase were balanced out to some extent, it would not be as problematic to allow both styles of play. I don’t expect that to happen. If the reason multiplayer is “allowed” to enjoy the highest level is that full teams have a power advantage, then that advantage needs to be addressed.

They tried something similar with a couple of the MMOs I used to play. I remember one quest in particular which was designed to be outright impossible without assistance from another player who had flight. Guess what. Not only did I accomplish the mission solo, I also no longer play the game.

Not everyone has three other people who can dedicate enough time to a video game to plan out every stat to 100% perfection, with a pixel-perfect formation and every skill aligned to perfect synergy. Not everyone wants that. Some people just want to play the game. This nonsense of having to have literally every decimal in place, across four players, reminds me a lot more of synchronized swimming than a game.

If it’s harder to achieve solo than in a team, I fully support that balance. It would give incentive to form a team. Making it mathematically impossible? I will spit my last breath against that concept.

Editing for Clarification: Since even my simplest language is forcibly misinterpreted (somewhere in the high 90s in terms of percentage, I think), I want to be very clear that I am not advocating that solo players should have the exact same clearing potential as groups. That never got said, so get it out of your heads…all of you. I can hear you partial-quoting and misquoting already.

Groups can and should be more powerful than a single hero. My point is that they should not have access to a special club where only they can clear content of a certain level. I will never back down from that position.

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At the beginning of your post you appear to be against caps and then advocate for a cap in the name of longevity for the game. Maybe instead of trying to cut players off at the knees so they can’t reach the ceiling we should be fighting to raise the ceiling. I know blizzard has said 150 is the cap for " technical reasons" and that seems like a blizzard problem not one that should be used to punish players.

You seem like you’d be fun to go fishing with…because wow! You certainly have reeled them in :joy::joy::joy:

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Players like me care.

Does anyone remember when this thread was poking fun at the Fun Police™?

People like to take things a little too seriously…


Relax - No one gets out alive

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This proves that you didn’t even read or understand what you said. You lack a little understanding there.

I agree with this statement.

Furthermore, one can think about the current season that started last Friday. Some may find it “fun” that there is a 4 player team that cleared GR 150 in 9 minutes and 18 seconds with a paragon range of 1371-1441. I think it demonstrates that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

The problem that needs to be fixed is the exploitable season theme.
However, what does that have to do with the power of the new DH set?


My argument is simple. Good game design includes fixing things that are OP/broken. To me, it is an incorrigible argument to say that something that is OP should be allowed to exist, since fixing it will “ruin everyone else’s fun”.

You’re surprised that he showed up making off topic arguments, that no one was talking about?


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Pretty sure the irony of him showing up and going “Digital Karen” in a thread supporting DH’s, considering his previous behavior, is going to be completely lost on him.

In case people missed it, I suspect this is going to be the next tactic used…

…so keep an eye open for what happens to the opening post over the next couple of days.


Why do you think he has so many alts? This tactic has already been in progress for some time.

YES :clap:t6: IN- :clap:t6: -DEED :clap:t6:

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When the game is so broken and tired that its players are better entertained by attacking each other on its forum…