Caleko s28 Planner

Very true. I certainly hope they improve the readability of that by Live.

This ended up being way more obtuse and annoying than expected…but I suppose that’s just because I don’t actually know the languages involved at all. I’m just making things up as I go, and it’s nonstop headaches of Googling and trying nine dozen things that don’t work :sweat_smile:

That said, it should be centered now! :partying_face:


I think that’s why the actual Altar in game was so shocking, I was used to the easy to read planner! If it went live like this I suppose it’d be OK, but that top half of the Altar is still hard to read and I’d find myself referring to the planner even more than I already do.

It really didn’t need to be anymore complicated than it is. And, yes, it’s very enjoyable! One of the highlights of the season is this period between PTR announcement and the Live Patch announcement where we plan new builds and strategies. With this season mixing that up a bit, an easy to use planner like this is really nice to have.

For being a self-proclaimed novice, I say you did a damn good job. It was very user friendly and informative. In today’s day and age, most things are not. I can qq till I die of old age about all the user-unfriendly interfaces that litter the internet and this isn’t one of them. It’s one of the few things I have saved on my browser task bar too.


My plan with it is to be entirely fine with only getting to 24. The sense of achievement is nice and the wings are really cool but also I hate constant reset running through areas to hope you get lucky and find something.

My current idea is to do it in those in between times when you want to play but also need a break from the same activities. So going to squeeze in a couple of minutes to half an hour every now and then between my regular GR then rift rotation.

I don’t know if I agree with that. From what I hear it shaves an hour or even two from your initial levelling, which is a huge percentage and general time save.

When I level a second character I don’t even go through the effort of full 70 gear or the tricks like Hellfire’s etc. I just start with a naked character and a level 70 two hander with gem of ease (usually a level 25 because meh) and it takes like no time. I can’t remember but like half an hour or an hour?

But disregarding actual time spent, to me it is comparing the effort saved. Levelling an alt is really no effort at all, you do it when you want a break from the normal flow of the game and there you go, by the time you get bored you are basically done. Levelling your first one is a multi hour process. And for many if not most players levelling takes the entire first night so having two hours of post 70 play will be quite a nice thing. And I am one of those that actually likes the levelling process, I actually make a little check list even though I know the steps and I time myself to try and see if I can finish early enough for more playing that night.

Might be a preference thing but I would rather shorten a long process than an already short one.

I don’t care about no shinies. I’m doing it all so that when a primal drops I can be doubly disappointed.

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You’re wrong. But, whatever.

Being able to instantly equip anything you want at any level is a huge advantage, but primarily for the secondary characters considering they don’t have to go through the process of obtaining anything to do it. It is a massive benefit for the second, third, fourth, or 9th character one plays in the season.

If, however, one plays a single character… it is much less interesting or useful.

I personally like the level process too, but… if I can get a level 1 character into a full set right at “birth” why in the hell would I not? That is the end goal, after all, allowing me immediately play whatever I had wanted to play from “day 0.”

What is he wrong about? For alts you should always go for a level 70 weapon with Gem of ease, hellfire ring and amulet, also a marquise ruby as soon as it’s available. The more alts you want, the higher should be your gem of ease and you should have both Cain’s sets and Leoric’s Crown at level 1. Leveling that way is way faster than just being able to wear the level 70 gear that’s available at the season start.


And nothing. Or whatever. It doesn’t matter in the end of the long run. Nor at the start of the short race.

Anyone else having problems with the planner no longer working on iOS? No issue on Android or PC, and no issues on iOS prior to today.

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Same issue here

Getting party locked is the most annoying imo. Even if that didn’t happen, there’s no ‘refresh’ or ‘reset’ feature. You have to leave an restart the game. It’s not like the caverns of frost spawns all the time, or chitara for that matter, or even the actual item needed. Thrice rng? No thanks.

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Reverted the change to center the planner, since apparently iOS can’t handle it :crying_cat_face:

Sorry for breaking it for some of you. I’ll have to figure out how to test mobile emulation later, I suppose. Like I said, this is an amateur thing here :rofl:

I'll revisit this tomorrow if I have time!

Thank you very much, Caleko.

You got randoms on the internet testing your stuff, in the industry that makes you a pro. :slight_smile:

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I mean I basically said it is my opinion and based on preference but ok.

Sure the second one will take like no time to get to 70 and less than normal to be set up to go while first one still takes time even though it is less than normal. The time spent from level 1 to X torment/GR level will obviously be lower.

But it is also not like you just create that character and have a prober build equipped either.

Maybe people who have done more alt levelling can give more accurate times but my feeling is that time saved is higher for the original one. But like I said, it is what I would rather spend it on whether it saves more time or not because it feels more impactful than making a short process basically non existent.

Except it isn’t opinion, it is fact, and you’re not wrong. It’s just that DeadlyMouse is too boneheaded or stubborn to accept the facts.

Fact: Prior to level 70, your max difficulty level is T6. So the level 70 items only helps in your ability to survive and kill at T6. And that isn’t going to be a problem until you reach level 60+.

Fact: There are so many advantages that you have leveling an alt:

  1. Paragon Points, probably at least a few hundred by the time you decide to level an alt.
  2. Cube powers. 3 extra powers that you can use, especially Leoric Crown.
  3. High level gems. A flawless royal ruby in your helm grants +82% XP when combined with LC. Having flawless royal gems in your chest and pants also gives a significant benefit.
  4. Hellfire Amulet and Ring: The amulet always comes with a socket. The ring has +XP, and you can roll a socket if it doesn’t come with it. That gives you slots for 2 more legendary gems.
  5. Legendary Gems: a 25+ GoE allows you to equip a level 70 weapon, in addition to massive XP per kill. At level 50, you get +3000 XP per kill. This alone will get you levels quickly. A 25+LoD will give you a boost in damage and toughness since you can have 3 legendaries already equipped from the start: weapon, HF ring, HF amulet. Bonus if any of those are ancient.

Given all those advantages, getting an alt to 70 takes only about 15-20 minutes. Being able to use more level 70 items will shave a few minutes at best, since you cannot go past T6. Compare that to potentially saving a few hours when leveling your first seasonal character, and it is clear that this altar power is much better for the initial seasonal character than any subsequent alt.

Again, this is fact, not opinion.


Thanks to Caleko for updating altar to projected s30 on ward changes. For those wanting to prep ahead on NS, this is good source of info.


I’m curious if there’ll be a consensus on the optimal path through the altar after all the changes.

There’s really no reason to worry about the optimal path. You’ll be stuck at 3 places: Leveling to 70, The Challenge Cache, and the Staff of Herding. The rest, you’ll pretty much collect in waves, or be so powerful, that the next step will be nothing.